gtrak / no.disassemble

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Use with deps.edn projects? #17

Open mac01021 opened 4 years ago

mac01021 commented 4 years ago

Can this tool be used in non-leiningen projects?

I would like to use it in my clj repl. I can include no.disassemble in deps.edn, but that does not run the process with the agent attached.
Are there instructions to do that?

seancorfield commented 4 years ago

Once you have the JAR in your local repo, you can start a REPL like this:

$ clj -Sdeps '{:deps {nodisassemble/nodisassemble {:mvn/version "0.1.3"}}}' -J-javaagent:$HOME/.m2/repository/nodisassemble/nodisassemble/0.1.3/nodisassemble-0.1.3.jar
Initializing NoDisassemble Transformer
Clojure 1.10.1
user=> (require '[no.disassemble :as nope])
user=> (nope/disassemble (fn []))
"// Compiled from NO_SOURCE_FILE (version unknown : 52.0, super bit)\npublic final class user$eval360$fn__361 extends..."

Updated to use an environment variable for a command that should work everywhere.