Closed GusBon closed 6 months ago
It could be a few things. I am using a slightly modified version of Crazyswarm2 which is a bit outdated. The modifications I made are to directly control attitude setpoints through its own topic instead of the cmd_vel_legacy option. Although that shouldn't stop you from using cmd_vel_legacy. Are you initially sending all zeros like I do here. I believe this a requirement from the firmware when you want to switch to the low level commander. Otherwise the firmware will reject all the inputs and the motors won't spin.
Ok, Thank for this answer and for the precision on the attitude set points topic. So, as you said the problem was that i didn't publish all zeros at the beginning of the sim. It is now working by doing so. Thanks a lot ! : )
Hi, I am trying to control a Crazyflie by sending to it roll pitch yaw and thrust commands. I have developed a node that publish on topics of Crazyswarm2.
But after some tests, the node appears to be working but nothing happens on Crazysim, the propellers of the Crazyflie are not turning. I am publishing on the cmd_vel_legacy topic. The node is publishing correctly on the topic when I echo it and the crazyflie servers seems to receive the data also. For more details, I have already discussed about it on the Crazyswarm2 github ( And as a result of this discussion, it appears that the modified version of the Cflib used in Crazysim seems to be where the things are malfunctioning.
I have tested with another node to publish on the cmd_hover topic, and this time everything works fine, the drone fly to the wanted position.