gtiosclub / Nomad

Fall 2024 Project
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added basic speech recognition feature if microphone button is clicke… #178

Closed gandenfunggt closed 1 month ago

gandenfunggt commented 1 month ago

…d. Commented out the feature where transcription pauses after two seconds of silence because it wasn't working and make sure not to say done when prompting gpt

gandenfunggt commented 1 month ago

@royankit11 try testing the speech recognition and I can make emergency fixes before the demo tmr if needed. Sometimes it kinda does miss the last word so give it like 1-2 seconds after you finish talking before clicking the microphone button again and I've commented out the feature where it will end after 2 seconds without a word because it seemingly deleted the transcription...

i'll keep working on the live transcription in the message bubble feature