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2024-07-03 astro-ph.CO #130

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Cubic Galileon Gravity in the CMB **Authors**: Gen Ye, Alessandra Silvestri **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: This paper explores a new model of early dark energy (EDE) that modifies gravity around the time of recombination, which helps to resolve the Hubble tension. The model, called $\mathcal{G}$EDE, includes a cubic Galileon operator and provides a better fit to recent CMB and supernovae data than the standard EDE model, with a higher value of the Hubble constant $H_0$. The authors also develop a new extension to the cosmological code EFTCAMB, which can be used to study a wide range of modified gravity theories. **Link**: [arXiv](
Neutrinos with refractive masses and the DESI BAO results **Authors**: Manibrata Sen, Alexei Y. Smirnov **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Neutrinos interacting with dark matter can get 'refractive masses' that explain oscillation data. But in the early universe, these masses were effectively zero, reconciling oscillation results with tight cosmological bounds on neutrino masses." **Link**: [arXiv](
Vector-like Quark Stabilised Higgs Inflation: Implications for Particle Phenomenology, Primordial Gravitational Waves and the Hubble Tension **Authors**: John McDonald **TL;DR**: This paper explores stabilizing the Higgs potential in Higgs Inflation by adding up to 3 vector-like quarks (VLQs). They find that these VLQs could be as light as 1-10 TeV, making them accessible to future colliders, and predict a tensor-to-scalar ratio that will be observable in upcoming CMB experiments. **Link**: [arXiv](
Systematics in ETG Mass Profile Modelling: Strong Lensing & Stellar Dynamics **Authors**: Carlos R. Melo-Carneiro, Cristina Furlanetto, Ana L. Chies-Santos **TL;DR**: Here is a TL;DR for the paper: "Combining strong lensing and stellar dynamics data provides the most accurate measurements of galaxy mass profiles, outperforming individual methods and breaking degeneracies. Joint modeling achieves 2% accuracy in total mass within 2.5 effective radii and robustly recovers Einstein radii, but still struggles to constrain dark matter halo parameters." **Link**: [arXiv](
Network Theory in Galaxy Distributions: The Coma Supercluster Neighborhood **Authors**: Evelise Gausmann, Fabricio Ferrari **TL;DR**: This paper uses network theory to analyze galaxy distributions, finding that network parameters like degree centrality and betweenness centrality correlate with galaxy environment properties like density and morphology. The approach can be used to identify superclusters and filamentary structures, providing a new toolkit for studying large-scale structures in the universe. **Link**: [arXiv](
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations analyses with Density-Split Statistics **Authors**: Tengpeng Xu, Yan-Chuan Cai, Yun Chen, Mark Neyrinck, Liang Gao, Qiao Wang **TL;DR**: "Non-linear effects on BAO: density-dependent shifts and broadening. Low-density regions show stable BAO width, while high-density regions show increasing width and percent-level shifts in BAO position over cosmic time." **Link**: [arXiv](
Conversations in the dark: cross-correlating birefringence and LSS to constrain axions **Authors**: S. Arcari, N. Bartolo, A. Greco, A. Gruppuso, M. Lattanzi, P. Natoli **TL;DR**: "New way to probe axion-like particles: Cross-correlating anisotropic cosmic birefringence with galaxy distributions can constrain axion parameters, particularly for low-mass axions (<10^(-32) eV), providing a promising tool to study dark sector physics." **Link**: [arXiv](
Modeling the Nonlinear Power Spectrum in Low-redshift HI Intensity Mapping **Authors**: Zhixing Li, Laura Wolz, Hong Guo, Steven Cunnington, Yi Mao **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Authors develop a simulation-based framework to predict the HI power spectrum on non-linear scales, accounting for HI emission line profiles and observational effects. They find a strong correlation between the profile width and the HI power spectrum, and use this to make predictions that match the trend of MeerKAT measurements at z~0.44, although with a lower amplitude. The study also constrains HI parameters, revealing a degeneracy between the profile width and HI density." **Link**: [arXiv](
