guansss / pixi-live2d-display

A PixiJS plugin to display Live2D models of any kind.
MIT License
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manager.on is not a function #104

Closed ABallard98 closed 1 year ago

ABallard98 commented 1 year ago

When trying to add the model to the PIXI stage I get an error of "TypeError: manager.on is not a function"

index.html :

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

App.tsx :

const modelUrl =

const App = () => {
  const app = new PIXI.Application<HTMLCanvasElement>({
    autoStart: true,
    backgroundAlpha: 0,
    resizeTo: window

  useEffect(() => {
    void (async () => {
      const model = await Live2DModel.from(modelUrl)
      model.position.set(500, 500)
      app.stage.addChild(model) // error: manager.on is not a function
      model.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
      model.y = window.screen.height * 0.1;
  }, [app, modelUrl])

  return (
        <h4>Live2d example</h4>
ABallard98 commented 1 year ago

I was able to solve by downgrading to pixi.js@6.5.2 and replacing the pixi app initialisation with

    const app = new PIXI.Application({
      autoStart: true,
      backgroundAlpha: 0,
      resizeTo: window,
      view: document.getElementById('canvas') as HTMLCanvasElement
Cpk0521 commented 1 year ago

Since pixi v7 @pixi/interaction changed to @pixi/events If you want to run on pixi v7 You may need to modify the Live2DModel.ts and InteractionMixin.ts files


override _render(renderer: Renderer): void {
        // this.registerInteraction(renderer.plugins.interaction);


// import { InteractionEvent, InteractionManager } from '@pixi/interaction';
import { FederatedPointerEvent, EventSystem } from '@pixi/events';

export class InteractionMixin {

    //interactionManager?: InteractionManager;
    interactionManager?: EventSystem;

    //registerInteraction(this: Live2DModel<any>, manager?: InteractionManager): void {
    registerInteraction(this: Live2DModel<any>, manager?: EventSystem): void {
        if (manager !== this.interactionManager) {

            if (this._autoInteract && manager) {
                this.interactionManager = manager;
                // manager.on('pointermove', onPointerMove, this);
                manager.domElement.addEventListener('pointermove', onPointerMove.bind(this))

    unregisterInteraction(this: Live2DModel<any>): void {
        if (this.interactionManager) {
            // this.interactionManager?.off('pointermove', onPointerMove, this);
            this.interactionManager?.domElement.removeEventListener("pointermove", onPointerMove.bind(this));
            this.interactionManager = undefined;

//function onTap(this: Live2DModel<any>, event: InteractionEvent): void {
function onTap(this: Live2DModel<any>, event: FederatedPointerEvent): void {

//function onTap(this: Live2DModel<any>, event: InteractionEvent): void {
function onPointerMove(this: Live2DModel<any>, event: PointerEvent) {
    // this.focus(,;
    this.focus(event.x, event.y);