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InterestGroupPage-Innovation By Design-issue 07 #1453

Open muraliaiswarya opened 1 month ago

muraliaiswarya commented 1 month ago

Describe your issue

when clicking on Innovation By Design, the page get directed to Engineering Design Challenge

Steps to reproduce

1.Launch browser 2.Enter the URL "" on check out group of "IoT Robotics and Digital Fabrications" on check out of "Internet of Things" on Enablement Tasks scroll to existing challenge on check out challenge of Innovation By Design

What was the expected result?

should get redirected to the Innovation By Design page Actual: got redirected to the Engineering Design Challenge page.

Put here any screenshots or videos (optional)

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viraka commented 1 month ago

More specifically.. the checkout challenge links are flipped for both the buttons... will need to change the flip back the hrefs
