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2024-06-12 astro-ph.CO #109

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Interpreting DESI 2024 BAO: late-time dynamical dark energy or a local effect? **Authors**: Ioannis D. Gialamas, Gert Hütsi, Kristjan Kannike, Antonio Racioppi, Martti Raidal, Martin Vasar, Hardi Veermäe **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: DESI data hints at dynamical dark energy, but simple models of dark energy's equation of state can be misleading. Instead, quintessence models fit the data well, suggesting that dark energy deviates from a constant value only at very low redshifts (z<0.1), driven by local supernova data. This implies either a recent dramatic change in the Universe's fundamental properties or unaccounted systematics in the local Universe. **Link**: [arXiv](
Cosmological constraints on $Λ_{\rm s}$CDM scenario in a type II minimally modified gravity **Authors**: Ozgur Akarsu, Antonio De Felice, Eleonora Di Valentino, Suresh Kumar, Rafael C. Nunes, Emre Ozulker, J. Alberto Vazquez, Anita Yadav **TL;DR**: Here's a concise summary of the paper: Researchers have improved the "ΛsCDM" model, which suggests a rapid switch in the cosmological constant around z=1.7, by embedding it within a modified gravity theory called VCDM. The new "ΛsVCDM" model fits observational data better than the standard ΛCDM model and alleviates two major cosmological tensions: the H0 and S8 tensions. This alternative model predicts more structure formation, but with lower matter density, providing a compelling alternative to the standard cosmological model. **Link**: [arXiv](
COMAP Pathfinder -- Season 2 results III. Implications for cosmic molecular gas content at "Cosmic Half-past Eleven" **Authors**: D. T. Chung, P. C. Breysse, K. A. Cleary, D. A. Dunne, J. G. S. Lunde, H. Padmanabhan, N. -O. Stutzer, D. Tolgay, J. R. Bond, S. E. Church, H. K. Eriksen, T. Gaier, J. O. Gundersen, S. E. Harper, A. I. Harris, R. Hobbs, H. T. Ihle, J. Kim, J. W. Lamb, C. R. Lawrence, N. Murray, T. J. Pearson, L. Philip, A. C. S. Readhead, T. J. Rennie, I. K. Wehus, D. P. Woody **TL;DR**: Here's a concise summary: The COMAP Pathfinder survey analyzes the power spectrum of high-redshift carbon monoxide (CO) line emission to constrain models of cosmic molecular gas and galaxy evolution. With updated data from the first three years of operations, the survey places the most stringent limits to date on the bias of CO emission as a tracer of dark matter, narrows the model space, and shows hints of capturing the contribution of faint CO emitters. **Link**: [arXiv](
COMAP Pathfinder -- Season 2 results II. Updated constraints on the CO(1-0) power spectrum **Authors**: N. -O. Stutzer, J. G. S. Lunde, P. C. Breysse, D. T. Chung, K. A. Cleary, D. A. Dunne, H. K. Eriksen, H. T. Ihle, H. Padmanabhan, D. Tolgay, I. K. Wehus, J. R. Bond, S. E. Church, T. Gaier, J. O. Gundersen, A. I. Harris, S. E. Harper, R. Hobbs, J. Kim, J. W. Lamb, C. R. Lawrence, N. Murray, T. J. Pearson, L. Philip, A. C. S. Readhead, T. J. Rennie, D. P. Woody **TL;DR**: Here's a concise summary of the paper: "COMAP Pathfinder observations constrain the 3D power spectrum of CO(1-0) emission at redshifts 2.4-3.4, with a 2.7σ excess in the most sensitive bin. The analysis improves on previous results with enhanced data volume and processing, yielding the strongest direct constraints on the cosmological CO power spectrum to date." **Link**: [arXiv](
COMAP Pathfinder -- Season 2 results I. Improved data selection and processing **Authors**: J. G. S. Lunde, N. -O. Stutzer, P. C. Breysse, D. T. Chung, K. A. Cleary, D. A. Dunne, H. K. Eriksen, S. E. Harper, H. T. Ihle, J. W. Lamb, T. J. Pearson, L. Philip, I. K. Wehus, D. P. Woody, J. R. Bond, S. E. Church, T. Gaier, J. O. Gundersen, A. I. Harris, R. Hobbs, J. Kim, C. R. Lawrence, N. Murray, H. Padmanabhan, A. C. S. Readhead, T. J. Rennie, D. Tolgay **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: The COMAP Pathfinder project has made significant improvements to its data processing pipeline, leading to 8x more data and 3.2x cleaner data per hour of observation. This has resulted in the most precise maps of CO emission from distant galaxies to date, with uncertainties of 25-50 μK per voxel, allowing for stronger constraints on cosmological models. **Link**: [arXiv](
A model-independent test of pre-recombination New Physics: Machine Learning based estimate of the Sound Horizon from Gravitational Wave Standard Sirens and the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Angular Scale **Authors**: William Giarè, Jonathan Betts, Carsten van de Bruck, Eleonora Di Valentino **TL;DR**: "Upcoming gravitational wave and BAO measurements can be combined to make a precise, model-independent measurement of the sound horizon at the baryon-drag epoch, potentially testing the ΛCDM model and clarifying the Hubble tension with 4σ significance." **Link**: [arXiv](