The interface of gravity and dark energy **Authors**: Kristen Lackeos, Richard Lieu **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Dark energy's impact on galaxy clusters: It sets a maximum orbit radius for stars, alters gas virialization, and creates a natural cutoff for dark matter halos. Applied to Abell 1835, this theory reveals a deviation from hydrostatic equilibrium at 1.3 Mpc, an upper limit to the cluster's mass, and a region of turbulent gas transport between 1.3-3.5 Mpc." **Link**: [arXiv](
First-order Electroweak phase transition at finite density **Authors**: Renhui Qin, Ligong Bian **TL;DR**: Researchers used an effective field theory approach to study the Electroweak phase transition at finite temperature and density, finding that a more precise calculation method reduces theoretical uncertainty and constrains new physics scales to be below 770-800 GeV, with chemical potential effects making these constraints even stricter. **Link**: [arXiv](
Extended Uncertainty Principle: A Deeper Insight into the Hubble Tension? **Authors**: Kourosh Nozari, Sara Saghafi, Milad Hajebrahimi **TL;DR**: This paper proposes a new solution to the Hubble tension by applying the Extended Uncertainty Principle (EUP) to account for quantum gravity effects on large-scale cosmological measurements. The authors suggest that the discrepancy in Hubble parameter values from Type Ia Supernovae and CMB data may be due to differences in effective photon rest mass, which could be resolved by introducing a fundamental minimal momentum (or maximal length) scale. **Link**: [arXiv](
Fast modeling of the shear three-point correlation function **Authors**: Sunao Sugiyama, Rafael C. H. Gomes, Mike Jarvis **TL;DR**: We've developed a fast and accurate method to compute the 3-point correlation function of weak lensing shear, overcoming previous computational limitations. This enables the extraction of additional cosmological information from observed data, helping to better constrain models and calibrate systematics. **Link**: [arXiv](
The little coadd that could: Estimating shear from coadded images **Authors**: Robert Armstrong, Erin Sheldon, Eric Huff, Jim Bosch, Eli Rykoff, Rachel Mandelbaum, Arun Kannawadi, Peter Melchior, Robert Lupton, Matthew R. Becker, Yusra Al-Sayyed, The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "No need to simultaneously fit all epochs for weak lensing surveys! We show that coadding images can constrain shear bias to <0.1% level, similar to simultaneous fitting, with minimal loss of depth (~0.1 mag) and 20% of rejected epochs, making it a computationally efficient alternative for future surveys like LSST." **Link**: [arXiv](
Constraining Fundamental Constants with Fast Radio Bursts: Unveiling the Role of Energy Scale **Authors**: Surajit Kalita **TL;DR**: "Using 50 localized fast radio bursts, this study constrains variations in the fine-structure constant (α) and proton-to-electron mass ratio (μ) to within 2 x 10^-5 and 1 x 10^-5, respectively, improving previous limits. Dynamical dark energy models even allow for nearly an order-of-magnitude tighter constraints, highlighting the importance of considering energy scales when testing fundamental constants." **Link**: [arXiv](
Enhancing inflationary model predictions via refined slow-roll dynamics **Authors**: Debottam Nandi, Simran Yadav, Manjeet Kaur **TL;DR**: This paper improves the accuracy of inflationary model predictions by ditching common approximations and instead using near-exact solutions for slow-roll evolution and reheating. The result: significant refinement of theoretical predictions for perturbed observables, showing that small corrections can have a big impact. **Link**: [arXiv](
A central degeneracy induced outer core in fermionic dark matter halos **Authors**: Weikang Lin **TL;DR**: "Fermionic dark matter could solve the cusp-core problem by forming a degenerate inner core and an extended outer core that dominates gravity, reproducing the observed scaling relation between density and radius in galaxy rotation curves, suggesting that 'cored' profiles may not be a contradiction to massive dark matter, but rather a sign of its fermionic nature." **Link**: [arXiv](
Hawking Radiation of Nonrelativistic Scalars: Applications to Pion and Axion Production **Authors**: Hao-Ran Cui, Yuhsin Tsai, Tao Xu **TL;DR**: Asteroid-mass Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) produce pions and axion-like particles non-relativistically, which affects their gamma-ray signals. Accounting for mass corrections in Hawking radiation reveals significant changes to particle production rates, crucial for interpreting upcoming experiment data and determining PBH properties. **Link**: [arXiv](
