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Change clone/closure macro syntax to play better with rustfmt and other tooling #1394

Closed sdroege closed 3 weeks ago

sdroege commented 1 month ago

E.g. the following is treated correctly by rustfmt again because it's all valid Rust syntax. Using only valid Rust syntax would also allow us to make use of syn/quote, which hopefully makes it easier to preserve spans correctly, and make rust-analyzer and other tooling work better too.

    let x = clone!(
        #[strong(self, rename_to = "y")]
        move |a, b, c| {
            print!("{a} {b} {c} {x} {y}");
sdroege commented 1 month ago

I'll probably look into this during the hackfest. In the meantime if anybody has syntax suggestions...

sophie-h commented 1 month ago

@felinira and I played around with this ages ago. I think that option c is a bit special but also much faster to type for me.

        let x = clone!(
            // a
            #[strong(self, rename_to = "y")]
            // b
            self as y,
            // c
            &'weak x,
            self as &'strong y,
            // return
            // a
            // b
            // c
            return false,
            move |a, b, c| {
                print!("{a} {b} {c} {x} {y}");

For completeness: This one works as well. But I think it might be a bit confusing.

        let x = clone!(
            move |#[weak] x, #[strong] y: self, a, b, c| {
                print!("{a} {b} {c} {x} {y}");
sdroege commented 1 month ago

Interesting ideas, thanks! Just some initial impression / thoughts on these

I kind of like c for the references but it might indeed be a bit special while the attributes look more familiar. For the attributes, I think I would prefer b. Less verbose than a and equally descriptive.

For the return either a or b seem fine. c is strange because you have a return statement as a parameter, which you'd never have anywhere else.

The last one ("for completeness") is indeed to confusing IMHO. Those variables are captured from the environment, not parameters to the closure.

Maybe C++ lambda capture lists can also give some inspiration here but personally I think that syntax is too compressed and strange.

DaKnig commented 1 month ago

to me the most natural is a and a because it's what I would expect when coming from rust.

sdroege commented 1 month ago

b for the return value has the advantage that you get formatting for the whole expression, but maybe it should be made a closure then. Arbitrary Rust expressions inside the attribute would have to be written as a string.

|| Foo::new(1, 2, 3).to_string()
sophie-h commented 1 month ago

Drawback of b is that the formatter wants two lines for one variable

A6GibKm commented 1 month ago

I feel like I prefer a, but I think syntax highlight and more complex expressions will have a better time with b.

zecakeh commented 1 month ago

To me, it feels like, a would be closer to the syntax of clone if it were an attribute macro:

#[clone(weak(x), strong(self, rename_to = "y"), default_return(false))]
move |a, b, c| {
  print!("{a} {b} {c} {x} {y}");

While b feels more natural for a function-like macro.

felinira commented 1 month ago

a would be closer to the syntax of clone if it were an attribute macro

Unfortunately attributes on closures are unstable, so this is not really an option. Otherwise this would be a nice solution indeed.

sdroege commented 1 month ago

The problem with that is also that attribute macros only contain string values, not code. For the default return you'd ideally want something that is treated as code so it gets proper formatting and handling by rust-analyzer.

sdroege commented 1 month ago

So, after playing around with all the options this is what I'm going to implement:

        let x = clone!(
            #[strong(rename_to = "y")]
            || false,
            move |a, b, c| {
                print!("{a} {b} {c} {x} {y}");

That seems to have the least amount of strangenesses syntax-wise and keeps strings to identifiers.

DaKnig commented 1 month ago

why not rename_from? that is how usually things are done in other rust things

DaKnig commented 1 month ago

for example from the top of my head: also this way you have identifiers be identifiers

sdroege commented 1 month ago

As discussed on Matrix, this would have many drawbacks

SeaDve commented 1 month ago

So, after playing around with all the options this is what I'm going to implement:

        let x = clone!(
            #[strong(rename_to = "y")]
            move |a, b, c| {
                print!("{a} {b} {c} {x} {y}");

That seems to have the least amount of strangenesses syntax-wise and keeps strings to identifiers.

I wonder if the following would also work, since I think rename_to is a bit verbose:

        let x = clone!(
            self as y,
            move |a, b, c| {
                print!("{a} {b} {c} {x} {y}");
sdroege commented 1 month ago

That would also work but I thought it would be a bit strange because usually the right side of an as expression is a type and not a variable name.

SeaDve commented 1 month ago

That would also work but I thought it would be a bit strange because usually the right side of an as expression is a type and not a variable name.

I found it similar to the as in use statements (e.g., use std::command::Command as StdCommand;

sdroege commented 1 month ago

It's easy to change and I don't have a strong opinion either way. Anybody else?

sdroege commented 1 month ago

One problem that might happen is that currently you can do

#[strong(rename_to = "x")]
1 + 2 + 3

With as the precendence is different:

1 + 2 + 3 as x

the as x would bind to 3 and not to the whole expression on the left side. That's probably possible to work around

SeaDve commented 1 month ago

I think that also applies with as statements in general. Other than, I think that is a very rare case and one could simply use parentheses, or the macro could treat the entire left hand side as one.

A6GibKm commented 1 month ago

One of the points here was for rustfmt and clippy to be able to do their work, using the askeyword might bite us back in the future.

sdroege commented 1 month ago

Also please check the PR:

Let's move discussion over there.

sdroege commented 1 month ago

As @pbor pointed out, as would conflict with things if we wanted to actually do a cast as part of the expression that is captured. So let's not do that.