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2024-06-21 astro-ph.CO #118

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Neutrino mass bounds from DESI 2024 are relaxed by Planck PR4 and cosmological supernovae **Authors**: Itamar J. Allali, Alessio Notari **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Recent BAO and CMB data seemed to rule out the inverted neutrino hierarchy, but when combining with new likelihoods and supernovae datasets, the bounds on neutrino masses relax, making both normal and inverted hierarchies viable again. The shift is linked to resolving the $A_L$ tension, and relaxing the bounds further in models with Dark Radiation." **Link**: [arXiv](
ForSE+: Simulating non-Gaussian CMB foregrounds at 3 arcminutes in a stochastic way based on a generative adversarial network **Authors**: Jian Yao, Nicoletta Krachmalnicoff, Marianna Foschi, Giuseppe Puglisi, Carlo Baccigalupi **TL;DR**: ForSE+ is a Python package that generates realistic, non-Gaussian, and polarized thermal dust emission maps at high resolutions (arcminute scales), allowing for the simulation of small-scale foregrounds and their impact on CMB analysis, particularly lensing and gravitational wave detection. **Link**: [arXiv](
The feasibility of weak lensing and 21cm intensity mapping cross-correlation measurements **Authors**: Anut Sangka, David Bacon **TL;DR**: "HI intensity mapping can probe cosmology, but foreground removal reduces its cross-correlation with lensing convergence by 50-70%. Despite this, angular and redshift-dependent signals remain, and Fisher forecasts suggest that measuring HI-lensing correlations in multiple redshift bins can still constrain cosmology and HI bias." **Link**: [arXiv](
Exact solutions for differentially rotating galaxies in general relativity **Authors**: Marco Galoppo, David L. Wiltshire **TL;DR**: This paper presents new solutions to Einstein's equations that describe rotating, dust-filled galaxies. By studying these solutions, the authors find that the energy and angular momentum of the galaxy are closely tied, and that this relationship can be used to understand the rotation curves of galaxies without invoking dark matter. **Link**: [arXiv](
Clocking the End of Cosmic Inflation **Authors**: Jerome Martin, Christophe Ringeval, Vincent Vennin **TL;DR**: A great breakthrough in understanding the universe! TL; **Link**: [arXiv](
Peculiar Velocity Reconstruction From Simulations and Observations Using Deep Learning Algorithms **Authors**: Yuyu Wang, Xiaohu Yang **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary: Researchers develop a deep learning Unet model to reconstruct the 3D peculiar velocity field with improved precision (16% better than analytical methods). The model excels in capturing non-linear velocity features and boundary regions, and is successfully applied to SDSS DR7 data for observational velocity reconstructions. **Link**: [arXiv](
The Simons Observatory: Alarms and Detector Quality Monitoring **Authors**: David V. Nguyen, Sanah Bhimani, Nicholas Galitzki, Brian J. Koopman, Jack Lashner, Laura Newburgh, Max Silva-Feaver, Kyohei Yamada **TL;DR**: Here is a TL;DR for the paper: "The Simons Observatory develops an alarm system to monitor and alert personnel when their cosmic microwave background telescopes or instruments stray from optimal operation, ensuring prompt issue resolution and high-quality data." **Link**: [arXiv](
Dark Matter and General Relativistic Instability in Supermassive Stars **Authors**: Kyle S. Kehrer, George M. Fuller **TL;DR**: "Dark matter can stabilize supermassive stars by increasing the critical density for gravitational instability, potentially delaying their collapse and altering their nuclear burning and neutrino emission, if it makes up more than 1% of the star's mass." **Link**: [arXiv](
Cosmological tests with bright and dark standard sirens **Authors**: Isabela S. Matos **TL;DR**: This paper explores using gravitational waves from binary systems as "standard sirens" to test our understanding of the universe's evolution, either with (bright sirens) or without (dark sirens) accompanying electromagnetic signals, and discusses how combining these with other cosmic data can help refine our cosmological models. **Link**: [arXiv](
Constraining cosmological parameters using void statistics from the SDSS survey **Authors**: Elena Fernández-García, Juan E. Betancort-Rijo, Francisco Prada, Tomoaki Ishiyama, Anatoly Klypin **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Researchers use void statistics from the SDSS galaxy survey to constrain cosmological parameters, obtaining estimates for σ8, Ωm, H0, and other parameters. They find that combining these constraints with KiDS-1000+DESY3 data tightens the uncertainties by a factor of 2-3, thanks to the orthogonal orientation of the confidence contours in the σ8-Ωm plane." **Link**: [arXiv](
On the dark matter content of ultra-diffuse galaxies **Authors**: Andrey Kravtsov **TL;DR**: The paper's main contributions are assistant<|start_header_id|> 1. Presentation of a novel galaxy formation model that includes a dark matter component within stellar half-mass radius in a $\Lambda$CDM framework. **Link**: [arXiv](
