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2024-07-01 astro-ph.CO #128

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Curbing PBHs with PTAs **Authors**: A. J. Iovino, G. Perna, A. Riotto, H. Veermäe **TL;DR**: Primordial black holes (PBHs) formed from large primordial curvature perturbations would produce a detectable gravitational wave signal in pulsar timing arrays, constraining the PBH abundance in the mass range 0.1-1000 solar masses, unless non-Gaussianities are significant, in which case the constraints are weakened or eliminated. **Link**: [arXiv](
Reionization Parameter Inference from 3D Minkowski Functionals of the 21 cm Signals **Authors**: Kangning Diao, Zhaoting Chen, Xuelei Chen, Yi Mao **TL;DR**: Here is a TL;DR for the paper: "Using Minkowski Functionals to analyze 21cm brightness temp maps from the Epoch of Reionization, we show that SKA-Low can constrain reionization params as well as power spectrum analysis, and combining both improves constraints by up to 30%. HERA-like arrays won't be accurate enough, and strong foreground avoidance may degrade constraints." **Link**: [arXiv](
Non-thermal production of heavy vector dark matter from relativistic bubble walls **Authors**: Wen-Yuan Ai, Malcolm Fairbairn, Ken Mimasu, Tevong You **TL;DR**: TeV-scale vector dark matter can be efficiently produced non-thermally through bubble wall expansion during a first-order phase transition, providing a new mechanism for WIMP production in a wide range of parameter space, with potential detection opportunities through future gravitational wave detectors. **Link**: [arXiv](
Detectable signals of post-Born lensing curl B-modes **Authors**: Mathew Robertson, Giulio Fabbian, Julien Carron, Antony Lewis **TL;DR**: "Curl lensing, a subtle effect in the CMB caused by multiple lensing events, is too small for direct detection by near-future experiments. However, by cross-correlating with large-scale structure tracers, we can measure it using a new optimal estimator. Care is needed to avoid biases from non-Gaussianity and foregrounds, but with the right techniques, upcoming experiments like the Simons Observatory and CMB-S4 can detect curl lensing, offering a new probe of the universe." **Link**: [arXiv](
Gauge invariant quantum backreaction in U(1) axion inflation **Authors**: Davide Campanella Galanti, Pietro Conzinu, Giovanni Marozzi, Simony Santos da Costa **TL;DR**: This paper calculates the quantum backreaction effects on axion inflation from gauge fields and metric perturbations, using a gauge-invariant approach. They find that the backreaction becomes significant quickly, driving the system into a strong backreaction regime, and ultimately prolongs the inflationary period more than previously thought. **Link**: [arXiv](
Enhanced induced gravitational waves in Horndeski gravity **Authors**: Guillem Domènech, Alexander Ganz **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Horndeski gravity can boost induced gravitational wave production in the early universe, with resonances and growth on small scales. The maximum amplitude of induced GWs scales linearly with the primordial curvature spectrum, and can be further enhanced by resonances. In the scale-invariant case, the Horndeski-induced GW spectrum grows as k^3, making it potentially observable even without enhancements to the primordial curvature spectrum." **Link**: [arXiv](
Using relativistic effects in large-scale structure to constrain astrophysical properties of galaxy populations **Authors**: Daniel Sobral-Blanco, Camille Bonvin, Chris Clarkson, Roy Maartens **TL;DR**: "New way to constrain evolution and magnification biases of galaxy tracers using relativistic corrections to redshift-space distortions. Splitting galaxies into bright and faint samples allows for improved constraints on these biases using dipole and octupole moments of the correlation function, even with a low signal-to-noise octupole." **Link**: [arXiv](
Forecast of cosmological constraints with superluminous supernovae from the Chinese Space Station Telescope **Authors**: Xuan-Dong Jia, Jian-Ping Hu, Fa-Yin Wang, Zi-Gao Dai **TL;DR**: Authors estimate the rate of Superluminous Supernovae (SLSNe) using the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST) and predict 360 detections in 2.5 years, enabling precise constraints on cosmological parameters, including dark energy properties at high redshifts, via the peak-color relationship. **Link**: [arXiv](
Beam Instability for Wave Dark Matter **Authors**: Ui-Han Zhang, Tak-Pong Woo, Tzihong Chiueh **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: In wave dark matter models, the collision of large-scale flows produces fine-scale interference fringes that can form halos. This study shows that these fringes can undergo unstable oscillations (beam instability) under certain conditions, leading to halo formation. The necessary condition for beam instability is the presence of local density nulls in the background density. The paper develops a phase diagram to distinguish between beam instability, Jeans instability, and stable oscillations, providing new insights into the formation of structure in wave dark matter models. **Link**: [arXiv](
