gtluu / timsconvert
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AmbiguousTermWarning: Multiple unit options are possible for parameter 'base peak intensity' but none were specified #33

Closed jflucier closed 11 months ago

jflucier commented 2 years ago


when I the program using the test data:

singularity exec --writable-tmpfs -e \
/nfs3_ib/ip29-ib/ip29/sheela_group/programs/containers/dia-ms.sif \
python /timsconvert/bin/ --input /nfs3_ib/ip29-ib/ip29/sheela_group/programs/containers/timsconvert_tests/ --outdir /nfs3_ib/ip29-ib/ip29/sheela_group/programs/containers/timsconvert_tests/data --exclude_mobility --verbose

I get these warnings:

/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/psims/mzml/ AmbiguousTermWarning: Multiple unit options are possible for parameter 'base peak intensity' but none were specified
/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/psims/mzml/ AmbiguousTermWarning: Multiple unit options are possible for parameter 'base peak intensity' but none were specified

Here is the full exec log:

convert_tests/ --outdir /nfs3_ib/ip29-ib/ip29/sheela_group/programs/containers/timsconvert_tests/data --exclude_mobility --verbose
2022-08-30_11-37-31-298235:Initialize Bruker .dll file...
2022-08-30_11-37-31-399510:Loading input data...
2022-08-30_11-37-31-399867:Reading file: /nfs3_ib/ip29-ib/ip29/sheela_group/programs/containers/timsconvert_tests/
2022-08-30 11:37:31.526350 [tid=0x8630d180] [WARN ] Requested recalibration file "/nfs3_ib/ip29-ib/ip29/sheela_group/programs/containers/timsconvert_tests/" does not exists. Fallback to instrument calibration from tdf.
2022-08-30_11-37-31-575524:input: /nfs3_ib/ip29-ib/ip29/sheela_group/programs/containers/timsconvert_tests/
2022-08-30_11-37-31-575752:outdir: /nfs3_ib/ip29-ib/ip29/sheela_group/programs/containers/timsconvert_tests/data
2022-08-30_11-37-31-575922:mode: centroid
2022-08-30_11-37-31-576006:compression: zlib
2022-08-30_11-37-31-576082:ms2_only: False
2022-08-30_11-37-31-576160:exclude_mobility: True
2022-08-30_11-37-31-576239:encoding: 64
2022-08-30_11-37-31-576365:barebones_metadata: False
2022-08-30_11-37-31-576441:profile_bins: 0
2022-08-30_11-37-31-576516:maldi_output_file: combined
2022-08-30_11-37-31-576666:imzml_mode: processed
2022-08-30_11-37-31-576741:lcms_backend: timsconvert
2022-08-30_11-37-31-576815:chunk_size: 10
2022-08-30_11-37-31-576889:verbose: True
2022-08-30_11-37-31-576964:start_frame: -1
2022-08-30_11-37-31-577038:end_frame: -1
2022-08-30_11-37-31-577112:precision: 10.0
2022-08-30_11-37-31-577206:ms1_threshold: 100
2022-08-30_11-37-31-577315:ms2_threshold: 10
2022-08-30_11-37-31-577390:ms2_nlargest: -1
2022-08-30_11-37-31-577464:version: 1.1.0
2022-08-30_11-37-31-577538:infile: /nfs3_ib/ip29-ib/ip29/sheela_group/programs/containers/timsconvert_tests/
2022-08-30_11-37-31-577616:.tsf file detected...
2022-08-30_11-37-31-577704:Processing MALDI dried droplet data...
2022-08-30_11-37-31-577784:Initializing mzML Writer...
2022-08-30_11-37-31-581618:Initializing controlled vocabularies...
2022-08-30_11-37-32-327398:Writing mzML metadata...
2022-08-30_11-37-32-334649:Writing data to .mzML file /nfs3_ib/ip29-ib/ip29/sheela_group/programs/containers/timsconvert_tests/data/rs17e_1mgml_no_tims_1_0_C2_MS.mzML...
2022-08-30_11-37-32-335093:Calculating number of spectra...
/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/psims/mzml/ AmbiguousTermWarning: Multiple unit options are possible for parameter 'base peak intensity' but none were specified
/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/psims/mzml/ AmbiguousTermWarning: Multiple unit options are possible for parameter 'base peak intensity' but none were specified
2022-08-30_11-37-32-378134:Updating scan count...
2022-08-30_11-37-32-381740:Finished writing to .mzML file /nfs3_ib/ip29-ib/ip29/sheela_group/programs/containers/timsconvert_tests/data/rs17e_1mgml_no_tims_1_0_C2_MS.mzML...

Is this normal behaviour or chould it be of concern?


mwang87 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for asking! I think those warnings are fine, we're likely doing a slightly wrong thing in writing out the mzML without the right units in that area, but intensity generally doesnt really need units anyway, but we'll take a look!

jflucier commented 2 years ago

Maybe of interest to you, here is me recipe file to build singularity container (your HPC users could be interested):

# build new image using this command:
# singularity build --force --fakeroot dia-ms.sif dia-ms.def
# test env:
# singularity exec --writable-tmpfs -e \
# dia-ms.sif \
# python /timsconvert/bin/

BootStrap: docker
From: ubuntu:20.04


    export PATH="/miniconda3/bin:$PATH"

    apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade

    ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York /etc/localtime

    apt-get -y install \
    build-essential \
    wget \
    bzip2 \
    ca-certificates \
    git \
    openjdk-17-jre \
    cpanminus \
    perl \

    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
    apt-get clean

    cd /
    wget -c
    /bin/bash -bfp /miniconda3
    export PATH=/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
    . /miniconda3/etc/profile.d/

    echo "__conda_setup="$('/miniconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
    echo "if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
    echo "    eval "$__conda_setup"" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
    echo "    if [ -f \"/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/\" ]; then" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
    echo "        . \"/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/\"" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
    echo "    else" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
    echo "        export PATH=\"/miniconda3/bin:$PATH\"" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
    echo "    fi" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
    echo "unset __conda_setup" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT

    conda install -y python=3.7
    conda install -y -c bioconda nextflow

    cd /
    git clone -c core.symlinks=true
    cd /timsconvert
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install git+
gtluu commented 11 months ago

Very late to this but to elaborate on the warning this issue mentions, that was an warning from an old version of psims (0.1.34) that appeared when no intensity value was explicitly provided for the base peak intensity. This resulted in the use of the default CV param MS:1000131 number of detector counts, which should be the correct CV param. 434d61f6696859074289a51f628a8c9677087c79 has updated psims to version 1.2.7 and explicitly calls for this CV param for base peak intensity value so this should no longer appear.

Also thank you for the singularity container, I will reference this as I (slowly) continue to add various recipe files.