gtxaspec / wz_mini_hacks

wz camera mods... make your camera better.
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V2 installation proposed changes #241

Open gtxaspec opened 1 year ago

gtxaspec commented 1 year ago

current method:

  1. Run compile script
  2. script downloads firmware
  3. extracts firmware
  4. replace kernel
  5. repack firmware
  6. flash demo.bin
  7. boot wz_mini

The downside to this, is the need to modify the onboard flash with a new kernel image

proposed method:

  1. Flash special demo.bin containing kernel only (ONLY ONCE, EVER, PER v2 DEVICE), which will flash a new version of u-boot, able to load a kernel directly from the memory card.
  2. download the stock firmware from the vendor
  3. flash stock firmware demo.bin ( we need this step since step 1 erases the onboard system, root, and driver partitions )
  4. boot wz_mini the same way you boot it on the t31 devices, it will load the kernel from memory card.

The downside to the proposed method, is the risk of potentially permanently bricking the camera if something goes wrong during the u-boot flash procedure. (unless you know how to remove the flash memory chip and manually flash it using a programmer). upgrading the bootloader is always a risky proposition.

The upside is, the camera's flash chip is never touched again, since everything is loaded from the memory card. no modified kernel resides on the camera, making it easier to uninstall wz_mini by simply removing or formatting the memory card.

I will do more testing to see if I can run into this situation.

gtxaspec commented 1 year ago

I have successfully flashed four v2 devices using this method. If anyone would like to test, let me know!

gtxaspec commented 1 year ago

Here are the new provisional installation directions for T20 devices which does not require compiling the firmware:


Installation ( for PanV1/V2 ONLY )

  1. This step only needs to be done ONCE, ever, for t20 based devices
  2. Format memory card, FAT32, DOS Partition type
  3. extract the file named demo_uboot.bin.gz, and then copy the file named demo_uboot.bin to root of memory card, and make sure it is the only file on the memory card
  4. rename the file named demo_uboot.bin that you copied in the previous step, to demo.bin in the root of the memory card, again making sure it is the only file on the memory card
  5. insert memory card into device. hold the setup button while inserting the power cable. the LED should light up purple, then you can let go of the button ( standard firmware flashing procedure )
  6. once the flashing is complete, the camera will reboot, and the LED will start rapidly flashing, once the rapid flashing stops, the camera will reboot.
  7. remove the memory card, insert it back into your computer, delete file named demo.bin on the memory card
  8. download the stock firmware for the device. follow the standard flashing procedures.
  9. once the camera has been successfully flashed with the stock firmware, you may now proceed to install wz_mini
  10. you may now copy the contents of SD_ROOT to the memory card
  11. extract factory_ZMC6tiIDQN.gz and copy it to the root of the memory card
  12. you may now boot wz_mini on the t20 device.

after flashing, you may check the logs located at <memory card root>/wz_mini_u_boot_initramfs.log for debug info about the flashing result.



if you believe these directions can be simplified, please let me know!

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

Outstanding. I'm game. And I just figured out how to run the other script after getting Ubuntu loaded onto a stick and shaking off over ten years of Linux cobwebs! LOL At least I have the platform to try this now.

And my version of demo.bin actually worked..., albeit on one of three cams only. That does have me slightly concerned about those two cams. Multiple cards across all three cams only seem to work with one of the cameras. The other two take the latest OEM firmware and the latest (last) Wyze RTSP firmware without issue, but won't cooperate with wz_mini.

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

Is 7-Zip and acceptable alternative to enabling special permissions on the Windows folder and getting Samba running right on the Ubuntu thumb drive -- just to unzip and transfer 2 files back and forth? The tar command line utility in Windows 10 is not cooperating, either.

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

Too anxious to wait for an answer on the 7-Zip question. It works fine for the tasks and essentially makes the V2 process almost as easy as the V3 process for Windows users -- just a couple of extra steps and no Linux intimidation involved.

The process as described worked perfectly for me -- again, on one of three of my V2s. All three took the wipe down and the OEM recovery without a hitch. The same two problem children simply will not play nice with wz_mini no matter what I've tried so far. No logs generated from that process to analyze.

They did take the latest version of Wyze RTSP firmware with no problem..., which raises a question about flashing other firmware now since doing the wipe down and recovery. Any considerations there?

A couple of minor questions about the instruction list:

"once the camera has been successfully flashed with the stock firmware, you may now proceed to install wz_mini...."

"Install" had me confused enough to actually try flashing it to one of my trouble cams. Silly me. Perhaps 'prepare' or 'stage' wz_mini' would be a more accurate and less confusing instruction there? I also wondered if the original demo.bin file may somehow still be required.

Copying the contents of SD_ROOT to the memory card would include the T31 factory file and may be confusing to some who may wonder if both factory files are necessary. Are they? (I included both.)

There has also been a question of whether just copying the wz_mini folder is sufficient, or if the files themselves need to be copied individually. I believe just copying the folder contents actually gave me an error in the log when I tried it indicating the wz_mini folder itself could not be found and may have aborted the process as a result? (The memory is a little hazy after trying so many things with my two troublesome cams.)

All in all I personally think this is a great idea and applaud the effort, sir. Well done. And thank you!

gtxaspec commented 1 year ago

both files can be included, only one is used depending on the device.

the folder wz_mini must be copied to the root, not the subfolders inside wz_mini.

after the stock firmware is flashed, the demo.bin files are no longer needed

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

< both files can be included, only one is used depending on the device.>

Some browsing elsewhere seems to suggest that an additional one may be required for the problem V2s that provides what the base u-boot is looking for on the SD card for these particular devices -- if I'm sorta understanding this sorta correctly.

gtxaspec commented 1 year ago


If you could try some things on the camera's that don't work with wz_mini:

  1. download the .860 firmware for your v2. flash your v2 with it
  2. verify via the mobile app that your camera is running on the .860 firmware
  3. if it is, proceed to download the .1002 firmware for your v2. flash your v2 with it.
  4. verify via the mobile app that you are on the .1002 firmware
  5. if it is, proceed to follow the new instructions to flash and install wz_mini
  6. report back if you can with results.
Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

The new instructions procedure is what I originally followed as detailed previously. Doing it all over again starting at .860 instead of .1002 made no difference. Rather pointless since the uboot_demo.bin wiped the flash for a clean .1002 anyway, didn't it? At least the uboot_demo.bin version generated the attached log file that may shed some light. The SD card is still not recognized to generate a wz_mini initramfs.log file after flashing the new .1002 image and the camera just boots to the onboard firmware normally -- which is progress in one respect since the endless loop seems to have been somehow remedied. Just still no recognition of wz_mini on this hardware..


Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

So I've gone back through all available layers of V2 firmware to 2020 and tried the conventional installation approach with each one. Still no joy

The one cooperative V2 is still cruising along nicely.

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago


I'm out of bullets on the basic trial and error front.

gtxaspec commented 1 year ago

@Bob-AOL thanks for the valuable info and logs. Let me analyze and I'll get back to you.

gtxaspec commented 1 year ago

@Bob-AOL I may have a solution, would you be willing to flash a test bootloader? I won't say it's without risk of bricking the camera. Let me know!

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

If it's no less dangerous than the other 'enhanced' method, sure. Have you tried it with success?

