gtreshchev / RuntimeSpeechRecognizer

Cross-platform, real-time, offline speech recognition plugin for Unreal Engine. Based on Whisper OpenAI technology, whisper.cpp.
MIT License
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Feature: Allow choose model in runtime (when creating the recognizer) #5

Open kqkq opened 1 year ago

kqkq commented 1 year ago

It's a common practice to use a tiny model for the streaming process. And use a larger model to get an accurate result when the full audio is received.

Can we add an option to choose the model when we create a recognizer? Then we can use 2 recognizers with different models to finish the job above.

gtreshchev commented 1 year ago

The current workflow involves selecting the language model once on the editor side and then using it on the packaged side. But your idea is great, as it allows for dynamic language model selection at runtime based on user preferences, thank you! I'll implement it at some point.