gtalug / infrastructure

GTALUG infrastructure (the server).
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Backup all the GitHub Org. #7

Open myles opened 9 years ago

myles commented 9 years ago

Figure out a way to automatically backup all the GTALUG GitHub data (repos, wikis, issues, etc).

cbbrowne commented 9 years ago


There is a tool for this...

At first blush, it should be reasonable to just have a script to pull all the repos. I think the wikis come from data checked into the repos, so nothing needs to be done for that. The github-backup tool is needful to deal with issues.

cbbrowne commented 9 years ago

There's a "meta question" which is what's the place to back it up to. A plausible answer is for us to set up a script to make it easy for several "Operations People" duplicate the material to their favorite places. If I have a copy, and Myles has a copy, as do Scott and Mike, then perhaps that's a good enough answer. Mind you, we need to be regularly updating our copies.

In effect, one of the scripts in the "backups" repo should be targeted at pulling everything off of GitHub.