I'm also trying to establish a Linux platform that allows me to do everything in the Linux environment -- thinking there may be some degree of sensitivity by the problem cam flash to how I'm compiling and transferring the .sh file for use with the conventional method.

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago



gtxaspec commented 1 year ago

@Bob-AOL stand by, still working on things behind the scenes

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

I know you're spread pretty thin and development can take time. Was just curious if there was any progress. I'd be willing to send you one of the cams if it would be at all helpful (or practical).

Again, your efforts in all of this are greatly appreciated!

maxfield-allison commented 1 year ago

can confirm this worked for me on two v2's and one pan v1. ultimately makes life 10 times easier in the long run. Would be wonderful to automate the process even more but I understand the limitations.

maxfield-allison commented 1 year ago

just did another v2. I was going to try to combine steps 7-10 but i accidentally copied the factory_ZMC6tiIDQN file for v3 and decided to just continue on. but it did flash the stock firmware with the SD_ROOT contents in the card. so odds are its safe to condense at least a little.

maxfield-allison commented 1 year ago

One minor issue. Looks like I cant open the rtsp streams from any of these now. tried VLC and motioneye. Edit: I take it back, It works if I only enable a single stream. probably resource related.

compeek commented 1 year ago

I tried this today on one of my V2s, and it seems to be working great! (I didn't even both trying to current official method first, so I can't compare to that.)

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

Still only one for three here.

maxfield-allison commented 1 year ago

Could it be the cards or maybe the PC you're using to write to the cards? Maybe even the download is corrupted? Just spit balling.

On Sun, Sep 11, 2022, 5:40 PM Bob-AOL @.***> wrote:

Still only one for three here.

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Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Been there. Done that..., multiple times. It's all pretty well covered above (and elsewhere). Our host is still working on it as is also covered above.

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago


Just checking back in on this. I've re-visited everything again from scratch with the same results.

gtxaspec commented 1 year ago

hey Bob, I'll have an update this weekend for ya!

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

Cool. I'm anxious to kick the tires and take it for a spin.

Sadie33 commented 1 year ago

Success, I've taken the plunge and used this latest method to install wz_mini_hacks on my Wyze Cam 2.

I now have wz_mini_hacks operational on 7 Wyze Cam 3 and 1 Wyze Cam 2.

Thanks You!!!

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

@gtxaspec -- hey Bob, I'll have an update this weekend for ya!

Any update on this?

gtxaspec commented 1 year ago

@Bob-AOL sorry for the delay, still need to test some things before I can get you a test image. My test setup is offline at the moment. I haven't given up on it yet!

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the encouraging response. There is certainly no shortage of cool developments on several other more relevant fronts to keep you busy as well. I understand. And now V3 Pro...

But if you're still game, I certainly am. It seems like a problem in need of an answer..., just because.

maxfield-allison commented 1 year ago

I've got some old v2's I can donate or use to assist troubleshooting

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

Very generous of you.

Perhaps you could try the new method to see if it's successful on a couple? Otherwise I'd be interested in a couple just to double check my method(s) if nothing else. I flashed my first one with no problems. The second two are not recognizing wz-mini from the same SD card that works perfectly in the first V2.

There are three distinctively different hardware platforms among the three cameras. Two seem to present a compatibility issue with wz-mini for whatever reason(s). It would be interesting to determine what the differences actually are if hardware is indeed causing the issue.

thedudehimself commented 1 year ago

Ok, T20 V2's, have about 5 with 3x NIB, and I'm stuck. The v2 posted in the Readme.mdm didn't work for me, regardless of which firmware I've tried. I think that's the challenge: using the steps above uboot installed and it generates logs upon boot. I can't get past that step: loading either demo_4.9.9.1574 or demo_4.9.5.115 - modified or not - fails to get anywhere.


Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

Good luck. Lots of variables with the v2s. I'd stick with the firmware for starters. Revisit the SD card formatting and content. Basic 32GB Class10 FAT32 card and should not even contain volume information. Just the demo.bin file for flashing and then just the wz_mini folder and T-20 Factory file for booting from the card.

Linux or Windows?

thedudehimself commented 1 year ago

Ubuntu Linux, using a Class10 16GB FAT32. I have 1 running on Wyze firmware only, and 1 clicking every 3 seconds after flashing with uboot: it's frustrated with me I guess.

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

As you've undoubtedly read above, I achieved a whopping 33% success rate for my weeks of effort.

Everything worked perfectly according to the modified plan for the first one and it was rock solid..., until I flashed it back to the basic RTSP firmware and sold it along with the other two. I haven't looked back since -- unless you count now.

Thanks for reminding me. LOL

Good luck.

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

I did recently run across a Reddit thread about the different flavors of card reader/format issues with v2s. It was primarily focused on how to successfully format large capacity cards for v3s to FAT32 by using an ancillary step with a v2 to make it all happen. The gist there was using a v2 card reader to format a SD card somehow properly prepared it for then being formatted as FAT32 -- which it evidently was not during the formatting by the v2. I believe it was vFAT maybe? I'll see if I can find the thread. May not fix anything, but could maybe explain some stuff. v2s are clearly not created equal.

thedudehimself commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Current score:

1x Wyze v2 that stated the :loading bootloader" thing, but never returned, following the OG steps. 1x Wyze v2 that will load the uboot.bin firmware, but not much else. I'll keep trying to fully destroy it.

2x Wyze v3's that just work every time with the RTSP firmware.

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

Here's the link. No real solid anything, just food for thought about what could be happening from v2 to v2 and their seeming inconsistent behavior with wz_mini.

thedudehimself commented 1 year ago

Thanks. update: the 1x v2 that I used the OG steps on is now SSH enabled, but RTSP isn't working yet - current working theory is I Blame VIM.

Hard formatting a SD with the v3, going to try that in the stuck V2 with UBOOT firmware.

thedudehimself commented 1 year ago

I can get an RTSP audio stream, but not video from the V2's. Bugger.

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

VLC player?

thedudehimself commented 1 year ago

Oh, VIM got the best of me today. Last update: 4 of 5 v2's are streaming over RTSP and ready for customization.

The one I tried this with: I don't know where to go from here. The uboot firmware will generate a new log file: ID'ing that it's currently installed and no other action to take. Any Wyze firmware bootloops.

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago


Out of curiosity, what Wyze firmware is actually on the camera(s)?

thedudehimself commented 1 year ago

I kept the v2's at .1002 for now, that's the first I got to work. Minus my uboot-n-loopin' amigo, Senor Clicky.

