gu-gridh / multimodal-map

A template for place-based data exploration at GRIDH
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3D viewer #6

Closed arildm closed 1 year ago

arildm commented 1 year ago

Jonathan wrote:

There need to be two different 3d viewers depending on the type of 3d data (point cloud or mesh). Either we need to develop a new versatile viewer, or we can reuse the one i did for Antarctica (point cloud) and the one we are developing for SHFA (mesh).

jonathanwestin commented 1 year ago

This is the one we are using for the point clouds in the Antarctica site:

And here is the one we have started to implement for SHFA using 3D-hop: (contact me for the latest version of the library)

In addition to one of them supporting point clouds, and the other meshes, they also support different interaction models. Potree allows for free exploration while 3dhop is best suited for objects that you look at from outside and the primary interaction model is rotation.