gtg092x / SimpleTodo

Todo intro project for codepath training
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[Android Bootcamp] Project 0: Todo - Ready for Review #1

Open gtg092x opened 9 years ago

gtg092x commented 9 years ago

My app is complete @nesquena @thecodepath @codepathreview @codepath

nesquena commented 9 years ago

Please review the submission instructions and include a README with GIF walkthrough of your project as outlined. Ping me back here so I can check again afterwards.

gtg092x commented 9 years ago

@nesquena - got this over the weekend, you had your original delivery date on a holiday. Is it too late to make this change?

gtg092x commented 9 years ago

Added the missing files anyway. LiceCap 125 does not work correctly on OSX 10.9 - I uploaded the resulting screen for completion's sake, but we need a different screen recorder if this is going to be a requirement.

nesquena commented 9 years ago

Come by the class today if you'd like to participate in the sessions. Since LiceCap doesn't work can you try simply recording the emulator with QuickTime as outlined here and including the recording in the repo instead of as a GIF. We are looking to switch over to quicktime screen recording soon anyways.

gtg092x commented 9 years ago

Nathan, thanks for the response - I'm the guy that's in LA and can't make it in person to every class. Did you have a final judgement about the best way to participate? Do I need to cancel? I've got about 1.5 hours to cancel without penalty.

nesquena commented 9 years ago

No need to cancel. I will be posting panopto recordings to the email I plan to send after every class. You can watch the recordings and other videos to keep up with content. You will receive weekly emails every Tuesday / Thursday in summary. This is a project course, so I would encourage you to work on the projects each week and you will be able to get a lot out of the class.