I'll try taking one of the v2's to the latest, like the v3's later this week. I found some micro-network-power-dongles in the electronics bin this am, going to complete this ridiculous project for good!

trevmlt commented 1 year ago

Here are the new provisional installation directions for T20 devices which does not require compiling the firmware:


Installation ( for PanV1/V2 ONLY )

  1. This step only needs to be done ONCE, ever, for t20 based devices
  2. Format memory card, FAT32, DOS Partition type
  3. extract the file named demo_uboot.bin.gz, and then copy the file named demo_uboot.bin to root of memory card, and make sure it is the only file on the memory card
  4. rename the file named demo_uboot.bin that you copied in the previous step, to demo.bin in the root of the memory card, again making sure it is the only file on the memory card
  5. insert memory card into device. hold the setup button while inserting the power cable. the LED should light up purple, then you can let go of the button ( standard firmware flashing procedure )
  6. once the flashing is complete, the camera will reboot, and the LED will start rapidly flashing, once the rapid flashing stops, the camera will reboot.
  7. remove the memory card, insert it back into your computer, delete file named demo.bin on the memory card
  8. download the stock firmware for the device. follow the standard flashing procedures.
  9. once the camera has been successfully flashed with the stock firmware, you may now proceed to install wz_mini
  10. you may now copy the contents of SD_ROOT to the memory card
  11. extract factory_ZMC6tiIDQN.gz and copy it to the root of the memory card
  12. you may now boot wz_mini on the t20 device.

after flashing, you may check the logs located at <memory card root>/wz_mini_u_boot_initramfs.log for debug info about the flashing result.



if you believe these directions can be simplified, please let me know!

Just wanted to say thank you for this! Used the above on 2 x V2 and worked perfectly on FW Only frustration was getting the public key generated in Windows using puttygen to work, but once I did that properly everything worked. Thanks again!

xraive commented 1 year ago

I tried this method on a v2 and a Pan v1 and both devices are just stuck in a boot loop. Pleas see the details and log result below.

Firmware = demo_v2_rtsp_4.28.4.49 (RTSP Beta firmware)

wz_init.log result

welcome to

 __          ________  __  __ _____ _   _ _____
 \ \        / |___  / |  \/  |_   _| \ | |_   _|
  \ \  /\  / /   / /  | \  / | | | |  \| | | |
   \ \/  \/ /   / /   | |\/| | | | | . ` | | |
    \  /\  /   / /__  | |  | |_| |_| |\  |_| |_
     \/  \/   /_____| |_|  |_|_____|_| \_|_____|

basename: applet not found
Replace stock busybox
Replace stock fstab
Replace stock inittab
Replace /etc/profile for local/ssh shells
Replace system hostname
Mount wz_mini tmpfs
Create workspace directory
Mounting global tmpfs
Install busybox applets
WYZEC1-JZ detected
mounting /system
Current Mounts:
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,size=49676k,nr_inodes=12419,mode=755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /opt type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/mtdblock2 on / type squashfs (ro,relatime)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /bin/busybox type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /etc/fstab type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /etc/inittab type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /etc/profile type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /etc/hostname type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
tmpfs on /opt/wz_mini/tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/mtdblock4 on /system type jffs2 (rw,relatime)
Checking for CAR FW
CAR not detected
Copy stock rcS
Add verbose debugging to rcS
Inject init.d scripts to rcS
Modify Global Paths in rcS
Copy factory
Replace factory path
Enable libcallback
set path for iCamera
Replace stock password
First boot, initializing
Volume is 50
Audio Out GetPubAttr samplerate:8000
Audio Out GetPubAttr   bitwidth:16
Audio Out GetPubAttr  soundmode:1
Audio Out GetPubAttr     frmNum:20
Audio Out GetPubAttr  numPerFrm:400
Audio Out GetPubAttr     chnCnt:1
Audio Out GetVol    vol:50
Enable 8189fs
Enable atbm603x_wifi_sdio
Creating factory config backup directory
T20 platform backup
Backup /configs
Backup /params
Running dropbear ssh server
Terminfo not present, extract
tar: can't create symlink 'terminfo/x/xterm-debian' to 'xterm': Operation not permitted
Current stock firmware version:
/opt/wz_mini/etc/init.d/S15fwupdate: line 74: [-f: not found
Reverting iCamera patch.
+ echo /sbin/mdev
+ /sbin/mdev -s
+ echo 'mdev is ok......'
mdev is ok......
+ export 'PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/wz_mini/bin'
+ export 'PATH=/system/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/wz_mini/bin'
+ export 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib:/opt/wz_mini/lib'
+ export 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/thirdlib:/system/lib:/opt/wz_mini/lib'
+ ifconfig lo up
+ cd /sys/class/gpio
+ echo 77
+ cd gpio77
+ echo out
+ echo 0
+ echo 1
+ mount -t squashfs /dev/mtdblock3 /driver
+ telnetd
+ mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock4 /system
mount: mounting /dev/mtdblock4 on /system failed: Resource busy
+ mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock7 /backupa
+ mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock8 /configs
+ mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock9 /params
+ '[' '!' -f /system/.system ]
+ /opt/wz_mini/etc/rc.d/K03rcd
+ /opt/wz_mini/etc/rc.d/K01network
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
Volume is 50
Audio Out GetPubAttr samplerate:8000
Audio Out GetPubAttr   bitwidth:16
Audio Out GetPubAttr  soundmode:1
Audio Out GetPubAttr     frmNum:20
Audio Out GetPubAttr  numPerFrm:400
Audio Out GetPubAttr     chnCnt:1
Audio Out GetVol    vol:50
Swap archive present, extracting
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 134213632 bytes
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
Swap file found, enable
USB Ethernet disabled
USB Direct disabled
USB RNDIS disabled
No alternate iface enabled
Firmwware updates enabled, monitor script running
S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
Motor enabled
Seting system FPS if greater than default
sh: 20: unknown operand
sh: 20: unknown operand
+ /opt/wz_mini/tmp/.storage/
####### this is xiaofang #######
insmod: can't insert '/driver/audio.ko': File exists
sh: write error: Resource busy
/opt/wz_mini/tmp/.storage/ line 42: can't create /sys/class/gpio/gpio63/direction: nonexistent directory
/opt/wz_mini/tmp/.storage/ line 43: can't create /sys/class/gpio/gpio63/value: nonexistent directory
ifconfig: SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
route: SIOCADDRT: Network unreachable
+ echo 'inject callback library and run'
inject callback library and run
+ export 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/thirdlib:/system/lib:/opt/wz_mini/lib'
+ '[' -f /opt/wz_mini/tmp/.T20 ]
+ echo 'libcallback for T20'
libcallback for T20
+ /system/bin/iCamera

===========welcome to assis process=========
[Build date] Nov 30 2020 (14:03:28)

