gtech-mulearn / WikiSyllabus

A collaborative project to build an evolving website/wiki to host, enhance, link, extend & update the university syllabus to help students find a way to connect their education to what’s new in the industry.
MIT License
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WikiSyllabus #47

Open Jenin82 opened 1 month ago

Alan0602 commented 1 month ago

Describe the Issue

To contribute to the open-source platform in mulearn called WikiSyllabus

Go to the src Folder

  1. Navigate to the Wikisyllabus folder.
  2. If you are contributing materials for other universities, create a new folder with the university's name (e.g., foldername: MG). Inside this folder, add a file and type the university's name (e.g., MG).

For contributions to KTU (Kerala Technological University):

  1. There are two folders: 2019_scheme and 2015_scheme.

  2. Inside each of these folders, there are seven folders, S1&S2 to S8.

  3. Go to the folder corresponding to the semester you want to contribute.

  4. Create a new folder with the course code as its name.

  5. Add a file inside this folder and type the current folder's name, and the subject name. Add its index that your going to contribute md files Example :-(If your Subject is C-programming)

    #### INDEX
    - [Introduction to C Programming](./
    - [Variables and Keywords](./
    - [Datatypes](./
  6. You can create one or more .md files in this folder. The names of these files should be specific to their content.

Adding Content to the .md File

  1. If you have a PDF file, you can copy the text from the PDF and paste it into the .md file.
  2. If there are any pictures in the PDF, take a screenshot and upload it at the appropriate position in the .md file.
    • If you are using GitHub for editing, you can easily drag and drop the image at the desired position.
  3. If the study material you want to contribute is already present, do not add it again. However, if there are any changes or additions to the existing content, you can edit the corresponding .md file and add your content below the current one.

Adding Your Name to the Contributors List

  1. Open the file in the repository.
  2. Add a new <td> inside the table like this: <table><tr><td></td></tr></table>.
  3. Inside the <td> tag, add your details in the following format:
<td align="center">
  <a href="">
    <img src="link_of_your_image_from_github" width="100px;" alt="" />
    <br />
  <br />
  <a href="your_commit_link" title="File_type">Give a symbol</a>
  1. Commit your changes and create a pull request.

All the files in this project are .md files. You would need to have Markdown knowledge to contribute to this project.

Expected Result


Jenin82 commented 1 month ago

@Kochouseph26John What is the status of wikisyllabus task and bot in discord ?

Alan0602 commented 1 month ago

There is an issue in production:-

How to get it:-

KTU └── 2019_scheme └── S6 └── CSE └── CST306

Production Link:- WikiSyllabus



Assign @vishakh-abhayan to solve it

vishakh-abhayan commented 1 month ago

There is an issue in production:-

How to get it:-

KTU └── 2019_scheme └── S6 └── CSE └── CST306

Production Link:- WikiSyllabus



Assign @vishakh-abhayan to solve it

ok, i will look at it