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2024-07-05 astro-ph.CO #132

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Ultra-high Frequency Gravitational Waves from Scattering, Bremsstrahlung and Decay during Reheating **Authors**: Yong Xu **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: This paper explores the production of high-frequency gravitational waves during inflationary reheating, comparing four different mechanisms: Bremsstrahlung, inflaton scattering with its decay product, pure inflaton scattering, and one-loop induced inflaton decay. They find that inflaton scattering with its decay product can dominate over Bremsstrahlung at high reheating temperatures, while the other two mechanisms are typically subdominant. **Link**: [arXiv](
Modelling the BOSS void-galaxy cross-correlation function using a neural-network emulator **Authors**: Tristan S. Fraser, Enrique Paillas, Will J. Percival, Seshadri Nadathur, Slađana Radinović, Hans A. Winther **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR summary of the paper: The authors develop a new method to analyze the relationship between galaxy distributions and cosmic voids, using a neural network trained on simulations to model the cross-correlation between the two. This approach improves on previous methods, allowing for better constraints on cosmological parameters like matter density (Ωm) and clustering strength (σ8) from observations of galaxy surveys. They demonstrate a 28% reduction in errors on Ωm and similar errors on σ8 compared to previous methods, paving the way for more precise cosmology measurements with upcoming surveys like DESI and Euclid. **Link**: [arXiv](
Measuring cosmic expansion with diffractive gravitational scintillation of nanoHertz gravitational waves **Authors**: Dylan L. Jow, Ue-Li Pen **TL;DR**: Gravitational waves from pulsar timing arrays will be distorted by diffractive lensing from hundreds of galactic disks, causing tiny modulations (~10^-3) that can be detected by coherent PTAs. These distortions can be used to measure cosmic expansion precisely, potentially yielding hundreds of redshift-distance pairs from a single source. **Link**: [arXiv](
Closing Pandora's Box -- The deepest X-ray observations of Abell 2744 and a multi-wavelength merger picture **Authors**: Urmila Chadayammuri, Ákos Bogdán, Gerrit Schellenberger, John ZuHone **TL;DR**: Researchers use ultra-deep Chandra X-ray observations and simulations to unravel the complex merger history of Abell 2744 (Pandora's Cluster). They find that the northwest subcluster is not a gravitationally slingshotted galaxy, but rather underwent a first infall into the cluster ~0.5-0.6 Gyr ago, following a head-on merger between the north and south subclusters. The study also suggests the presence of a large-scale overdensity in the region, which contributes to the diffuse X-ray emission and total mass of the cluster without heating the densest gas. **Link**: [arXiv](
Effect of Lyman-$α$ Radiative Transfer on Intensity Mapping Power Spectra **Authors**: Maja Lujan Niemeyer **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: Lyman-alpha radiative transfer effects, such as absorption, line shift, and broadening, significantly impact the measured clustering and intensity mapping statistics of Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies, modifying the power spectrum and introducing scale-dependent biases. Accurate modeling of these effects is crucial for upcoming surveys like HETDEX, which will be able to constrain Ly-alpha radiative transfer effects. **Link**: [arXiv](
Insights from Large-Scale Communications: Initiation **Authors**: Suman Sarkar **TL;DR**: "Researchers develop a new theoretical framework to quantify the information content of cosmological structures, applying it to SDSS galaxy data to show that the Universe is not homogeneous on scales below 130 Mpc. They estimate a staggering 8x10^144 TB of information loss due to structure formation, which accelerates despite the accelerating expansion of the Universe." **Link**: [arXiv](
Shaping Galaxies from the Beginning: Shaking the Cusp by Non-power-law Primordial Spectra **Authors**: M. V. Tkachev, S. V. Pilipenko, E. V. Mikheeva, V. N. Lukash **TL;DR**: Density profiles of dark matter halos are surprisingly similar across different cosmological models, but the inner slope of these profiles evolves with redshift and can be used to distinguish between models; also, a simple toy model can create "cores" in halo centers. **Link**: [arXiv](