===========welcome to assis process=========
[Build date] Nov 30 2020 (14:03:28)
[dongle][dongle_main.c::102]dongle start to work
[dongle][msg.c::83]msg_queue_create() ok  MsgId:65538
[dongle][msg.c::96]msg_queue_create() ok  MsgId:131076
[dongle][msg.c::105]msg_queue_create() ok  MsgId:163845
[ERROR]: [dongle][dongle_init.c::268]log_init failed...
[dongle][timer.c::144]init complete.
[dongle][user_config.c::133][USERSET] [dongle_light_station] [1]   
[dongle][dongle_usb.c::1529]dongle_module_init success 
[dongle][dongle_usb.c::1358]init power_back_on_dongle start
[gpio_write_direction]: write gpio:47 direction out!
[dongle][dongle_netservice.c::752]network status : offline
Waiting for wlan hw init
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
ipv6 disabled
Wireguard disabled
Set hostname to WCV2
: IP Address not acquired yet, try again in 5 seconds
httpd enabled
S12remoteaccessory: IP Address not acquired yet, try again in 5 seconds
S14storemac: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
[dongle][dongle_usb.c::1360]init power_back_on_dongle end
S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
mp4_write disabled
[31/12-16:00:42.787][iCamera][iCamera.c::46]===========welcome to iCamera_app===========
[31/12-16:00:42.787][iCamera][iCamera.c::47][Build date] Nov 30 2020 (14:03:31)
[exec-assis:281]: msgSndId:0
[exec-assis:296]: msgRcvId:32769
[exec-assis:624]: (no.400000) cmd:[/system/bin/ &]
[31/12-16:00:43.030][iCamera][msg.c::85][msg]log: msg_queue_create() ok  MsgId:65538
[31/12-16:00:43.030][iCamera][storagedevice.c::131]dbg: set ok! have 1 cb
[31/12-16:00:43.031][iCamera][storagedevice.c::131]dbg: set ok! have 2 cb
[31/12-16:00:43.031][iCamera][storagedevice.c::131]dbg: set ok! have 3 cb
[timer,146]dbg: init complete.
debug_init() dbgId:0 
[31/12-16:00:43.034][iCamera][msg.c::99][msg]log: assis_IPC_wdg_init() ok  MsgId:98307
[31/12-16:00:43.035][iCamera][watchdog.c::123]assis_IPC_wdg_init success
[31/12-16:00:43.035][iCamera][watchdog.c::157]watchdog_init() ok  TimerId:1
[31/12-16:00:43.035][iCamera][metricsserver.c::756]Metric server start
[31/12-16:00:43.035][iCamera][metricsserver.c::767]Metric msgQueueId create 196614
[31/12-16:00:43.035][iCamera][metricsserver.c::788]Metric msgQueueId init finish 
/bin/sh: /system/bin/ not found
  [31/12-16:00:43.038][iCamera][metricsserver.c::851]Create worker thread
  [31/12-16:00:43.038][iCamera][metricsserver.c::854]pthread_create ret = 0

  <Reading> /params/config/.product_config 
  /params/config/.product_config [PRODUCT_TYPE]:camera 
  /params/config/.product_config [PRODUCT_MODEL]:WYZEC1-JZ 
  /params/config/.product_config [HARDWARE_VER]: 
  /params/config/.product_config [KEY_CHECKSUM]:12345678 
  /params/config/.product_config [BOARD_TEST]:0000 
  /params/config/.product_config [FACTORY_TEST]:0000 
  [31/12-16:00:43.048][iCamera][product_config.c::316][PRODUCT] [PRODUCT_TYPE ] [camera]   
  [31/12-16:00:43.049][iCamera][product_config.c::316][PRODUCT] [PRODUCT_MODEL] [WYZEC1-JZ]   
  [31/12-16:00:43.049][iCamera][product_config.c::316][PRODUCT] [BOARD_TEST   ] [0000]   
  [31/12-16:00:43.051][iCamera][product_config.c::316][PRODUCT] [FACTORY_TEST ] [0000]   
  [31/12-16:00:43.052][iCamera][product_config.c::316][PRODUCT] [HARDWARE_VER ] []   
  [31/12-16:00:43.052][iCamera][product_config.c::316][PRODUCT] [NETRELATED_IP] [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]   
  [31/12-16:00:43.053][iCamera][product_config.c::316][PRODUCT] [KEY_CHECKSUM ] [12345678]   
  [31/12-16:00:43.053][iCamera][product_config.c::316][PRODUCT] [NETRELATED_MAC] [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]   
  [PRODUCT] [macAddr      ] [XXXXXXXXXXXXX]

  <Reading> pAppVerLastPath:/system/bin/app.ver 



  [PRODUCT] [appver       ] []   

  <Reading> /etc/config/.parameters 
  [USERSET] [indicator    ] [1]   
  [USERSET] [nightVision  ] [3]   
  [USERSET] [bitRate      ] [120]   
  [USERSET] [res          ] [1]   
  [USERSET] [fps          ] [15]   
  [USERSET] [horSwitch    ] [1]   
  [USERSET] [verSwitch    ] [1]   
  [USERSET] [osdSwitch    ] [1]   
  [USERSET] [logSd        ] [1]   
  [USERSET] [logUdisk     ] [1]   
  [USERSET] [telntSwitch  ] [2]   
  [USERSET] [recordType   ] [3]   
  [USERSET] [MASwitch     ] [1]   
  [USERSET] [MALevel      ] [5]   
  [USERSET] [AASwitch     ] [1]   
  [USERSET] [AALevel      ] [5]   
  [USERSET] [SASwitch     ] [1]   
  [USERSET] [CASwitch     ] [1]   
  [USERSET] [TBStart      ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [TBDuration   ] [1440]   
  [USERSET] [drawBoxSwitch] [1]   
  [USERSET] [timezone     ] [-4]   
  [USERSET] [MMALevel     ] [125]   
  [USERSET] [AMALevel     ] [125]   
  [USERSET] [MAT          ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [AST          ] [1]   
  [USERSET] [motionTrack  ] [2]   
  [USERSET] [motionCruisin] [2]   
  [USERSET] [AASX         ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [AASY         ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [AALX         ] [100]   
  [USERSET] [AALY         ] [100]   
  [USERSET] [motionbackvalue] [1]   
  [USERSET] [slide_x      ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [slide_y      ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [preset_x     ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [preset_y     ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [ubootflag    ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [exposureModel] [0]   
  [USERSET] [limit_max_x  ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [limit_min_x  ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [limit_max_y  ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [limit_min_y  ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [motor_limit_flag] [0]   
  [USERSET] [resolution_select_flag] [1]   
  [USERSET] [low_bitrate_num] [30]   
  [USERSET] [watermark_flag] [1]   
  [USERSET] [speaker_vol  ] [50]   
  [USERSET] [pir_alarm_switch] [0]   
  [USERSET] [NIGHT_LED_flag] [1]   
  [USERSET] [sdcard_exist ] [0]   
  [USERSET] [autoRecordNum] [0]   
  [USERSET] [autoRecordMem] [0]   
  [USERSET] [alarmDate    ] [255]   
  [USERSET] [alarmInterval] [300]   