Holographic and Gravity-Thermodynamic Approaches in Entropic Cosmology: Bayesian Assessment using late-time Data **Authors**: Udit K. Tyagi, Sandeep Haridasu, Soumen Basak **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR summary of the paper: "Cosmologists compared two approaches to explain dark energy: Holographic Dark Energy (HDE) and Gravity-Thermodynamics (GT). By analyzing multiple datasets, they found that HDE fits the data much better than GT, with GT being disfavored by a significant margin. The HDE approach, which uses a fractal dimension of the horizon, performs similarly to the standard ΛCDM model. This study suggests that HDE is a promising alternative to explain the accelerating expansion of the universe." **Link**: [arXiv](
Single and merger soliton dynamics in scalar field dark matter with and without self-interactions **Authors**: Matthias Stallovits, Tanja Rindler-Daller **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Simulations of scalar field dark matter (SFDM) solitons reveal that self-interactions lead to larger cores and lower central densities, with Gaussian core profiles and NFW envelopes. Mergers exhibit persistent oscillations, but with smaller amplitude when self-interactions are present." **Link**: [arXiv](
Multimessenger constraints for electrophilic feebly interacting particles from supernovae **Authors**: Pedro De la Torre Luque, Shyam Balaji, Pierluca Carenza **TL;DR**: New constraints on "feebly interacting particles" (FIPs) that could be produced in supernovae, using multimessenger techniques to probe X-ray emission and 511keV line production, applicable to various particle models beyond the Standard Model. **Link**: [arXiv](
The New Worlds Simulations: Large-scale Simulations across Three Cosmologies **Authors**: Katrin Heitmann, Thomas Uram, Nicholas Frontiere, Salman Habib, Adrian Pope, Silvio Rizzi, Joe Insley **TL;DR**: Researchers ran three massive cosmology simulations, each with 12,288^3 particles, to study the universe's evolution with different cosmological parameters: a vanilla LambdaCDM model, one with massive neutrinos, and one with varying dark energy. They present key statistics, like power spectra and halo properties, and make a subset of the data publicly available. **Link**: [arXiv](
Comparative Analysis of $k$-essence and Quintessence Scalar Field Models: A Data Analysis Approach **Authors**: Saddam Hussain, Sarath Nelleri, Kaushik Bhattacharya **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: The authors compare quintessence and k-essence scalar field models using Bayesian inference and observational data from Hubble and Type Ia supernovae. While k-essence fits the data slightly better, both models are only weakly favoured over the standard ΛCDM model. **Link**: [arXiv](
Starobinsky inflation and Swampland conjectures **Authors**: Sergei V. Ketov **TL;DR**: "Starobinsky inflation remains viable: This paper reviews the status of Starobinsky inflation and finds it compatible with three main Swampland conjectures, contradicting potential concerns." **Link**: [arXiv](
The PAU Survey: Photometric Calibration of Narrow Band Images **Authors**: F. J. Castander, S. Serrano, M. Eriksen, E. Gaztanaga, R. Casas, A. Alarcon, A. H. Bauer, E. Fernandez, D. Navarro-Girones, N. Tonello, L. Cabayol, J. Carretero, J. De Vicente, J. Garcia-Bellido, H. Hildebrandt, H. Hoekstra, B. Joachimi, R. Miquel, C. Padilla, P. Renard, E. Sanchez, I. Sevilla-Noarre, P. Tallada-Crespi **TL;DR**: The authors describe the image calibration procedure for the PAU Survey, an optical imaging instrument on the William Herschel Telescope. They achieve 2% precision in calibrating narrow-band data using stellar templates from the SDSS, and improve this to 1% by using only blue stars, ensuring accurate photometric redshifts for cosmic surveys. **Link**: [arXiv](
Cosmological Stasis from Dynamical Scalars: Tracking Solutions and the Possibility of a Stasis-Induced Inflation **Authors**: Keith R. Dienes, Lucien Heurtier, Fei Huang, Tim M. P. Tait, Brooks Thomas **TL;DR**: "Extended periods of cosmological stasis, where energy components like matter, radiation, and vacuum energy remain fixed, can occur in theories beyond the Standard Model. We show that this stasis phenomenon persists even when energy components have dynamic, time-varying equations of state, and can lead to new features like 'tracking' stasis and a potential new inflationary scenario, 'Stasis Inflation', without the need for an ad-hoc inflaton potential." **Link**: [arXiv](
