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2024-05-18 astro-ph.CO #85

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Fast simulation mapping: from standard to modified gravity cosmologies using the bias assignment method **Authors**: Jorge Enrique García-Farieta, Andrés Balaguera-Antolínez, Francisco-Shu Kitaura **TL;DR**: "Researchers develop a non-parametric bias model to generate accurate mock halo catalogs for modified gravity (MG) cosmologies, achieving 1% accuracy in power spectrum and 10% in bispectrum, even when using a standard ΛCDM dark matter field as input." **Link**: [arXiv](
KiDS-1000 and DES-Y1 combined: Cosmology from peak count statistics **Authors**: Joachim Harnois-Deraps, Sven Heydenreich, Benjamin Giblin, Nicolas Martinet, Tilman Troester, Marika Asgari, Pierre Burger, Tiago Castro, Klaus Dolag, Catherine Heymans, Hendrik Hildebrandt, Benjamin Joachimi, Angus H. Wright **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Analysis of KiDS-1000 data using cosmic shear peak counts constrains structure growth parameter Σ8 to 0.765±0.030, consistent with previous KiDS-1000 results and Dark Energy Survey Year-1 analysis. Joint analysis of both surveys yields Σ8 = 0.759±0.019, highlighting a 3.1σ tension with Planck CMB results, which increases to 4.1σ when assuming a ΛCDM model." **Link**: [arXiv](
Asymmetric Warm Dark Matter: from Cosmological Asymmetry to Chirality of Life **Authors**: Wen Yin, Shota Nakagawa, Tamaki Murokoshi, Makoto Hattori **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Researchers propose a new dark matter scenario where right-handed neutrinos form a cold, Fermi-degenerate gas, potentially solving the baryon asymmetry and homochirality of amino acids. The model predicts a unique signal of circularly polarized X-rays, which could be detected by current and future space missions." **Link**: [arXiv](
An introduction to map-making for CMB experiments **Authors**: Simon Biquard **TL;DR**: This paper discusses the process of creating maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) from raw time-domain data, a crucial step in understanding the early universe and the standard cosmological model. **Link**: [arXiv](
Cosmic shear with Einstein rings **Authors**: Pierre Fleury **TL;DR**: "Using Einstein rings as 'standard shapes' to measure cosmic shear, potentially overcoming shape noise and intrinsic alignment issues, and providing a competitive new probe of large-scale structure in the Euclid era." **Link**: [arXiv](
Investigating cosmic histories with a stiff era through Gravitational Waves **Authors**: Hannah Duval, Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Alberto Mariotti, Alba Romero-Rodríguez, Mairi Sakellariadou **TL;DR**: Here is a TL;DR for the paper: "Researchers explore how gravitational wave background searches can constrain cosmic histories with a stiff equation of state, finding a characteristic peak in the primordial GW spectrum. They analyze LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA data and forecast detection prospects for future experiments, highlighting the differences between instant and smooth transitions between cosmic epochs." **Link**: [arXiv](
Model-independent Reconstruction of UV Luminosity Function and Reionization Epoch **Authors**: Debabrata Adak, Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Sourav Mitra, Aditi Krishak **TL;DR**: Here's a concise summary of the paper: This study challenges the traditional Schechter function model of the galaxy luminosity function, finding evidence of deviations at high luminosities (MUV < -21) and redshifts z=3 and 4. The authors use a non-parametric approach, fitting galaxy luminosity data from z=2-8, and find hints of deviation at other redshifts. Despite this, the integrated luminosity density and reionization history are only marginally affected. The analysis yields a reionization optical depth of τre=0.0494 and a duration of Δz∼1.627 for the ionization process. **Link**: [arXiv](
CMB Constraints on Natural Inflation with Gauge Field Production **Authors**: Khursid Alam, Koushik Dutta, Nur Jaman **TL;DR**: Natural inflation with a cosine potential is ruled out by recent data, but adding a gauge field coupling can revive it for certain values of the coupling constant α. **Link**: [arXiv](