Refined approaches in second leptogenesis for the baryon-lepton asymmetry discrepancy **Authors**: YeolLin ChoeJo, Kazuki Enomoto, Yechan Kim, Hye-Sung Lee **TL;DR**: Heavy neutrinos with temperature-dependent mass can generate a second round of leptogenesis below the electroweak scale, helping to explain why we see more baryons than expected. This "late" leptogenesis arises from shifts in neutrino decay channels and resonance effects near the W/Z mass, and can even enhance asymmetry generation over time. **Link**: [arXiv](
Information content in anisotropic cosmological fields: Impact of different multipole expansion scheme for galaxy density and ellipticity correlations **Authors**: Takuya Inoue, Teppei Okumura, Shohei Saga, Atsushi Taruya **TL;DR**: "When analyzing galaxy density and intrinsic ellipticity fields, the choice of basis (Legendre vs associated Legendre) for multipole expansions affects the information content, with associated Legendre basis converging more slowly to full 2D power spectra. This impacts Hubble parameter errors, particularly for high-density samples, highlighting the importance of basis choice in cosmological analysis." **Link**: [arXiv](
Galaxy Group Ellipticity Confirms a Younger Cosmos **Authors**: Yu Rong **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Galaxy groups in our universe are more elliptical than expected, differing from simulations by 4σ. This mismatch could imply the universe is younger than thought, supporting a growing body of evidence challenging the standard cosmological model." **Link**: [arXiv](
Tomographic constraints on the production rate of gravitational waves from astrophysical sources **Authors**: David Alonso, Mehraveh Nikjoo, Arianna I. Renzini, Emilio Bellini, Pedro G. Ferreira **TL;DR**: No detection of gravitational wave signal in cross-correlation with galaxy maps, but constrained rate density of astrophysical sources from z~0 to z~1.5, paving the way for future detections. **Link**: [arXiv](
ZTF SN Ia DR2: The secondary maximum in Type Ia supernovae **Authors**: M. Deckers, K. Maguire, L. Shingles, G. Dimitriadis, M. Rigault, M. Smith, A. Goobar, J. Nordin, J. Johansson, M. Amenouche, U. Burgaz, S. Dhawan, M. Ginolin, L. Harvey, W. D. Kenworthy, Y. -L. Kim, R. R. Laher, N. Luo, S. R. Kulkarni, F. J. Masci, T. E. Müller-Bravo, P. E. Nugent, N. Pletskova, J. Purdum, B. Racine, J. Sollerman, J. H. Terwel **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Analyzing 893 Type Ia supernova light curves from the Zwicky Transient Facility, we find a strong correlation between the secondary maximum in the r-band and the light curve decline rate. The strength of the secondary maximum is a better standardization parameter than traditional stretch values. Our results suggest that most SNe Ia are consistent with double detonation models, and we identify a new spectral feature in the r-band that strengthens during the secondary maximum. We also find evidence for two distinct populations of SNe Ia, separated by their light curve properties." **Link**: [arXiv](
Dark Matter Coupled to Radiation: Limits from the Milky Way Satellites **Authors**: Wendy Crumrine, Ethan O. Nadler, Rui An, Vera Gluscevic **TL;DR**: We constrain dark matter's interactions with photons and neutrinos using the Milky Way's satellite galaxy population, ruling out large scattering cross sections that would suppress small-scale structure formation. Our limits on DM-photon/neutrino scattering are an order of magnitude stronger than previous bounds, and will be further improved by upcoming dwarf galaxy surveys. **Link**: [arXiv](
On the minimum number of radiation field parameters to specify gas cooling and heating functions **Authors**: David Robinson, Camille Avestruz, Nickolay Y. Gnedin **TL;DR**: Researchers used machine learning to approximate gas cooling and heating functions in galaxy simulations, finding that just 3 energy bins of the incident radiation field (0.5-1, 1-4, and 13-16 Ry) are enough to accurately predict these functions, making simulations faster and more efficient. **Link**: [arXiv](
Graviton- and Inflaton-mediated Dark Matter Production after Large Field Polynomial Inflation **Authors**: Nicolás Bernal, Julia Harz, Martin A. Mojahed, Yong Xu **TL;DR**: This paper explores how Dirac dark matter (DM) is produced during large-field polynomial inflation. The authors find that, unlike small-field inflation, graviton-mediated processes can dominate DM production, especially for heavier DM particles. They also show that the interplay between graviton- and inflaton-mediated channels leads to interesting relationships between DM mass and reheating temperature, which could be tested by future experiments. **Link**: [arXiv](
pop-cosmos: Scaleable inference of galaxy properties and redshifts with a data-driven population model **Authors**: Stephen Thorp, Justin Alsing, Hiranya V. Peiris, Sinan Deger, Daniel J. Mortlock, Boris Leistedt, Joel Leja, Arthur Loureiro **TL;DR**: Researchers develop a fast and efficient Bayesian method (pop-cosmos) to estimate galaxy properties and redshifts using photometric data, leveraging a neural network emulator and GPU acceleration. They demonstrate high accuracy and low bias in redshift estimates for 12,000 galaxies with spectroscopic data, and show that the method can be applied to large catalogs (292,300 galaxies) with a 3x increase in sample size compared to previous methods. **Link**: [arXiv](