  <Reading> /etc/config/.parameters 
  [USERNET] [ssid         ] []   
  [USERNET] [password     ] []   
  [USERNET] [wifiType     ] [5]   
  [USERNET] [p2pid        ] []   
  [USERNET] [r_encr       ] []   
      WELCOME TO LOCALSDK      ('_)') 
      platform: ingenict20x 
      version : SDK20180815a 
      update  : Nov 30 2020 (14:02:53) 
  [SDK-GPIO]dbg: Pin(39)  Lvl(1)  Dir(out)
  [SDK-GPIO]dbg: Pin(38)  Lvl(0)  Dir(out)
  [SDK-GPIO]dbg: Pin(26)  Lvl(0)  Dir(out)
  [SDK-GPIO]dbg: Pin(25)  Lvl(0)  Dir(out)
  [SDK-GPIO]dbg: Pin(47)  Lvl(1)  Dir(out)
  [SDK-GPIO]dbg: Pin(48)  Lvl(0)  Dir(out)
  [SDK-GPIO]dbg: Pin(46)  Lvl(1)  Dir(in)
  [SDK-GPIO]dbg: Pin(43)  Lvl(0)  Dir(in)
  motorport_open success
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Platform Thread Create OK!  ('_)')
  [INFO]: [31/12-16:00:43.076][iCamera][init.c::1212]localsdk version:8
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Platform Thread Start...
  [watchdog]dbg:[time:43] success wdgMsgId:98307 IPC_module_get_wdg_msg_id:98307
  ##### sensor type: jxf23 #####
  : IP Address not acquired yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S14storemac: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S12remoteaccessory: IP Address not acquired yet, try again in 5 seconds
  [UPGRADE]file:/system/etc/sensor/jxf23.bin get_uploadfile_md5:[63][db5536f94b90ee1e1517b43ae138a30d  /system/etc/sensor/jxf23.bin
  S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  ##### sensor fps: 15 #####
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: Enc_thread(chn0) create OK!  ('_)')
  [31/12-16:00:44.526][iCamera][init.c::911]set local_sdk_video_osd_set_parameters main
  sdkosd.c 203 channel:0 
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[0] is Enable...
  sdkosd.c 218 channel:0 time_x_StartingPoint:1390 time_y_StartingPoint:1010 
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[1] is Enable...
  sdkosd.c 242 channel:0 logo_x_StartingPoint:52 logo_y_StartingPoint:1010 
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[2] is Enable...
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[3] is Enable...
  [command] [video_callback.c] local_sdk_video_set_encode_frame_callback streamChId=0, callback=0x450df0
  [command] [video_callback.c] channel counter is at 0
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Video Enc Callback Doing...
  [command] [video_callback.c] local_sdk_video_set_encode_frame_callback streamChId=0, callback=0x449a40
  [command] [video_callback.c] channel counter is at 1
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Video Enc Callback Doing...
  sdkvideo.c 1443 <local_sdk_video_start>  channel:0 
  sdkvideo.c 1463 <local_sdk_video_start> channel:0 
  sdkvideo.c 1467 <local_sdk_video_start> pEncConfig->index:0 

   sdkvideo.c 790 attrH264Smart 

  rc_attr->attrHSkip.hSkipAttr.m 29 

   sdkvideo.c 814 attrH264Smart end

  i264e[info]: profile Main, level 4.0
  sdkvideo.c 1481 <local_sdk_video_start> channel:0 
  sdkvideo.c 1491 <local_sdk_video_start> channel:0 
  sdkvideo.c 1504 <local_sdk_video_start> channel:0 
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[0] create OK...
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[1] create OK...
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[2] create OK...
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[3] create OK...
  [sample_osd_init] WARRING!!! this layer is not supported
  [sample_osd_init] WARRING!!! this layer is not supported
  sdkvideo.c 1522 shiziquan ivsenable <local_sdk_video_start> channel:0 pFsConfig->algoEnable:0 pCb->pfunc:0
  sdkvideo.c 1541 <local_sdk_video_start> shiziquan FS channel:0 tmpGrpCellIndex:0
  sdkvideo.c 1557 <local_sdk_video_start> OSD channel:0 tmpGrpCellIndex:1
  sdkvideo.c 1565 <local_sdk_video_start> ENC channel:0 tmpGrpCellIndex:2
  sdkvideo.c 1574 <local_sdk_video_start> channel:0 i:1 tmpGrpCellIndex:3
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: IMP_System_Bind(chn0) [FS]--bind->[OSD] OK!
  sdkvideo.c 1574 <local_sdk_video_start> channel:0 i:2 tmpGrpCellIndex:3
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: IMP_System_Bind(chn0) [OSD]--bind->[ENC] OK!
  [chn0] scaler->outwidth = 1920 scaler->outheight = 1080, sscaler.outwidth = 1920 sscaler.outheight = 1080
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: start fs chn0...
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: start enc chn0...
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: Yuv_thread(chn1) create OK!  ('_)')
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: Enc_thread(chn1) create OK!  ('_)')
  [31/12-16:00:44.809][iCamera][init.c::992]set local_sdk_video_osd_set_parameters sub
  sdkosd.c 203 channel:1 
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[0] is Enable...
  sdkosd.c 218 channel:1 time_x_StartingPoint:440 time_y_StartingPoint:335 
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[1] is Enable...
  sdkosd.c 242 channel:1 logo_x_StartingPoint:20 logo_y_StartingPoint:335 
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[2] is Enable...
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[3] is Enable...
  [command] [video_callback.c] local_sdk_video_set_encode_frame_callback streamChId=1, callback=0x450e60
  [command] [video_callback.c] channel counter is at 2
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Video Enc Callback Doing...
  [command] [video_callback.c] local_sdk_video_set_encode_frame_callback streamChId=0, callback=0x452504
  [command] [video_callback.c] channel counter is at 3
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Video Enc Callback Doing...
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set algo_register Callback Doing...
  sdkvideo.c 1443 <local_sdk_video_start>  channel:1 
  sdkvideo.c 1463 <local_sdk_video_start> channel:1 
  sdkvideo.c 1467 <local_sdk_video_start> pEncConfig->index:1 