Axion Relic Pockets -- a theory of dark matter **Authors**: Pierluca Carenza, Joshua Eby, Oksana Iarygina, M. C. David Marsh **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "New dark matter theory: 'axion relic pockets' form when hot axions get stuck in false vacua during phase transitions, creating macroscopic regions with unique properties. These pockets can make up all dark matter with just one parameter to tune, and can be tested with lab experiments and gamma-ray observations." **Link**: [arXiv](
Galaxy clustering in modified gravity from full-physics simulations. I: two-point correlation functions **Authors**: Michael Collier, Sownak Bose, Baojiu Li **TL;DR**: Modified gravity ($f(R)$) affects galaxy clustering in complex ways, challenging constraints on the model. While stronger $f(R)$ doesn't always mean stronger clustering, weaker models can still show large deviations from standard cosmology at lower redshifts, making them testable with upcoming galaxy surveys like DESI and Euclid. **Link**: [arXiv](
Cosmic accretion shocks as a tool to measure the dark matter mass of galaxy clusters **Authors**: David Vallés-Pérez, Vicent Quilis, Susana Planelles **TL;DR**: Simulations reveal a tight relation between galaxy cluster mass, shock radius, and shock intensity, enabling a new method to indirectly measure dark matter content in clusters with 30% accuracy, providing an independent test of the ΛCDM paradigm. **Link**: [arXiv](
The infall region as a complementary probe to cluster abundance **Authors**: Charlie T. Mpetha, James E. Taylor, Yuba Amoura, Roan Haggar **TL;DR**: This paper explores using weak lensing measurements of the infall region around galaxy clusters to constrain cosmological parameters, particularly $\Omega_m$ and $\sigma_8$. By analyzing the splashback radius, depletion radius, and shear profile in the infall region, these measurements can provide independent constraints that break the degeneracy between $\Omega_m$ and $\sigma_8$ seen in traditional abundance studies. Combining these measurements with abundance constraints could reduce error contours by up to a factor of 3, providing a powerful new probe of cosmology. **Link**: [arXiv](
ALP leptogenesis **Authors**: Martina Cataldi, Alberto Mariotti, Filippo Sala, Miguel Vanvlasselaer **TL;DR**: "New way to generate matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe using axion-like particles, relaxing constraints on right-handed neutrino masses and predicting early matter domination in some cases, with a supersymmetric model that includes GeV gravitino dark matter and TeV-scale neutrinos." **Link**: [arXiv](
Straightening the Ruler: Field-Level Inference of the BAO Scale with LEFTfield **Authors**: Ivana Babić, Fabian Schmidt, Beatriz Tucci **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: This paper presents a new Bayesian method for measuring the BAO scale from galaxy clustering data, varying initial conditions and bias coefficients simultaneously. By using a field-level approach, they achieve more precise measurements (up to 1.6 times smaller errors) and reduce systematic bias to below 2% (or 1% with Eulerian bias). This promises to improve constraints on cosmological parameters from future surveys. **Link**: [arXiv](
The power spectrum of luminosity distance fluctuations in General Relativity **Authors**: Mattia Pantiri, Matteo Foglieni, Enea Di Dio, Emanuele Castorina **TL;DR**: This paper provides a complete description of how galaxy distance measurements are affected by their peculiar velocities and the curvature of space-time, and shows that future surveys will need to account for these "wide-angle effects" to make accurate cosmological measurements. **Link**: [arXiv](
AtLAST Science Overview Report **Authors**: Mark Booth, Pamela Klaassen, Claudia Cicone, Tony Mroczkowski, Martin A. Cordiner, Luca Di Mascolo, Doug Johnstone, Eelco van Kampen, Minju M. Lee, Daizhong Liu, John Orlowski-Scherer, Amélie Saintonge, Matthew W. L. Smith, Alexander Thelen, Sven Wedemeyer, Kazunori Akiyama, Stefano Andreon, Doris Arzoumanian, Tom J. L. C. Bakx, Caroline Bot, Geoffrey Bower, Roman Brajša, Chian-Chou Chen, Elisabete da Cunha, David Eden, Stefano Ettori, Brandt Gaches, Evanthia Hatziminaoglou, Patricia Luppe, Benjamin Magnelli, Jonathan P. Marshall, Francisco Miguel Montenegro-Montes, Michael Niemack, Conor Nixon, Imke de Pater, Yvette Perrott, Sandra I. Raimundo, Elena Redaelli, Anita Richards, Matus Rybak, Nikolina Šarčević, Dmitry Semenov, Silvia Spezzano, Sundar Srinivasan, Thomas Stanke, Paola Andreani, Maria T. Beltrán, Bryan J. Butler, Sebastiano Cantalupo, Miguel