gtrebilcock / BitcoinEconometrics

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Final Report - Peer Review #15

Open naviyakothari opened 4 years ago

naviyakothari commented 4 years ago

This is an extremely thorough report and I appreciate the effort your team has put in to extract findings. In your data analysis project, you’re undertaking the behemoth task of predicting bitcoin prices using historical data.

Your report used visualizations perfectly to complement explanations and present findings in an appealing way. For every method used, I like that there are 1-2 lines spent on describing the its essence/utility. Finally, the large variety of techniques used are also commendable. Despite running into hardships with some of them, you continued to seek perhaps more effective ones.

I think this report is near perfect, but some quick suggestions would include: making the write-up more succinct and justifying why a certain method was chosen over the others. There are certain sections of the paper that run on for slightly longer than they need to, which when adjusted for, can help you fit within the page limit. Justifications for choosing a method would be an additional level of detail that can explain your rationale.

Great work overall though!