gtbluesky / onnxruntime_flutter

A flutter plugin for OnnxRuntime provides an easy, flexible, and fast Dart API to integrate Onnx models in flutter apps across mobile and desktop platforms.
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Instantiate _isolateSession when created fromAddress #8

Closed vishnukvmd closed 6 months ago

vishnukvmd commented 6 months ago

Unbreaks release() for OrtSessions created fromAddress

gtbluesky commented 6 months ago

OrtSession.fromAddress should not be used externally.

vishnukvmd commented 6 months ago

In cases where we are creating the OrtSession from a different isolate (to prevent jank while reading the model file), and if we have to run an inference later, isn't fromAddress the best way to recreate the session?

If there's a better way, please let me know!

Thank you!

gtbluesky commented 6 months ago

Try the 1.3.0