Chavez Dagostino, Ana Duarte-Cabral, Bjorn Emonts, Leigh Fletcher, Dale E. Gary, Stanislav Gunar, Alvaro Hacar, Bendix Hagedorn, Tomek Kaminski, Fiona Kirton, Katherine de Kleer, Eduard Kontar, Yi-Jehng Kuan, John Lightfoot, Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez, Andreas Lundgren, Stefanie N. Milam, Atul Mohan, Raphael Moreno, Galina G. Motorina, Arielle Moullet, Kate Pattle, Alberto Pellizzoni, Nicolas Peretto, Joanna Ramasawmy, Claudio Ricci, Andrew J. Rigby, Álvaro Sánchez-Monge, Maryam Saberi, Masumi Shimojo, Aurora Simionescu, Mark Thompson, Alessio Traficante, Cristian Vignali, Stephen M. White **TL;DR**: The Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) is designed to tackle key open questions in cosmology and astrophysics, including star formation in distant galaxies, galaxy ecology, and solar flares. This 50m single-dish telescope will offer unprecedented resolution, sensitivity, and mapping speed, enabling the detection of diffuse structures and transient events, and allowing for flexible operations to accommodate diverse observing modes. **Link**: [arXiv](
PineTree: A generative, fast, and differentiable halo model for wide-field galaxy surveys **Authors**: Simon Ding, Guilhem Lavaux, Jens Jasche **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: **Brief Summary:** Researchers develop a computationally efficient neural network that can generate high-quality mock halo catalogs from dark matter overdensity fields, comparable to those from N-body simulations, using only 18-34 trainable parameters. This novel approach reduces computational time and can be used for upcoming wide-field surveys. **Link**: [arXiv](
Kurtosis consistency relation in large-scale structure as a probe of gravity theories **Authors**: Sora Yamashita, Takahiko Matsubara, Tomo Takahashi, Daisuke Yamauchi **TL;DR**: The authors develop "kurtosis consistency relations" that can be used to test and constrain degenerate higher-order scalar-tensor (DHOST) gravity theories, which go beyond general relativity, using large-scale structure observations of matter density fluctuations. **Link**: [arXiv](
Energetic particles and high-energy processes in cosmological filaments and their astronomical implications **Authors**: Kinwah Wu, Ellis R. Owen, Qin Han, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Lilian Luo **TL;DR**: Here's a concise summary of the paper: "Cosmic filaments act as 'highways' and 'fly paper' for high-energy cosmic rays, channelling them between galaxies and clusters, and capturing them from voids. The magnetic fields in filaments influence the fate of these particles, which can survive for cosmi timescales, forming a 'fossil record' of the Universe's power generation history." **Link**: [arXiv](
Combining pre- and post-recombination new physics to address cosmological tensions: case study with varying electron mass and a sign-switching cosmological constant **Authors**: Yo Toda, William Giarè, Emre Özülker, Eleonora Di Valentino, Sunny Vagnozzi **TL;DR**: "Researchers combine two novel cosmological models, one with a time-varying electron mass and another with a sign-switching cosmological constant, to try to resolve the Hubble tension. Unfortunately, the combination fails to alleviate the tension, highlighting the challenges of reconciling different physical scales. The study emphasizes the importance of understanding how new physics parameters interact with standard cosmological parameters, particularly the matter density $\Omega_m$, in searches for solutions to the Hubble tension." **Link**: [arXiv](
Gemini Dark Matter **Authors**: Andrew Cheek, Yu-Cheng Qiu, Liang Tan **TL;DR**: The Gemini dark matter model proposes a decaying dark matter scenario with two almost degenerate particles to resolve the S8/σ8 tension, predicting an abundance of dark radiation that can be probed by future CMB measurements, while still constituting cold dark matter despite having masses in the keV range. **Link**: [arXiv](
Accurate measurement of telescope filter bandpasses with a Collimated Beam Projector and impact on cosmological parameters **Authors**: Jérémy Neveu, Dylan Kuhn, Thierry Souverin, LEMAITRE collaboration **TL;DR**: "Photometric calibration errors in large surveys like LSST can limit precision cosmology with type Ia supernovae. This paper shows how small errors in filter bandpasses can bias cosmological results and proposes a method to measure filter throughputs with high precision using a Collimated Beam Projector to achieve sub-percent accuracy in magnitudes." **Link**: [arXiv](