Predictions for a Low-mass Cutoff for the Primordial Black Hole Mass Spectrum **Authors**: James Barbieri, George Chapline **TL;DR**: Small violations of mass conservation during merger of primordial black holes (PBHs) can produce a mass spectrum that seeds galaxy formation, with a low-mass cutoff around 0.1 solar masses, which can be tested with future microlensing and astrometric observations. **Link**: [arXiv](
Exploring Alternative Cosmologies with the LSST: Simulated Forecasts and Current Observational Constraints **Authors**: Dharmendra Kumar, Ayan Mitra, Shahnawaz A. Adil, Anjan A. Sen **TL;DR**: "New analysis of simulated LSST supernova data and other datasets suggests that dynamic dark energy models can provide a better fit to observations than the standard LCDM model, with deviations exceeding 2-sigma significance in most cases, highlighting the potential of LSST to explore alternative cosmologies." **Link**: [arXiv](
Universal properties of the evolution of the Universe in modified loop quantum cosmology **Authors**: Jamal Saeed, Rui Pan, Christian Brown, Gerald Clevear, Anzhong Wang **TL;DR**: Here's a concise summary of the paper: "This study explores the evolution of the universe in a modified loop quantum cosmological model with various inflationary potentials, showing that the pre-bounce phase can be universally divided into three phases, regardless of the potential used. The phases are characterized by inflaton kinetic energy domination, a brief transition, and a pre-de Sitter phase with a Planck-sized effective cosmological constant. Analytical solutions can approximate the evolution of the expansion factor and inflaton in this pre-bounce regime, independent of the inflation potential." **Link**: [arXiv](
Gravitational Radiation Power Spectrum of Garfinkle-Vachaspati Cosmic String Loops **Authors**: S. David Storm, Robert J. Scherrer **TL;DR**: "Cosmic string loops don't wobble like expected: their harmonic power spectrum scales as $n^{-2} \ln n$, not $n^{-2}$, which affects the predicted stochastic gravitational wave background." **Link**: [arXiv](
The XMM-SERVS X-ray eXtended Galaxy Cluster (XVXGC) catalog **Authors**: Weiwei Xu, Linhua Jiang, Ran Li, Bin Luo, W. Nielsen Brandt, Chaoli Zhang, Thomas Erben **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Researchers create a new catalog of 141 extended X-ray galaxy clusters, including 52 newly discovered ones, to help explain the tension between CMB and galaxy cluster-based cosmological parameter constraints. The new catalog, XVXGC, reveals fainter and more extended clusters than previously known, which could help resolve the discrepancy." **Link**: [arXiv](
Inflaton Production of Scalar Dark Matter through Fluctuations and Scattering **Authors**: Gongjun Choi, Marcos A. G. Garcia, Wenqi Ke, Yann Mambrini, Keith A. Olive, Sarunas Verner **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Inflation-produced dark matter gets a boost from a small coupling between the inflaton and dark matter fields, relaxing constraints on dark matter mass and reheating temps. Even a tiny coupling can make a big difference in allowed parameter space!" **Link**: [arXiv](
The measurement of the splashback radius of dark matter halo **Authors**: Weiwei Xu, Huanyuan Shan, Ran Li, Ji Yao, Chunxiang Wang, Nan Li, Chaoli Zhang **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Researchers measured the 'splashback radius' (a physically defined halo boundary) for thousands of dark matter halos across a wide range of masses and redshifts. They found that more massive halos have larger splashback radii, and that the ratio of splashback radius to halo size shows a U-shaped dependence on mass. The results provide new insights into halo evolution and are consistent with previous studies and simulations." **Link**: [arXiv](
CombineHarvesterFlow: Joint Probe Analysis Made Easy with Normalizing Flows **Authors**: Peter L. Taylor, Andrei Cuceu, Chun-Hao To, Erik A. Zaborowski **TL;DR**: Researchers developed a new method using normalizing flows to efficiently sample the joint posterior of two non-covariant experiments with many nuisance parameters, enabling fast (~seconds) and green (~1 ton CO2 savings) joint analysis of large cosmological datasets. They applied this to combine Dark Energy Survey, South Pole Telescope, Planck, and BOSS data, yielding precise constraints on Ωm and S8. **Link**: [arXiv](
Constraining extended teleparallel gravity via cosmography: A model-independent approach **Authors**: Sai Swagat Mishra, N. S. Kavya, P. K. Sahoo, V. Venkatesha **TL;DR**: This paper uses a model-independent approach called cosmography to constrain an extended teleparallel gravity model, $f(T,\mathcal{T})$, using three different datasets. The authors employ a Taylor series expansion and Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis to constrain the model's parameters and compare the results with three well-known $f(T,\mathcal{T})$ models. **Link**: [arXiv](