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STEAP compilation -- broken gtsam call #5

Closed sashalambert closed 5 years ago

sashalambert commented 5 years ago

Compilation error on STEAP interface:

/usr/local/include/gpmp2/planner/ISAM2TrajOptimizer-inl.h:106:63: error: no matching function for call to ‘gtsam::ISAM2::update(gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph&, gtsam::Values&, std::vector<long unsigned int>&)’
   isam_.update(inc_graph_, init_values_, removed_factor_index_);

Latest GTSAM version (commit:6f8bfe0) has the following ISAM2 update call:

gtsam::ISAM2Result gtsam::ISAM2::update(const gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph&, const gtsam::Values&, const FactorIndices&)

using the FactorIndices typdef.

mhmukadam commented 5 years ago

Yes, the ISAM2 API slightly changed on the GTSAM side recently. update() function now uses FactorIndices which is typedef from FastVector. This affected the GPMP2 API and is now updated appropriately. If you pull and make check install GPMP2 and try PIPER again, the compilation error should go away.