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Final Project Review- KK992 #18

Open krish9d opened 4 years ago

krish9d commented 4 years ago

The project report is very thorough and complete. The group attempted to solve a hard problem and did a good job exploring many ways to tackle the issue. Some big positives are - really understanding the problem and considering a reasonable set of features for the task. Applying many reasonable techniques to the problem and evaluating them well. Being fair and unbiased and showing their results and accurately reporting them.

Feedback - I would have liked to see a more detailed results/discussion section at the end, given the effort you put into other areas. Maybe summarizing results from different techniques etc. Also, it would have been better if your conclusions did stated some critical insights you gained while attempting to solve it (you mention that the problem is hard, but that was expected from the start and need not take up most of the conclusion section).

Nevertheless, I think the report was great and that you did an excellent job!