gtalug / infrastructure

GTALUG infrastructure (the server).
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Get some moderators for the Talk Mailing List #35

Open myles opened 9 years ago

myles commented 9 years ago

We need to find some moderators for the mailing list.

Their roles will be:

  1. Approving new members to the mailing list.
  2. Moderating messages that get flagged (to large attachment and the like).
  3. Moderating people when they break the Code of Conduct.
  4. Moderating people when they break the Mailing List rules.

Mailing List Rules:

This list is for the discussion of Linux related issues, news, problems, and ideas. This list is not anyone's personal soapbox. It is not for the discussion of political, social, or religious issues, bad jokes, personal rants or similar non Linux related discussion. Unsolicited commercial advertising will not be tolerated. Any subscribers who offers or requests pirated software, license keys or cracks, and similar will be dropped from the list without warning.