On the importance of Earth's atmosphere for SNIa precision cosmology **Authors**: Jérémy Neveu, LEMAITRE collaboration, AuxTel collaboration **TL;DR**: "Next-gen galaxy surveys like LSST need precise photometric calibration to reach cosmological distance goals, but atmospheric effects like water vapor will dominate errors. Measuring atmospheric transmission in real-time with AuxTel can mitigate this, achieving subpercent precision in magnitudes and unlocking precision cosmology with supernovae." **Link**: [arXiv](
Primordial Black Holes in Induced Gravity Inflationary Models with Two Scalar Fields **Authors**: E. O. Pozdeeva, S. Yu. Vernov **TL;DR**: "Researchers propose a new 2-field inflationary model with an induced gravity term, which can produce primordial black holes (PBHs) that could make up dark matter, while still being consistent with observational data." **Link**: [arXiv](
Dark matter-electron scattering and freeze-in scenarios in the light of $Z^\prime$ mediation **Authors**: Basabendu Barman, Arindam Das, Sanjoy Mandal **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "New limits on dark matter-electron scattering in a simple extension of the Standard Model, using data from direct search experiments like CDMS and XENON1T-S2, could rival or surpass those from other experimental searches for dark matter. The limits depend on the mass of the new gauge boson and its coupling strength, and could be further probed by upcoming beam dump experiments." **Link**: [arXiv](
K-mouflage at high k: extending the reach of $\texttt{Hi-COLA}$ **Authors**: Ashim Sen Gupta, Bartolomeo Fiorini, Tessa Baker **TL;DR**: "New update to Hi-COLA code allows for efficient simulations of Horndeski gravity models with K-mouflage screening, revealing a boost to the dark matter power spectrum relative to GR-ΛCDM and breaking down the contributing factors to this effect." **Link**: [arXiv](
Inferring intrahalo light from stellar kinematics -- A deep learning approach **Authors**: I. Marini, A. Saro, S. Borgani, M. Boi **TL;DR**: "New approach uses deep learning (U-Net) to identify intrahalo light in galaxy images, trained on simulated data. Method shows promise in predicting intrahalo light distribution, but needs further work to be applied to real observational data." **Link**: [arXiv](
Exploring the Evolution of Nonlinear Electrodynamics in the Universe: A Dynamical Systems Approach **Authors**: Ricardo García-Salcedo, Isidro Gómez-Vargas, Tame González, Vicent Martinez-Badenes, Israel Quiros **TL;DR**: Here is a TL;DR for the paper: "Researchers explore two nonlinear electrodynamics (NLED) models, Power-Law and Rational Lagrangians, as alternatives to the cosmological constant in describing the universe's evolution. While they exhibit interesting dynamical behavior, including transitions between radiation- and matter-dominated phases, Bayesian analysis of observational data shows that the models don't quite fit the late universe as well as the standard ΛCDM model, and require further refinement to be viable alternatives." **Link**: [arXiv](
The Necessity of Multi-Band Observations of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background **Authors**: S. D. Odintsov, V. K. Oikonomou **TL;DR**: To fully understand the stochastic gravitational wave background, we need data from multiple frequency bands, covering both cosmological and astrophysical sources. By combining these datasets, we can pinpoint the early Universe's physics, including the reheating temperature, and glean insights into the underlying physical processes that shaped the gravitational wave energy spectrum. **Link**: [arXiv](
Generalized Entropy Implies Varying-G: Horizon Area Dependent Field Equations and Black Hole-Cosmology Coupling **Authors**: Hengxin Lu, Sofia Di Gennaro, Yen Chin Ong **TL;DR**: When modifying black hole entropy, the usual approach is to keep the GR solution, but Jacobson's method suggests deriving modified gravity first. This leads to a varying effective gravitational constant dependent on horizon area, making theories discernible from GR. This framework provides a new motivation for area-dependent gravity and a surprising connection between quantum corrections to entropy and running gravitational constant. **Link**: [arXiv](
Accurate Shear Recovery with Multi-Band Images of Hyper Suprime-Cam **Authors**: Cong Liu, Jun Zhang, Hekun Li, Pedro Alonso Vaquero, Wenting Wang **TL;DR**: Using the Fourier_Quad method, the authors demonstrate that combining shear measurements from multiple optical bands can reduce errors in galaxy-galaxy lensing by 15%, even with varying seeing conditions. This suggests that multi-band shear measurements can improve the accuracy of large scale structure analyses. **Link**: [arXiv](
