gtournie / redux-form-validators

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Where can I find the version changelog? #59

Closed mrlubos closed 5 years ago

mrlubos commented 5 years ago


I am struggling to find a comprehensive list of changes between releases, could anyone point me to it please?


gtournie commented 5 years ago

@mrlubos Sorry, but there is no changelog available. Maybe if you're telling me what you're looking for I can help you out

mrlubos commented 5 years ago

@gtournie When there’s a new update to this package, we cannot blindly accept it and update because it might break something. It’s also not feasible to compare source code and try to figure out what new features are available or other changes made. That’s why change logs are useful

gtournie commented 5 years ago

@mrlubos that's why they invented semantic versioning, to be sure nothing will break when you update your packages ;) Unless you updated this package to a new major release, you should be fine.

That said, change logs are still useful. I will think about it in the next updates.

mrlubos commented 5 years ago

Thank you @gtournie

mikeplis commented 5 years ago

It's great that you use semantic versioning, but without a changelog, it can be hard to figure out what broke between major versions and how to migrate from one major version to another. My project is still on v2 and I'd like to upgrade to v3, but I'm not sure what actually broke.

After digging through the commits, it seems like it was due to changes in how the url validator works. Is that correct? Was that the only breaking change?