gtagency / buzzmobile

An autonomous parade float/vehicle
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Many arduino fixes, plus some actuator testing launch files #146

Closed irapha closed 7 years ago

irapha commented 7 years ago

This PR fixes an undocumented issue in which, when first entering MANUAL mode, manual_car_pose was outputting a non-zero velocity (even though velocity trigger was not being pressed). The explanation can be found here.

This also fixes the issue in which command were apparently of acceleration, not speed. In reality, what was happening was, when this if statement failed (aka commands were being processed too quickly), the measured speed was not being reset, so the motor control wanted to accelerate but it never got the feedback saying thing were already fast, so it kept accelerating. Fixes #130.

Furthermore, we verified units and it seems that everywhere we send speed, we are sending m/s. Fixes #138.

In testing we also uncovered bugs #144 and #145.

Note: this PR also temporarily disables odom callback through Serial port. The reason being that we were sending those callbacks at every command received, which was blocking the Serial port half the time. The solution is to send odom callbacks through serial only once every x milliseconds. Fixing this is a part of #41.

joshuamorton commented 7 years ago

Just on launch files, does this set all the launch files to be the same way to unblock #121?