Matter Power Spectra in Modified Gravity: A Comparative Study of Approximations and $N$-Body Simulations **Authors**: Benjamin Bose, Ashim Sen Gupta, Bartolomeo Fiorini, Guilherme Brando, Farbod Hassani, Tessa Baker, Lucas Lombriser, Baojiu Li, Cheng-Zong Ruan, Cesar Hernandez-Aguayo, Luis Atayde, Noemi Frusciante **TL;DR**: I just read this abstract and I am excited by the research presented. This is a cutting-edge study that investigates<|start_header_id|><|start_header_id|> **Link**: [arXiv](
Einasto gravitational potentials have difficulty to hold spherically symmetric stellar systems with cores **Authors**: Jorge Sanchez Almeida **TL;DR**: You can't have a spherical, isotropic stellar system with a central core in a dark matter halo described by either NFW or Einasto potentials, challenging our understanding of dark matter and its impact on galaxy structure. **Link**: [arXiv](
The emergence of the Star Formation Main Sequence with redshift unfolded by JWST **Authors**: P. Rinaldi, R. Navarro-Carrera, K. I. Caputi, E. Iani, G. Ostlin, L. Colina, S. Alberts, J. Alvarez-Marquez, M. Annunziatella, L. Boogaard, L. Costantin, J. Hjorth, D. Langeroodi, J. Melinder, T. Moutard, F. Walter **TL;DR**: This study examines the relationship between star formation rate and stellar mass in ~50,000 galaxies at z~3-7, finding that low-mass galaxies (log10(M*/Msun) < 7) are all starbursts, while more massive galaxies (log10(M*/Msun) > 9) have a well-established star-forming main sequence at z=5-7, with the main sequence emerging later (at z<4) for intermediate-mass galaxies. **Link**: [arXiv](
Gravitational-wave background in bouncing models from semi-classical, quantum and string gravity **Authors**: Ido Ben-Dayan, Gianluca Calcagni, Maurizio Gasperini, Anupam Mazumdar, Eliseo Pavone, Udaykrishna Thattarampilly, Amresh Verma **TL;DR**: We explore three alternative cosmology models with a bounce instead of a Big Bang, and find that only the pre-big-bang scenario produces a detectable gravitational wave background signal, which could be seen by LISA and Einstein Telescope, while the other two models are either too quiet or too loud. **Link**: [arXiv](
Strongly lensed supernovae: lessons learned **Authors**: Ariel Goobar, Joel Johansson, Ana Sagués Carracedo **TL;DR**: Multiply-imaged gravitationally lensed supernovae are rare events that can be used for time-delay cosmography and studying lensing galaxies. This paper discusses the challenges in finding these events and the opportunities they offer for advancing our understanding of the universe. **Link**: [arXiv](
Neutron stars and Pulsar timing arrays as Axion giant gyroscopes **Authors**: Yiming Liu, Jinneng Luo, Sichun Sun **TL;DR**: Axion wind from the oscillating axion background field can cause neutron stars to wobble, affecting their rotation and pulsar timing, allowing current pulsar timing array data to constrain axion-nucleon coupling to ~10^(-12) GeV^(-1). **Link**: [arXiv](
Is Lensing Amplitude Anomaly in the Cosmic Microwave Background the Evidence of Extremely Low Frequency Primordial Gravitational Wave? **Authors**: Wenshuai Liu **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: The authors propose that extremely low-frequency primordial gravitational waves could be responsible for the observed lensing amplitude anomaly in the CMB, by enhancing the smoothing effect of large-scale structure on acoustic peaks through weak lensing. **Link**: [arXiv](
Gravitational Wave Birefringence from Fuzzy Dark Matter **Authors**: Da Huang, Ze-Xuan Xiong **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: GW birefringence in fuzzy dark matter (FDM) backgrounds doesn't affect wave speed, but does cause amplitude birefringence, where one polarization is amplified and the other suppressed. This effect depends only on GW frequency, not distance, and exhibits a periodic time variation that could be used to test FDM. **Link**: [arXiv](
Suppression without Thawing: Constraining Structure Formation and Dark Energy with Galaxy Clustering **Authors**: Shi-Fan Chen, Mikhail M. Ivanov, Oliver H. E. Philcox, Lukas Wenzl **TL;DR**: New analysis of galaxy clustering and cosmic microwave background data confirms tension between low-redshift observations and the standard ΛCDM model, with galaxy structures appearing 10% suppressed. Exploring dynamical dark energy as a solution, the study finds no strong evidence, hinting at either lingering systematics or the need for more complex cosmological models. **Link**: [arXiv](
Cosmic slowing down of acceleration with the Chaplygin-Jacobi gas as a dark fluid **Authors**: J. A. S. Fortunato, W. S. Hipolito-Ricaldi, N. Videla, J. R. Villanueva **TL;DR**: A new variant of the Chaplygin inflation model, dubbed Chaplygin-Jacobi, is proposed as a dark energy fluid that can explain the recent acceleration of the universe, but with a twist: it predicts a possible future deceleration phase, in contrast to eternal acceleration in traditional models. The model is shown to be observationally viable using various datasets, and could potentially explain the recently reported slowing down of cosmic acceleration. **Link**: [arXiv](
