`>>>>>>>>|- ERROR in [bdal-logconf:logger_config.cpp:379] - XML analysis error: The resulting configuration is unusable - Falling back to default configuration:
Dynamic exception type: std::bad_cast
std::exception::what: std::bad_cast
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::interprocess::interprocess_exception'
what(): boost::interprocess::intermodule_singleton initialization failed
.command.sh: line 3: 79273 Aborted`
Similar to the error caused by the Boost C++ library, but using older versions of Python when creating a venv does not appear to fix the issue. Therefore, support for LC-MS/MS (BAF files, no TIMS data) is currently only available in Windows until a fix or workaround can be found.
`>>>>>>>>|- ERROR in [bdal-logconf:logger_config.cpp:379] - XML analysis error: The resulting configuration is unusable - Falling back to default configuration: Dynamic exception type: std::bad_cast std::exception::what: std::bad_cast
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::interprocess::interprocess_exception' what(): boost::interprocess::intermodule_singleton initialization failed .command.sh: line 3: 79273 Aborted`
Similar to the error caused by the Boost C++ library, but using older versions of Python when creating a venv does not appear to fix the issue. Therefore, support for LC-MS/MS (BAF files, no TIMS data) is currently only available in Windows until a fix or workaround can be found.