gtalarico / pyairtable

Python Api Client for Airtable
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ORM table `kwargs` wrapping #351

Closed BAPCon closed 5 months ago

BAPCon commented 6 months ago

In regards to issues like #187 and #186 , are we looking to wrap records related fields in the ORM module? Not sure if those are issues we are actively looking to solve.

You can already achieve, for example, return_fields_by_field_id when invoking functions in the Model like cls.all() and cls.first(). However, that requires the user to repeat the kwargs on each call. Would an explicit approach that allows these options to be assigned in the Meta subclass fit into the overall roadmap?

    def _kwargs_union(cls, request_args: dict):
        meta_keys = [
        args_union = {attr: cls._get_meta(attr) for attr in meta_keys if cls._get_meta(attr)}
        return args_union
    def all(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> List[SelfType]:
        Retrieve all records for this model. For all supported
        keyword arguments, see :meth:`Table.all <pyairtable.Table.all>`.
        table = cls.get_table()
        kwargs = cls._kwargs_union(kwargs)
        return [cls.from_record(record) for record in table.all(**kwargs)]

This then allows:

class Contact(Model):
    name = fields.TextField("fldxqagV60dzo00fV")
    class Meta:
        base_id = "base"
        table_name = "table"
        api_key = "your_key"
        timeout = (5, 5)
        typecast = True
mesozoic commented 6 months ago

I can definitely see a rationale for putting Api kwargs into the model configuration, since otherwise there's no way to provide them.

For the table kwargs, I think it's worth going case by case:

BAPCon commented 6 months ago

return_fields_by_field_id does not appear to break Model.all(), and I think it might be the only justifiable addition to the model configuration. I am not understanding what typecast does currently in the ORM code. Is it only on that it checks types?

mesozoic commented 6 months ago

As I understand it, typecast=True means that Airtable will make best effort to convert a string value to the appropriate data type. That means you can submit "2024-03-18" and it will coerce to a date; you can submit a record name to a linked record field, and Airtable will attempt to find the existing record (or create a new one). I'm ambivalent on whether this should default to true or false, but I think making it a Meta option is sensible. It's really only meaningful if you're not using mypy to type-check your code, though.

I don't think return_fields_by_field_id works in the current codebase because the return values won't match any of the existing field descriptors. I tested this here:

>>> import os
>>> from pyairtable.orm import Model, fields as f
>>> class Contact(Model):
...   class Meta:
...     api_key = os.environ['AIRTABLE_API_KEY']
...     base_id = 'appaPqizdsNHDvlEm'
...     table_name = 'Contact'
...   name = f.TextField('First Name')
>>> print(Contact.all()[0].name)
>>> print(Contact.all(return_fields_by_field_id=True)[0].name)

So I think this only makes sense as a Meta configuration option, indicating the model is configured with field IDs instead of field names. I don't think we should allow passing the return_fields_by_field_id parameter to Model.all() at all.

These would both be welcome additions to the 3.0 release :)

mesozoic commented 6 months ago

On further inspection, it looks like we do already support timeout and typecast as model options (here and here). So what's left here, imho, is:

  1. Support a use_field_ids option in Model.Meta that forces return_fields_by_field_id=True.
  2. Disallow kwargs like cell_format or return_fields_by_field_id in Model.all()
BAPCon commented 6 months ago

Sounds good, I agree with everything said.