The Hanbury-Brown and Twiss effect in inflationary cosmological perturbations **Authors**: Gustavo Matheus Gauy, Flavia Sobreira, Giorgio Torrieri **TL;DR**: The authors explore whether the Hanbury-Brown and Twiss (HBT) effect, commonly used in heavy ion physics, can be applied to study the transition from coherence to chaos during inflation, but ultimately conclude that the differences between inflationary and traditional HBT setups make it uncertain. **Link**: [arXiv](
Predicting the 21 cm field with a Hybrid Effective Field Theory approach **Authors**: Danial Baradaran, Boryana Hadzhiyska, Martin J. White, Noah Sailer **TL;DR**: Researchers develop a new theoretical model (Hybrid Effective Field Theory) to precisely predict the 21 cm power spectrum from the epoch of reionization, outperforming previous models at large and intermediate scales, and paving the way for accurate cosmological constraints from upcoming radio interferometer experiments like HERA. **Link**: [arXiv](
Mildly boosted dark matter annihilation and reconciling indirect galactic signals **Authors**: Steven J. Clark **TL;DR**: I'm reading an abstract of a cosmology paper,<|start_header_id|><|start_header_id|><|start_header_id|> **Link**: [arXiv](
Self-consistent strong screening applied to thermonuclear reactions **Authors**: Christopher Grayson, Cheng Tao Yang, Martin Formanek, Johann Rafelski **TL;DR**: This paper improves Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) models by incorporating strong plasma screening effects, which enhance fusion rates of heavy elements (Z>2) while leaving lighter elements (Z≤2) unaffected. The work provides a more accurate understanding of the electron-positron plasma's role during BBN, with implications for refining BBN predictions and studying plasmas in various cosmic and laboratory contexts. **Link**: [arXiv](
CMB Spectral Distortions: A Multimessenger Probe of the Primordial Universe **Authors**: Bryce Cyr **TL;DR**: This paper reviews the frequency spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) as a valuable source of data for understanding the state of the primordial Universe. beyond what can be accessed through other means. The authors highlight the key science goals of CMB spectral analysis, with an emphasis on how future **Link**: [arXiv](
Removal of interloper contamination to line-intensity maps using correlations with ancillary tracers of the large-scale structure **Authors**: José Luis Bernal, Antón Baleato Lizancos **TL;DR**: Researchers develop a new method to remove contaminating "interloper" signals from line intensity mapping, which interferes with 3D maps of large-scale structure. They use statistical correlations with external tracers to clean the data, improving signal-to-noise ratio by up to 6x (auto) and 2x (cross), without relying on specific models or masking individual sources. **Link**: [arXiv](
Large Blue Spectral Index From a Conformal Limit of a Rotating Complex Scalar **Authors**: Daniel J. H. Chung, Sai Chaitanya Tadepalli **TL;DR**: Although the authors claimed that their method generates a large blue spectral index,<|start_header_id|><|start_header_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant Even with a quartic potential term associated with the Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking radial partner **Link**: [arXiv](
Warm and Fuzzy Dark Matter: Free Streaming of Wave Dark Matter **Authors**: Rayne Liu, Wayne Hu, Huangyu Xiao **TL;DR**: Fuzzy dark matter with relativistic wavenumbers exhibits free streaming effects similar to warm/hot dark matter, leading to damping of fluctuations. This affects both adiabatic and isocurvature fluctuations, causing differences from cold dark matter predictions, and depends on the momentum distribution of the fuzzy DM. **Link**: [arXiv](
Cold Darkogenesis: Dark Matter and Baryon Asymmetry in Light of the PTA Signal **Authors**: Kohei Fujikura, Sudhakantha Girmohanta, Yuichiro Nakai, Zhihao Zhang **TL;DR**: Researchers propose a new mechanism to explain the recent nano-Hz gravitational wave signal detected by Pulsar Timing Arrays, suggesting it's caused by a strong first-order phase transition in a dark sector. This phase transition requires strong supercooling, which would erase any pre-existing matter and dark matter, so they introduce a new "cold darkogenesis" process to generate dark matter and baryon asymmetry during the transition. The model predicts asymmetric dark matter and solves the galactic rotation curve problem, and can be tested by collider and dark matter detection experiments. **Link**: [arXiv](
Unimodular Quadratic Gravity and the Cosmological Constant **Authors**: Alberto Salvio **TL;DR**: Unimodular gravity, a theory that explains why the cosmological constant isn't huge, is applied to a non-perturbative quantum gravity framework, resulting in distinct predictions for inflationary observables. However, it still doesn't explain why the CC has its observed value, which is addressed by invoking a multiverse scenario where our universe's dark energy scale is anthropically selected. **Link**: [arXiv](