gtg092x / gulp-sftp

Gulp SFTP Deploy
140 stars 61 forks source link

Still have "gulp-sftp SFTP abrupt closure" error #49

Closed breogangf closed 3 years ago

breogangf commented 8 years ago

npm list ssh2

project@1.0.0 /Users/breogangf/Workspace/project
└─┬ gulp-sftp@0.1.5
  └── ssh2@0.3.6

Hi guys,

I am on Mac OS X 10.11.1 and my gulp-sftp fails with the following message:

14:43:35] 'publish' errored after 352 ms
[14:43:35] Error in plugin 'gulp-sftp'
    Disconnected by host (PROTOCOL_ERROR): Packet integrity error.
    level: connection-ssh
    description: Packet integrity error.
[14:43:35] Connection :: end
[14:43:35] gulp-sftp SFTP abrupt closure
[14:43:35] Connection :: close

I am doing a normal publish task to our NAS

gulp.task('publish', ['zip'], function () { 
    return gulp.src('./build/' + zipBaseName + '*' + zipExtension)
            host: MY_NAS_IP,
            remotePath: MY_REMOTE_PATH,
            auth: NAS_AUTH
littledu commented 8 years ago

yes, me too


ghost commented 8 years ago

me too

tkmoney commented 7 years ago


williansmartins commented 7 years ago

me too +1

Rubenkl commented 7 years ago


peacefulseeker commented 7 years ago

Are you sure you have ability to connect to server via SFTP port 22? Check out in Filezilla first. Had the same issue, but the problem was that there were no option in my hosting tariff to connect via SFTP. Hope will be useful for somebody.

jing2si commented 6 years ago

Try set options.timeout a long time.

thomasfrobieter commented 6 years ago

+1 Is there no possibility to simply trigger a reconnect on error? Basically it shouldn't stop the whole Gulp script, so if I hit save again, it should try the upload again.

awadley-stoneriver commented 5 years ago

+1 Still an issue

thomasfrobieter commented 1 year ago

Not sure why this is closed, the issue still persists.