Minimizing the tensor/scalar ratio in single-field inflation models **Authors**: William J. Wolf **TL;DR**: Researchers revisit simple single-field inflation models and show that adding higher-order terms to the potential can suppress the tensor-to-scalar ratio (r) to negligible levels, potentially evading CMB-S4 detection, while still satisfying constraints on the spectral index (n_s). **Link**: [arXiv](
Even- and odd-parity stabilities of black holes in Einstein-Aether gravity **Authors**: Antonio De Felice, Shinji Mukohyama, Shinji Tsujikawa, Anzhong Wang, Chao Zhang **TL;DR**: Researchers studied the stability of black holes in Einstein-Aether theories, finding that perturbations behave similarly to those on a flat background, with 3 even-parity and 2 odd-parity degrees of freedom. No new small-scale stability conditions arise beyond what's known for flat space. **Link**: [arXiv](
Exploring the Core-galaxy Connection **Authors**: Isabele Souza Vitório, Michael Beuhlmann, Eve Kovacs, Patricia Larsen, Nicholas Frontiere, Katrin Heitmann **TL;DR**: Researchers develop a method to track "halo cores" across different types of cosmological simulations, finding that these cores are stable and linked to galaxy formation. They use this method to create a one-to-one match between cores and galaxies, enabling the incorporation of small-scale hydrodynamics inputs into large-scale gravity-only simulations. **Link**: [arXiv](
Non-Gaussian deflections in iterative optimal CMB lensing reconstruction **Authors**: Omar Darwish, Sebastian Belkner, Louis Legrand, Julien Carron, Giulio Fabbian **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) estimators for CMB lensing reconstruction can reduce bias from non-Gaussian lensing field effects, providing unbiased cosmological constraints at CMB-S4 noise levels without extra modeling." **Link**: [arXiv](
LVK constraints on PBHs from stochastic gravitational wave background searches **Authors**: Alba Romero-Rodríguez, Sachiko Kuroyanagi **TL;DR**: "Primordial black holes may have created a background of gravitational waves throughout the Universe's history. This review covers two types of signals: those from black hole formation and those from black hole binaries. Current non-detections by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA set constraints on these signals, shedding light on their implications for our understanding of the early Universe." **Link**: [arXiv](
Zooming in on the Circumgalactic Medium with GIBLE: Tracing the Origin and Evolution of Cold Clouds **Authors**: Rahul Ramesh, Dylan Nelson, Drummond Fielding, Marcus Brüggen **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "CGM cold gas clouds in Milky Way-like galaxies mainly form from recent galaxy outflows and in-situ condensation in the hot halo, with some contribution from satellite galaxies. These clouds are dynamic, with frequent mergers and fragmentation, and exchange mass with their surroundings at a high rate. Magnetic tension can also suppress cloud mixing with the surrounding medium. High-resolution simulations are needed to capture the complex origins and evolution of these clouds." **Link**: [arXiv](
Multipoles of the galaxy bispectrum on a light cone: wide-separation and relativistic corrections **Authors**: Chris Addis, Caroline Guandalin, Chris Clarkson **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Accurate galaxy bispectrum analysis requires including wide-separation corrections, which arise from loss of symmetry in correlation of distant points on the past light cone. We compute these corrections analytically and show they're significant (~10%) and necessary for detecting relativistic effects and primordial non-Gaussianity in upcoming galaxy surveys like DESI and Euclid." **Link**: [arXiv](
Multi-Phase Thermal Structure & The Origin of the Broad-Line Region, Torus, and Corona in Magnetically-Dominated Accretion Disks **Authors**: Philip F. Hopkins **TL;DR**: This paper explores the thermal properties of "flux-frozen" and hyper-magnetized accretion disks around supermassive black holes, finding a range of characteristic zones, including a dusty torus, broad line-emitting regions, and a thermal accretion disk with a warm Comptonizing layer. The model naturally predicts many observed features, such as the existence and properties of the dusty torus and broad line region, without introducing new components or parameters. **Link**: [arXiv](