guaka / hitchticker

Simple ticker for hitchhikers
MIT License
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SMS phone number #25

Open guaka opened 8 years ago

guaka commented 8 years ago

Currently this is @guaka's account. Happy to transfer it elsewhere, also ok to keep it as is for a while.

UserStefan commented 8 years ago

Can you give a short summary about the technical backround.

Where is what registered and what does it cost?

DTSG is happy to take running costs for this ticker (if it is, lets say a couple of Euros per month. I think it is not more than 10€?) and what is needed to make it running. Ralf is in charge for our money. We have some good reserves, after two successfully realized EU projects.

guaka commented 8 years ago

Created an issue label for SMS:

Code is using nexmo.

Apparently, currently "You don't have any numbers." I added €10 at some point, current balance €1.94.

platschi commented 8 years ago

What about creating a common DTSG account for nexmo? We can attach it then to our bank account regarding the finances. Will send you an email @guaka

simison commented 8 years ago

I think it's 3e/month or something like that.

UserStefan commented 8 years ago

We can cover the cost. No problem. Go for it.

platschi commented 8 years ago

Done, DTSG took over account. If anyone needs access to the API settings on Nexmo, let me know.


German mobile number is 5€/month. UK mobile number is 0. 50 €/month. Anyway, will go for German mobile number for now. Nr. is 491771789334. If I need to do anything within Nexmo, let me know. I am a noob regarding this.

guaka commented 8 years ago

The original issue "SMS phone number" can't be closed yet.

UserStefan commented 8 years ago

Good. This is done, right? Mikael, are you in Germany? Maybe someone give it a try.

guaka commented 8 years ago

(I can't log in to nexmo anymore, I asked @platschi for login details.)

UserStefan commented 8 years ago

Got details? Ready to close this?