gtxaspec / wz_mini_hacks

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Attempting v2_install bad checksum #522

Open Triplehtown opened 1 year ago

Triplehtown commented 1 year ago

Attempting to install v2 in ubuntu and I come up to this error:

2023-05-09 18:42:05 (15.1 MB/s) - ‘./v2_ro/’ saved [9133357/9133357]

md5sum failed check, please manually supply file

Please advice on how to proceed.

Grntrenchman commented 1 year ago

This was caused by Wyze pulling the firmwares needed by this script from their download page (but still available directly lol) under some downgrade trouble pretense, possibly on the sly just to break this (and keep people in the walled garden of services).

Thanks Wyze. I read the script, saw it's looking for a specific firmware version, and got the link in there.

You can change, or add a second "DL_URL" line after the first, and directly supply the proper link: DL_URL=""

Alternatively, you "manually supply file" as it says, by downloading the firmware above, stripping the version (leaving it, and place it in the dir with the script before you run it, according to what the script says. Then you don't need to edit anything.

All is well after this.

I don't have cameras yet, so I can't tell if this setup still works when downgrading a camera from firmware made after it. (or at all) I will update when I do (soon)

UPDATE: I received the cameras, got one connected, saw it was on a newer firmware. Downgraded it, and it refused to connect to wifi after that. Otherwise, the install worked fine, I had init log files on sd from wz_mini_hacks. After resetting and flashing and tinkering to no success, I switched to OpenMiko, so that's the end of this story.

irsl commented 1 year ago

Have you got a URL for Pan v1 returns 403. I prefer not experimenting with the latest firmware, but rather use the same one you have been testing with.

Grntrenchman commented 1 year ago

Have you got a URL for Pan v1 returns 403. I prefer not experimenting with the latest firmware, but rather use the same one you have been testing with.

Your link would work fine if you removed the ".bin" from it, dunno where you got that from.

irsl commented 1 year ago

I added an echo after this line of

PAN_DL_URL=$(wget --header="Accept: text/html" --user-agent="$UA_STRING" -qO- | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_-]*" | grep /pan/ |   sort -t . -k2r,5 | grep demo | head -1)

At the time of writing these lines, it evaluates to I replaced the version number in there.


dasb00ter commented 1 year ago

Hmm I am attempting to prepare an install for v1 pan cam or v2 cam and I am also getting a checksum problem. I have downloaded the firmware from the link directly and placed it as demo.bin in the directory but it appears to just download whatever is available and ignores whatever I placed there? Can somebody help?

edit works with manually downloaded