gtrebilcock / BitcoinEconometrics

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Peer Review - xz734 #3

Open zhaixinqi opened 4 years ago

zhaixinqi commented 4 years ago

The project is about predicting the movement of bitcoin prices. Since the standard economics theories would not explain the price for bitcoin, the team wants to find features that determine bitcoin price. The dataset that they will be using is the historical bitcoin pricing in the past seven years, the gold price. The U.S. monthly inflation rate and the GPU pricing.

Three things I like about the proposal:

  1. The proposal is well written and the goal is clear.
  2. It includes references that indicate they have a comprehensive understanding of the problem and potential solutions.
  3. It mentions some of the features that will influence the prediction.

Three areas for improvement:

  1. Since the price formation for bitcoin may involve a lot of complicated factors, I am wondering if there are more features that the group will consider.
  2. How will the team validate their results?
  3. Given that the group would use four different datasets, how will they combine these datasets into one model?