   sdkvideo.c 790 attrH264Smart 

  rc_attr->attrHSkip.hSkipAttr.m 29 

   sdkvideo.c 814 attrH264Smart end

  i264e[info]: profile Main, level 2.2
  sdkvideo.c 1481 <local_sdk_video_start> channel:1 
  sdkvideo.c 1491 <local_sdk_video_start> channel:1 
  sdkvideo.c 1504 <local_sdk_video_start> channel:1 
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[0] create OK...
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: YUV Chn1 Thread Start...
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[1] create OK...
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[2] create OK...
  [SDK-OSD]dbg: layer[3] create OK...
  [sample_osd_init] WARRING!!! this layer is not supported
  [sample_osd_init] WARRING!!! this layer is not supported
  sdkvideo.c 1522 shiziquan ivsenable <local_sdk_video_start> channel:1 pFsConfig->algoEnable:0 pCb->pfunc:4584416
  sdkvideo.c 1541 <local_sdk_video_start> shiziquan FS channel:1 tmpGrpCellIndex:0
  sdkvideo.c 1557 <local_sdk_video_start> OSD channel:1 tmpGrpCellIndex:1
  sdkvideo.c 1565 <local_sdk_video_start> ENC channel:1 tmpGrpCellIndex:2
  sdkvideo.c 1574 <local_sdk_video_start> channel:1 i:1 tmpGrpCellIndex:3
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: IMP_System_Bind(chn1) [FS]--bind->[OSD] OK!
  sdkvideo.c 1574 <local_sdk_video_start> channel:1 i:2 tmpGrpCellIndex:3
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: IMP_System_Bind(chn1) [OSD]--bind->[ENC] OK!
  [31/12-16:00:45.060][iCamera][h26x.c::105][video metrics] Max frame [6765] [0]
  [chn1] scaler->outwidth = 640 scaler->outheight = 360, sscaler.outwidth = 640 sscaler.outheight = 360
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: start fs chn1...
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: start enc chn1...
  [SDK-VIDEO]dbg: start yuv chn1...
  [SDK-AUDIO]dbg: Audio Thread(chn0) create OK!  ('_)')
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Audio Enc Callback Doing...
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Audio Enc Callback Doing...
  [command] [audio_callback.c] local_sdk_audio_set_pcm_frame_callback streamChId=0, callback=0x451364
  [command] [audio_callback.c] [CH0] encoder function injection hook audio_encode_cb=0x451364
  [command] [audio_callback.c] channel counter is at 0
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Video PCM Callback Doing...
  [command] [audio_callback.c] local_sdk_audio_set_pcm_frame_callback streamChId=0, callback=0x4526c8
  [command] [audio_callback.c] channel counter is at 1
  [command] [audio_callback.c] [CH0-1] encoder function injection second callback for V2 hook audio_pcm_cb=0x4526c8
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Video PCM Callback Doing...
  [SDK-AUDIO]dbg: Audio Thread(chn0) Start...
  [SDK-SPKER]dbg: speaker volume: 50
  [SDK-SPKER]dbg: speaker gain: 30
  shellcall/shellcall.c 507 
  [exec-assis:565]: (no.200000) msgque ret:[0]
  i:0 g_execMsgTypeLock lock shellcall/shellcall.c 130 
  [SDK-NET]exec: /sbin/ifconfig wlan0 down 
  [SDK-NET]exec: ifconfig wlan0 hw ether XXXXXXXXXX
  [SDK-NET]exec: /system/bin/ 
  [netService]dbg: Set net_state Callback Doing...
  [31/12-16:00:47.858][iCamera][init.c::658]No SSID, waitting here...
  [31/12-16:00:47.858][iCamera][camerasleep.c::73]path is /etc/config/.camera_sleep, res = 0
  [31/12-16:00:47.858][iCamera][camerasleep.c::133]dbg: init ok!
  [31/12-16:00:47.858][iCamera][prompt.c::558][LED] ctrl changed from 0 -> 1
  [ERROR]: [31/12-16:00:47.858][iCamera][prompt.c::175]g_ledTaskId = -1;
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set night_state Callback Doing...
  [31/12-16:00:47.859][iCamera][init.c::1618]dbg: USER_SWITCH_AUTO_LED_ON ...
  <>===================< IRcut on >==================<>
  <>===================< IRcut off 888 >=================<>
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Video YUV Callback Doing...
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set setup_keydown Callback Doing...
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set reset_keydown Callback Doing...
  [31/12-16:00:48.261][iCamera][storagedevice.c::131]dbg: set ok! have 4 cb
  [INFO]: [31/12-16:00:48.261][iCamera][init.c::1708]playback_init start...
  [31/12-16:00:48.261][iCamera][storagedevice.c::131]dbg: set ok! have 5 cb
  [INFO]: [31/12-16:00:48.261][iCamera][init.c::1714] playback_init end...
  [31/12-16:00:48.261][iCamera][time_lapse_func.c::1396] time_lapse_sdev_work_cb set 
  [31/12-16:00:48.262][iCamera][storagedevice.c::131]dbg: set ok! have 6 cb
  [exec-assis:376]: (no.200000) cmd:[cp /usr/www /tmp/ -fr ]
  shellcall/shellcall.c 507 
  [exec-assis:393]: (no.200000) popen  ret:[]
  [exec-assis:565]: (no.200000) msgque ret:[0]
  i:0 g_execMsgTypeLock lock shellcall/shellcall.c 130 
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Device Monitor Callback Doing...
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Device Monitor Callback Doing...
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Device Monitor Callback Doing...
  [31/12-16:00:48.291][iCamera][videoalarmfunc.c::194]video_alarm_init, 640, 360
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: [algo:0] Thread Create OK!  ('_)')
  paracfg_set_user_config_item(13, 1) param value equal!
  [31/12-16:00:48.291][iCamera][videoalarmfunc.c::160]motion_alarm_set_switch:1 g_motionAlarmSwitch:0
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: Set alarm_state Callback Doing...
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg:ready to add [0x0xaa0818]node...
  [31/12-16:00:48.292][iCamera][videoalarmfunc.c::51]set motionAlarmSensitive: 125
  [31/12-16:00:48.330][iCamera][init.c::789]auto_night_mode_callback = 1
  : IP Address not acquired yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S14storemac: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S12remoteaccessory: IP Address not acquired yet, try again in 5 seconds
  [31/12-16:00:48.653][iCamera][init.c::789]auto_night_mode_callback = 2
  pInsertCount :0
  <>===================< IRcut off 888 >=================<>
  [INFO]: [31/12-16:00:48.655][iCamera][init.c::749]Disable...
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: algo[0] state goto: THREAD_STATE_START
  hl_motion_algo_init start.
  hl_motion_algo_init success.
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: algo[0] init success, start... version:1.2.43
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: algo[0] state goto: THREAD_STATE_INIT_OK
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: algo[0] state goto: THREAD_STATE_SETTING
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: sdkalarm.c 816 <video_alarm_thread>
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: sdkalarm.c 826 <video_alarm_thread>
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: algo[0] state goto: THREAD_STATE_IDEL get_algo_result_handle
  pInsertCount :1
  [command] [night_drop.c] local_sdk_video_set_fps called with fps value: 15
  [command] [night_drop.c] Night Drop not enabled
  [command] [night_drop.c] Requested FPS Value: 15
  [command] [night_drop.c] Calling local_sdk_video_set_fps to: 15
  [SDK-DEVICE]dbg: mmc Insert...
  [31/12-16:00:48.835][iCamera][mmc.c::21]dbg: initTime:0, reason is:1 
  [31/12-16:00:48.836][iCamera][storagedevice.c::582]sdevice open handler...
  >>> local_sdk_mmc_power_on 666 <<<
  >>> local_sdk_mmc_power_on olready power on <<<
  [dongle][dongle_usb.c::1392]dongle_hotplug_thread start
  [dongle][dongle_usb.c::1454]dongle_usb_module_insert run
  [dongle][dongle_usb.c::1458]dongle usb device node is not exists
  [command] [audio_callback.c] local_sdk_audio_set_pcm_frame_callback streamChId=0, callback=0x4378c4
  [command] [audio_callback.c] channel counter is at 2
  [SDK-THREAD]dbg: Set Video PCM Callback Doing...
  paracfg_set_user_config_item(18, 1) param value equal!
  paracfg_set_user_config_item(17, 1) param value equal!
  paracfg_set_user_config_item(15, 1) param value equal!
  [31/12-16:00:49.138][iCamera][storagedevice.c::131]dbg: set ok! have 7 cb
  [31/12-16:00:49.138][iCamera][sd_sync_time.c::142]sd_sync_time_init sd_sync_time_init
  [31/12-16:00:49.138][iCamera][storagedevice.c::131]dbg: set ok! have 8 cb
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: Set alarm_state Callback Doing...
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg:ready to add [0x0xaa09c8]node...
  [31/12-16:00:49.138][iCamera][msg.c::120][msg]log: msg_queue_create() ok  MsgId:131076
  [31/12-16:00:49.139][iCamera][msg.c::129][msg]log: msg_queue_create() ok  MsgId:163845
  current thread stack size:8388608
  set thread stack size:819200
  S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  [SDK-DEVICE]dbg: Found dev: /dev/mmcblk0p1, mpoint: /media/mmc
  bind : Address already in use
  [INFO]: [31/12-16:00:50.139][iCamera][init.c::771]Enable...
  [INFO]: [31/12-16:00:50.146][iCamera][init.c::1787]wyzeService_thread_start...
  current thread stack size:8388608
  set thread stack size:819200
  [31/12-16:00:50.147][iCamera][alarm_queue.c::68]alarmQueueListHead INIT :next:0x5ee7a4 prev:0x5ee7a4
  [31/12-16:00:50.147][iCamera][alarm_queue.c::478]alarm_queue_hand 0x5ee7a4
  current thread stack size:8388608
  set thread stack size:819200
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: algo[0] state goto: THREAD_STATE_SETTING
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: sdkalarm.c 816 <video_alarm_thread>
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: algo[0] state goto: THREAD_STATE_RESULT
  rtsp_switch 1,test test
  [WYZEInfo]:set osInfo Linux
  [31/12-16:00:50.791][iCamera][fm_func.c::1929]wait rooCAok 
  [WYZEInfo]:set osVersion 3.10.14
  [WYZEInfo]:set appVersion
  [WYZEInfo]:set deviceId XXXXXXXXXXXX
  [WYZEInfo]:set intervalTimeUs 2
  [WYZEInfo]:set cloud CA certificate /tmp/cacert.pem
  Start liveMediaServer success...
  unsupported video typeunsupported audio typeunsupported video typeunsupported audio typeunsupported audio typeunsupported video typeunsupported audio type+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Add RTSP Stream Writer, url is rtsp://
  [WYZEInfo]:service sid_cloud_ai_cam_v2 F1 register success
  [WYZEInfo]:service sid_full_motion_cam_v2 F2 register success
  : IP Address not acquired yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S14storemac: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S12remoteaccessory: IP Address not acquired yet, try again in 5 seconds
  [31/12-16:00:53.961][iCamera][init.c::789]auto_night_mode_callback = 3
  S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  [pang-algo] libvibeModel_Sequential_AllocInit_8u_C1R  apart_alarmtype 0
  [INFO]: [31/12-16:00:54.962][iCamera][init.c::771]Enable...
  bind : Address already in use
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: algo[0] state goto: THREAD_STATE_SETTING
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: sdkalarm.c 816 <video_alarm_thread>
  [SDK-ALARM]dbg: algo[0] state goto: THREAD_STATE_RESULT
  iCamera not running
  restore system from backup
  LIVE555 Media Server
      version 0.90 (LIVE555 Streaming Media library version 2017.05.24).
  Play streams from this server using the URL
  where <filename> is a file present in the current directory.
  Each file's type is inferred from its name suffix:
      ".264" => a H.264 Video Elementary Stream file
      ".265" => a H.265 Video Elementary Stream file
      ".aac" => an AAC Audio (ADTS format) file
      ".ac3" => an AC-3 Audio file
      ".amr" => an AMR Audio file
      ".dv" => a DV Video file
      ".m4e" => a MPEG-4 Video Elementary Stream file
      ".mkv" => a Matroska audio+video+(optional)subtitles file
      ".mp3" => a MPEG-1 or 2 Audio file
      ".mpg" => a MPEG-1 or 2 Program Stream (audio+video) file
      ".ogg" or ".ogv" or ".opus" => an Ogg audio and/or video file
      ".ts" => a MPEG Transport Stream file
          (a ".tsx" index file - if present - provides server 'trick play' support)
      ".vob" => a VOB (MPEG-2 video with AC-3 audio) file
      ".wav" => a WAV Audio file
      ".webm" => a WebM audio(Vorbis)+video(VP8) file
  See for additional documentation.
  umount: can't remount tmpfs read-only
  umount: /dev/mtdblock4 busy - remounted read-only
  umount: can't remount tmpfs read-only
  umount: can't remount /dev/mmcblk0p1 read-only
  umount: can't remount /dev/mmcblk0p1 read-only
  umount: sysfs busy - remounted read-only
  umount: can't remount devtmpfs read-only

