gtarawneh / languagetool-sublime

Proof-reading and grammar checker for English, French, German, Polish and 20+ other languages
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Start server is not working #25

Closed reagle closed 4 years ago

reagle commented 7 years ago

Following on from issue #24 and using the following configuration:

╰─➤  cat '/Users/reagle/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/LanguageTool.sublime-settings'
"languagetool_jar": "/Users/reagle/bin/LanguageTool-3.7/languagetool.jar",
"languagetool_server_local": "http://localhost:8081/v2/check",
"languagetool_server_remote": "",

If I use the ST command Start Local Server I get a "could not parse server response" error when I then invoke Check Text (Local Server). I can see that the server is running (though I don't know what port):

reagle           14478   0.0  4.7  6992972 396872   ??  S     8:17AM   0:07.14 /usr/bin/java -jar /Users/reagle/bin/LanguageTool-3.7/languagetool.jar -t

If I kill that process and manually run the following, then Check Text (Local Server) works!

java -cp ~/bin/LanguageTool-3.7/languagetool-server.jar org.languagetool.server.HTTPServer --port 8081
automan000 commented 6 years ago

Hi. I find the same issue on my mac. My solution is:

digulla commented 5 years ago

Same bug as #29 which has a PR.

digulla commented 4 years ago

This was fixed with . Can it be closed?

reagle commented 4 years ago

I'm not using this, and if documented and fixed elsewhere, fine by me.