The Tracking Tapered Gridded Estimator for the 21-cm power spectrum from MWA drift scan observations I: Validation and preliminary results **Authors**: Suman Chatterjee, Khandakar Md Asif Elahi, Somnath Bharadwaj, Shouvik Sarkar, Samir Choudhuri, Shiv Sethi, Akash Kumar Patwa **TL;DR**: "New analysis technique (TTGE) successfully recovers the 21-cm power spectrum from MWA drift scan observations, mitigating foregrounds and artefacts, and sets a new upper limit on EoR brightness temperature fluctuations." **Link**: [arXiv](
First star formation in extremely early epochs **Authors**: Mana Ito, Kazuyuki Omukai **TL;DR**: This study shows that the formation of the first stars in the universe could have occurred much earlier than thought, around z ~ 100-400, due to the warm cosmic microwave background (CMB) impeding H2 formation, leading to the creation of massive stars (> 1000 M) and even supermassive stars (~ 10^5 M) solely via atomic cooling at z > 500. **Link**: [arXiv](
High-Scale SUSY from Sgoldstino Inflation **Authors**: C. Pallis **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "This paper presents a class of supergravity models that support stable de Sitter universes and can generate a period of inflection-point inflation, consistent with observational data, with minimal fine-tuning and compatible with high-scale SUSY and LHC results." **Link**: [arXiv](
Constraining the nonstandard propagating gravitational waves in the cosmological background with GWTC-3 **Authors**: Zu-Cheng Chen, Lang Liu **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Using gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers, we've set new limits on how gravity behaves over cosmic distances, with implications for modified gravity theories. Our results are consistent with Einstein's general relativity, and we've improved previous constraints by an order of magnitude!" **Link**: [arXiv](
Anomalous radial acceleration of galaxies and clusters supports hyperconical modified gravity **Authors**: Robert Monjo, Indranil Banik **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: This paper explores an alternative to dark matter, using a relativistic extension of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) called the hyperconical model. By analyzing galaxy cluster and rotation curve data, the authors show that this model can fit observations with only one or two parameters, suggesting a possible way to modify General Relativity on cosmic scales without the need for exotic dark matter. **Link**: [arXiv](
A study of the fine-structure constant dependence of radiative capture in Halo-EFT **Authors**: Ulf-G. Meißner, Bernard Ch. Metsch, Helen Meyer **TL;DR**: "Researchers re-examine radiative capture reactions in the early universe, finding that the fine-structure constant's impact on these reactions doesn't follow simple expectations, which could have implications for our understanding of light element formation during Big Bang nucleosynthesis." **Link**: [arXiv](
Measuring cluster masses with Planck and SPT-SZ CMB lensing **Authors**: Alexandre Huchet **TL;DR**: "Scientists use gravitational lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background to directly measure galaxy cluster masses, reducing biases in traditional methods. Comparing with previous measurements, they find consistent results, verifying the new method's accuracy." **Link**: [arXiv](
Density-based clustering algorithm for galaxy group/cluster identification **Authors**: Hai-Xia Ma, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi, Suchetha Cooray, Yongda Zhu **TL;DR**: "New clustering algorithm, sOPTICS, outperforms traditional Friends-of-Friends method in identifying galaxy clusters and their brightest central galaxies, with higher purity and recovery rates, and is more robust to outliers and hyperparameter choices." **Link**: [arXiv](
Supermassive black hole formation from Affleck-Dine mechanism with suppressed clustering on large scales **Authors**: Kentaro Kasai, Masahiro Kawasaki, Kai Murai, Shunsuke Neda **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Modified Affleck-Dine model reduces clustering of supermassive black hole seeds: By introducing time-dependent Hubble-induced mass during inflation, the model can form primordial black holes without excessive clustering, consistent with quasar observations." **Link**: [arXiv](