  The system is going down NOW!

  Sent SIGTERM to all processes
  [ERROR]: [dongle][dongle_init.c::181]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  [ERROR]: [dongle][dongle_init.c::182]          dongle signal:15 
  [ERROR]: [dongle][dongle_init.c::183]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  [INFO]: [31/12-16:00:56.600][iCamera][init.c::1345]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  [INFO]: [31/12-16:00:56.600][iCamera][init.c::1346]       iCamera catch a signal:15 
  [INFO]: [31/12-16:00:56.600][iCamera][init.c::1364]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  [gpio_read]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_key_check_loop]err: gpio_read fail
  [SDK-DEVICE]dbg: mmc Out...
  [31/12-16:00:56.676][iCamera][storagedevice.c::470]sdevice close handler...
  [31/12-16:00:56.676][iCamera][storagedevice.c::482] sdevice already close...
  [gpio_read]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_key_check_loop]err: gpio_read fail
  sdkgpio.c 1192 cmd:tf_prepare --blkdev /dev/mmcblk0p1 --strategy=2 --samplecnt=64 2>&1 > /tmp/sd_check_result.txt cmd ret:15 
  sd card is not ok ret:15
  [sdk_device_mmc_open]err: tf_prepare exit status is 15
  [SDK-DEVICE]dbg: run: tf_prepare success!
  [sdk_device_mmc_open]err: mkdir fail, So Cannot mount!
  >>> local_sdk_mmc_power_off 888<<<
  [gpio_write]err: open file fail!
  [ERROR]: [31/12-16:00:56.787][iCamera][storagedevice.c::366]sdevice unkonwn err:-3, open fail
  [gpio_read]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_key_check_loop]err: gpio_read fail
  [gpio_read]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_key_check_loop]err: gpio_read fail
  [INFO]: [31/12-16:00:56.990][iCamera][cloud_devsetting.c::596]post url: 
  [INFO]: [31/12-16:00:56.990][iCamera][cloud_devsetting.c::597]post data: {"data_key":"DeviceParams","data_value":{"1":"0","2":"0"},"mac":"XXXXXXXXXX","enr":"","product_model":"WYZEC1-JZ","product_type":"camera","hardware_ver":"","firmware_ver":"","ts":56000,"sc":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","sv":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"} 
  [gpio_write]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_read]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_key_check_loop]err: gpio_read fail
  [gpio_read]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_key_check_loop]err: gpio_read fail
  [gpio_read]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_key_check_loop]err: gpio_read fail
  [gpio_read]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_key_check_loop]err: gpio_read fail
  [gpio_read]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_key_check_loop]err: gpio_read fail
  [gpio_read]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_key_check_loop]err: gpio_read fail
  [gpio_write]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_read]err: open file fail!
  [gpio_key_check_loop]err: gpio_read fail