High-speed reconstruction of long-duration gravitational waves from extreme mass ratio inspirals using sparse dictionary learning **Authors**: Charles Badger, José A. Font, Mairi Sakellariadou, Alejandro Torres-Forné **TL;DR**: A new sparse dictionary learning algorithm can quickly reconstruct 1-year-long gravitational waveforms from extreme mass ratio inspirals, enabling fast and accurate detection and analysis of these events, which could provide valuable insights into massive black hole populations and tests of general relativity during the LISA mission. **Link**: [arXiv](
Axial Bianchi I meets drifting extragalactic sources **Authors**: Thomas Schücker **TL;DR**: This paper redoes a calculation from 2009 on how objects move in a specific type of universe (axial Bianchi I) and finds a correction, which is important because it affects how we understand the recently measured motion of quasars in the Gaia catalog. **Link**: [arXiv](
Bispectrum from inflation/bouncing Universe in VCDM **Authors**: Alexander Ganz, Paul Martens, Shinji Mukohyama, Ryo Namba **TL;DR**: This paper explores non-linear interactions in the VCDM model, a modified gravity theory, during early universe inflation. If the VCDM potential doesn't affect the inflaton's slow-roll behavior, standard bispectrum results are recovered, but if it dominates, non-Gaussianity constraints can be violated. The model's validity can be tested with future measurements of local non-Gaussianities. **Link**: [arXiv](
Linear Relativistic Corrections in the Spherical Fourier-Bessel Power Spectrum **Authors**: Robin Y. Wen, Henry S. Grasshorn Gebhardt, Chen Heinrich, Olivier Doré **TL;DR**: "Calculating the 3D galaxy power spectrum in spherical Fourier-Bessel basis to probe large-scale structure and primordial non-Gaussianity, while accounting for general relativistic effects like Doppler, lensing, and gravitational potential, which can be used to constrain these effects in upcoming surveys." **Link**: [arXiv](
Evidence for Primordial Gravitational Waves **Authors**: Deng Wang **TL;DR**: New analysis of current CMB data (Planck, WMAP, ACT, SPT, BK18, and DESI) finds strong evidence (beyond 5σ) for the detection of primordial gravitational waves, shedding light on the universe's origins and fundamental physics. **Link**: [arXiv](
Alcock-Paczyński effect on void-finding: Implications for void-galaxy cross-correlation modelling **Authors**: Slađana Radinović, Hans A. Winther, Seshadri Nadathur, Will J. Percival, Enrique Paillas, Tristan Sohrab Fraser, Elena Massara, Alex Woodfinden **TL;DR**: The Alcock-Paczyński test using void-galaxy cross-correlations is affected by a previously overlooked effect: void-finding algorithms respond to changes in galaxy positions, damping the AP signal and introducing biases in recovered cosmological parameters, which can be mitigated with a new correction method. **Link**: [arXiv](
Elevated UV luminosity density at Cosmic Dawn explained by non-evolving, weakly-mass dependent star formation efficiency **Authors**: Robert Feldmann, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, James S. Bullock, Onur Çatmabacak, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Christopher C. Hayward, Dušan Kereš, Alexandres Lazar, Lichen Liang, Jorge Moreno, Pascal A. Oesch, Eliot Quataert, Xuejian Shen, Guochao Sun **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: High-resolution cosmological simulation FIREbox-HR reproduces observed high star formation rates in the early Universe, suggesting that efficient star formation in small galaxies drove cosmic activity during the first billion years. The simulation finds that star formation efficiency doesn't strongly evolve with time or galaxy mass, implying that smaller galaxies contributed significantly to the cosmic star formation rate at high redshifts. **Link**: [arXiv](
A Precise Fitting Formula for Gravitational Wave Spectra from Phase Transitions **Authors**: Huai-ke Guo, Fazlollah Hajkarim, Kuver Sinha, Graham White, Yang Xiao **TL;DR**: Researchers improve the accuracy of gravitational wave spectrum predictions from phase transitions by introducing a new fit function that captures two characteristic length scales, leading to a double broken power law. This upgraded fit function better matches full calculations and can be used to generate accurate GW spectra for various beyond Standard Model scenarios. **Link**: [arXiv](
