gtalug / infrastructure

GTALUG infrastructure (the server).
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Figure out a way to get SpamAssassin working with Mailman #10

Closed myles closed 9 years ago

myles commented 9 years ago

myles commented 9 years ago

Set this up.

cbbrowne commented 9 years ago

Could you indicate what directory contains the configuration, so I can pull that into what's backed up? Many thanks!

myles commented 9 years ago


cbbrowne commented 9 years ago

Excellent. There don't seem to be any sensitive parameters in that file.

Added a script to back that up...

And here's a sample run (which happened to include checking in the above script)

I took a peek in /etc/spamassasin; it looks like there are no customizations done there, is that right? If there are local changes, I'd like to catch that too, but it seems like there aren't. If there aren't, then we're done with this, feel free to reclose.

[metacomment... I'll likely be reopening some things to make sure we have interesting bits backed up. Best to not close things off 'til that's done. And that provides "for free" a bit of documentation as to what sorts of special things might be found, and where, which would be useful to someone trying to figure out what goes on with our infrastructure...]

myles commented 9 years ago

There are no customizations to the spamassassin config as of yet.