guacsec / guac-landing

GUAC Landing page
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Update messaging #22

Closed mlieberman85 closed 2 months ago

mlieberman85 commented 6 months ago

Reading through the GUAC landing page and talking to folks who have come to the page I think some of the messaging isn't landing. I was looking to help fill out the DevRel one pager form that we are working with @Arvind644 on and realized some of the content we have on here that would fit into that form doesn't seem to land right. Here is what I think needs to land a bit harder:

GUAC is ready with the answers for your software supply chain before you know you even have them GUAC does this by:

Knowing what I know about GUAC I can see this on the page, but it doesn't seem to land for new people. It might be worthwhile to include some of the OpenSSF DevRel community experts like @webchick to help us make sure our messaging lands?

Here is the existing content that. I feel like needs to land a bit harder:

Vision: GUAC (Graph for Understanding Artifact Composition) aims to fill in the gaps by ingesting software metadata, like SBOMs, and mapping out relationships between software. When you know how one piece of software affects another, you’ll be able to fully understand your software security position and act as needed.