Percolation Statistics in the MillenniumTNG Simulations **Authors**: Eniko Regos, Volker Springel, Sownak Bose, Boryana Hadzhiyska, Cesar Hernandez-Aguayo **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: Cosmologists often rely on simple 2-point statistics like the power spectrum to analyze large-scale structure, but topological measures like percolation analysis can capture higher-order correlations and provide additional insight. This study applies percolation analysis to the MillenniumTNG simulation suite, finding that it's sensitive to redshift and clustering strength, but also affected by numerical resolution and sampling density. While this limits its usefulness as a standalone test, percolation analysis can still be a valuable complementary tool when controlled for sampling density. **Link**: [arXiv](
Repository for extended dark matter object constraints **Authors**: Djuna Croon, Sergio Sevillano Muñoz **TL;DR**: Researchers created a database and toolkit to help constrain extended dark matter objects (EDOs) by easily combining and plotting various bounds on their properties, with a standardized format for mass profiles to ensure consistency across different studies. **Link**: [arXiv](
Vortex-p: a Helmholtz-Hodge and Reynolds decomposition algorithm for particle-based simulations **Authors**: David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles, Vicent Quilis, Frederick Groth, Tirso Marin-Gilabert, Klaus Dolag **TL;DR**: Researchers develop and test a new tool, vortex-p, to analyze turbulent velocity fields in particle-based simulations (e.g. SPH, meshless) of astrophysical systems like galaxy clusters. The tool enables Helmholtz-Hodge and Reynolds decompositions, crucial for understanding turbulence, and is shown to be accurate, convergent, and scalable through idealized tests and applications to galaxy cluster simulations. **Link**: [arXiv](
Reconstruction of ringdown with excitation factors **Authors**: Naritaka Oshita, Vitor Cardoso **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: This paper tackles the "time-shift problem" in black hole ringdown, where the start time of the ringdown phase is uncertain due to the unknown time-shift in the Green's function. The authors use a novel approach, reconstructing the waveform from quasinormal mode excitation factors, to precisely identify the ringdown start time. They find that including a significant number of quasinormal modes (up to 20th prograde and 5th retrograde overtones) is necessary for accurate reconstruction, and that the time-shift is spin-dependent but insensitive to angular modes. **Link**: [arXiv](
Searching for a dark matter induced galactic axion gradient **Authors**: Edward Hardy, Mario Reig, Juri Smirnov **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Dark matter could be talking to normal matter through a special kind of particle called an axion, which would create a galaxy-wide field that can be detected by ultra-precise measurements of spin precession. Existing data already rules out some theories, and upcoming experiments could soon reveal if this idea is correct." **Link**: [arXiv](
Weak-Lensing Characterization of the Dark Matter in 29 Merging Clusters that Exhibit Radio Relics **Authors**: Kyle Finner, M. James Jee, Hyejeon Cho, Kim Hyeonghan, Wonki Lee, Reinout J. van Weeren, David Wittman, Mijin Yoon **TL;DR**: Here's a concise summary of the paper: Analysis of 29 merging galaxy clusters with radio relics reveals that most are major mergers with mass ratios <1:4. Combining weak lensing, X-ray, radio, and galaxy data, the study finds that dark matter mass estimates vary depending on the method used, and that velocity dispersion measurements are often lower than expected. BCGs tend to track the mass peak position better than galaxy luminosity or density peaks. The authors update a "golden sample" of 8 simple-geometry clusters ideal for studying dark matter and radio relic formation. **Link**: [arXiv](
Modified gravity interpretation of the evolving dark energy in light of DESI data **Authors**: Anton Chudaykin, Martin Kunz **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "DESI's BAO measurements suggest time-evolving dark energy, but is it real? By swapping in older SDSS BAO data, the signal weakens, revealing that two specific galaxy samples are driving the trend. Taking it seriously, we explore a modified gravity model that allows dark energy to cross the phantom divide, finding a 2.4σ preference over ΛCDM. It's too early to ditch the cosmological constant just yet, but this alternative explanation is intriguing!" **Link**: [arXiv](