  Sent SIGKILL to all processes

  Requesting system reboot

wz_init.log.1 result

  welcome to
  PID 1

   __          ________  __  __ _____ _   _ _____
   \ \        / |___  / |  \/  |_   _| \ | |_   _|
    \ \  /\  / /   / /  | \  / | | | |  \| | | |
     \ \/  \/ /   / /   | |\/| | | | | . ` | | |
      \  /\  /   / /__  | |  | |_| |_| |\  |_| |_
       \/  \/   /_____| |_|  |_|_____|_| \_|_____|

  basename: applet not found
  Replace stock busybox
  Replace stock fstab
  Replace stock inittab
  Replace /etc/profile for local/ssh shells
  Replace system hostname
  Mount wz_mini tmpfs
  Create workspace directory
  Mounting global tmpfs
  Install busybox applets
  WYZEC1-JZ detected
  mounting /system
  Current Mounts:
  rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
  devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,size=49676k,nr_inodes=12419,mode=755)
  proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
  sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
  /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /opt type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
  /dev/mtdblock2 on / type squashfs (ro,relatime)
  /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /bin/busybox type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
  /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /etc/fstab type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
  /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /etc/inittab type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
  /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /etc/profile type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
  /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /etc/hostname type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
  tmpfs on /opt/wz_mini/tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
  tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
  /dev/mtdblock4 on /system type jffs2 (rw,relatime)
  Checking for CAR FW
  CAR not detected
  Copy stock rcS
  Add verbose debugging to rcS
  Inject init.d scripts to rcS
  Modify Global Paths in rcS
  Copy factory
  Replace factory path
  Enable libcallback
  set path for iCamera
  Replace stock password
  First boot already completed
  Enable 8189fs
  Enable atbm603x_wifi_sdio
  Factory config backup directory missing
  T20 platform backup
  Factory configs backup directory present, not backing up again
  Factory params backup directory present, not backing up again
  Running dropbear ssh server
  Terminfo already present
  Current stock firmware version:
  /opt/wz_mini/etc/init.d/S15fwupdate: line 74: [-f: not found
  Reverting iCamera patch.
  + echo /sbin/mdev
  + /sbin/mdev -s
  + echo 'mdev is ok......'
  mdev is ok......
  + export 'PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/wz_mini/bin'
  + export 'PATH=/system/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/wz_mini/bin'
  + export 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib:/opt/wz_mini/lib'
  + export 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/thirdlib:/system/lib:/opt/wz_mini/lib'
  + ifconfig lo up
  + cd /sys/class/gpio
  + echo 77
  + cd gpio77
  + echo out
  + echo 0
  + echo 1
  + mount -t squashfs /dev/mtdblock3 /driver
  + telnetd
  + mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock4 /system
  mount: mounting /dev/mtdblock4 on /system failed: Resource busy
  + mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock7 /backupa
  + mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock8 /configs
  + mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock9 /params
  + '[' '!' -f /system/.system ]
  + /opt/wz_mini/etc/rc.d/K03rcd
  + /opt/wz_mini/etc/rc.d/K01network
  Swap archive missing, not extracting
  Swap file found, enable
  ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
  K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
  USB Ethernet disabled
  USB Direct disabled
  USB RNDIS disabled
  No alternate iface enabled
  S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  Firmwware updates enabled, monitor script running
  Motor enabled
  Seting system FPS if greater than default
  sh: 20: unknown operand
  sh: 20: unknown operand
  + /opt/wz_mini/tmp/.storage/
  new init upgrading!!!!!!!!!!!!
  sh /configs/ ... 
  ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
  K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
  K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
  K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
  K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
  K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
  K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
  K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
  K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
  S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
  umount: tmpfs busy - remounted read-only
  umount: can't remount /dev/mmcblk0p1 read-only
  umount: can't remount /dev/mmcblk0p1 read-only
  umount: sysfs busy - remounted read-only
  umount: devtmpfs busy - remounted read-only

  The system is going down NOW!

  Sent SIGTERM to all processes

  Sent SIGKILL to all processes

  Requesting system reboot

welcome to

 __          ________  __  __ _____ _   _ _____
 \ \        / |___  / |  \/  |_   _| \ | |_   _|
  \ \  /\  / /   / /  | \  / | | | |  \| | | |
   \ \/  \/ /   / /   | |\/| | | | | . ` | | |
    \  /\  /   / /__  | |  | |_| |_| |\  |_| |_
     \/  \/   /_____| |_|  |_|_____|_| \_|_____|

basename: applet not found
Replace stock busybox
Replace stock fstab
Replace stock inittab
Replace /etc/profile for local/ssh shells
Replace system hostname
Mount wz_mini tmpfs
Create workspace directory
Mounting global tmpfs
Install busybox applets
WYZEC1-JZ detected
mounting /system
Current Mounts:
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,size=49676k,nr_inodes=12419,mode=755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /opt type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/mtdblock2 on / type squashfs (ro,relatime)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /bin/busybox type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /etc/fstab type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /etc/inittab type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /etc/profile type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /etc/hostname type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
tmpfs on /opt/wz_mini/tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/mtdblock4 on /system type jffs2 (rw,relatime)
Checking for CAR FW
CAR not detected
Copy stock rcS
Add verbose debugging to rcS
Inject init.d scripts to rcS
Modify Global Paths in rcS
Copy factory
Replace factory path
Enable libcallback
set path for iCamera
Replace stock password
First boot already completed
Enable 8189fs
Enable atbm603x_wifi_sdio
Factory config backup directory missing
T20 platform backup
Factory configs backup directory present, not backing up again
Factory params backup directory present, not backing up again
Running dropbear ssh server
Terminfo already present
Current stock firmware version:
/opt/wz_mini/etc/init.d/S15fwupdate: line 74: [-f: not found
Reverting iCamera patch.
+ echo /sbin/mdev
+ /sbin/mdev -s
+ echo 'mdev is ok......'
mdev is ok......
+ export 'PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/wz_mini/bin'
+ export 'PATH=/system/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/wz_mini/bin'
+ export 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib:/opt/wz_mini/lib'
+ export 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/thirdlib:/system/lib:/opt/wz_mini/lib'
+ ifconfig lo up
+ cd /sys/class/gpio
+ echo 77
+ cd gpio77
+ echo out
+ echo 0
+ echo 1
+ mount -t squashfs /dev/mtdblock3 /driver
+ telnetd
+ mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock4 /system
mount: mounting /dev/mtdblock4 on /system failed: Resource busy
+ mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock7 /backupa
+ mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock8 /configs
+ mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock9 /params
+ '[' '!' -f /system/.system ]
+ /opt/wz_mini/etc/rc.d/K03rcd
+ /opt/wz_mini/etc/rc.d/K01network
Swap archive missing, not extracting
Swap file found, enable
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
USB Ethernet disabled
USB Direct disabled
USB RNDIS disabled
No alternate iface enabled
S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
Firmwware updates enabled, monitor script running
Motor enabled
Seting system FPS if greater than default
sh: 20: unknown operand
sh: 20: unknown operand
+ /opt/wz_mini/tmp/.storage/
new init upgrading!!!!!!!!!!!!
sh /configs/ ... 
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
ifconfig: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
K01network: Network HW not ready yet, try again in 5 seconds
S09coredump: wpa_supplicant not initialized yet, try again in 5 seconds
umount: tmpfs busy - remounted read-only
umount: can't remount /dev/mmcblk0p1 read-only
umount: can't remount /dev/mmcblk0p1 read-only
umount: sysfs busy - remounted read-only
umount: devtmpfs busy - remounted read-only

The system is going down NOW!

Sent SIGTERM to all processes

Sent SIGKILL to all processes

Requesting system reboot

And it continues to loop. Anyone have an idea how to resolve this issue?

Bob-AOL commented 1 year ago

Firmware = demo_v2_rtsp_4.28.4.49 (RTSP Beta firmware)

Using stock firmware is recommended a couple of times.

Try for a v2 and see how that goes. I don't know what the Pan v1 version might be.

xraive commented 1 year ago

@Bob-AOL I tried that firmware as well with the same results. Anyway we can revert this?