Reassessment of the dipole in the distribution of quasars on the sky **Authors**: Arefe Abghari, Emory F. Bunn, Lukas T. Hergt, Boris Li, Douglas Scott, Raelyn M. Sullivan, Dingchen Wei **TL;DR**: Claims of a surprisingly large dipole in quasar distribution are likely overhyped due to underestimated systematic errors. The quasar map has unrecognized multipole moments that could be causing the dipole to appear larger, and masking effects contaminate the dipole signal with higher-order moments. In short, the quasar dipole uncertainty is too large to say it's inconsistent with the CMB dipole. **Link**: [arXiv](
X-ray Cool Core Remnants Heated by Strong Radio AGN Feedback **Authors**: Wenhao Liu, Ming Sun, G. Mark Voit, Dharam Vir Lal, Paul Nulsen, Massimo Gaspari, Craig Sarazin, Steven Ehlert, Xianzhong Zheng **TL;DR**: "Galaxy clusters with strong radio AGN activity are more likely to have small cool cores, suggesting that AGN heating can disrupt cool cores in addition to cluster mergers. Clusters with small cool cores tend to have weaker radio AGN, and their radio activity is shorter-lived compared to those with large cool cores." **Link**: [arXiv](
Validation of the DESI 2024 Lyman Alpha Forest BAL Masking Strategy **Authors**: Paul Martini, A. Cuceu, L. Ennesser, A. Brodzeller, J. Aguilar, S. Ahlen, D. Brooks, T. Claybaugh, R. de Belsunce, A. de la Macorra, Arjun Dey, P. Doel, J. E. Forero-Romero, E. Gaztañaga, S. Gontcho A Gontcho, J. Guy, H. K. Herrera-Alcantar, K. Honscheid, N. G. Karaçaylı, T. Kisner, A. Kremin, A. Lambert, L. Le Guillou, M. Manera, A. Meisner, R. Miquel, P. Montero-Camacho, J. Moustakas, G. Niz, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, W. J. Percival, I. Pérez-Ràfols, C. Poppett, F. Prada, C. Ravoux, M. Rezaie, G. Rossi, E. Sanchez, D. Schlegel, M. Schubnell, H. Seo, D. Sprayberry, T. Tan, G. Tarlé, M. Walther, B. A. Weaver, H. Zou **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: New research shows that Broad Absorption Line quasars (BALs) don't significantly affect measurements of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) signal in the Lyman-alpha (LyA) forest, which is used to study the expansion history of the universe. **Link**: [arXiv](
Gravitational Wave-Induced Freeze-In of Fermionic Dark Matter **Authors**: Azadeh Maleknejad, Joachim Kopp **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary: "Gravitational waves can produce massless fermions, which could eventually become dark matter if they acquire mass, potentially making them a more efficient source of dark matter than traditional mechanisms." **Link**: [arXiv](
Inferring the Ionizing Photon Contributions of High-Redshift Galaxies to Reionization with JWST NIRCam Photometry **Authors**: Nicholas Choustikov, Richard Stiskalek, Aayush Saxena, Harley Katz, Julien Devrient, Adrianne Slyz **TL;DR**: Here's a concise summary of the paper: "Scientists develop a new, more accurate and fast method to predict the number of ionizing photons escaping from individual galaxies based on photometric data. Applying this method to 4,559 high-redshift galaxies, they find that star-forming galaxies can drive reionization to completion by z~5.3, with faint Lyman-continuum emitters playing a crucial role." **Link**: [arXiv](
Cosmological Singularity and Power-Law Solutions in Modified Gravity **Authors**: Das Saurya, Haque S. Shajidul, Tema Seturumane **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: Can certain modified gravity theories avoid the Big Bang singularity? This paper explores this question and finds that some theories (like Stelle gravity) can't resolve the singularity, while others (like $f(R)$ gravity and Brans-Dicke theory) can, but only under specific conditions. **Link**: [arXiv](
Unleashing cosmic shear information with the tomographic weak lensing PDF **Authors**: Lina Castiblanco, Cora Uhlemann, Joachim Harnois-Déraps, Alexandre Barthelemy **TL;DR**: Here's a concise summary of the paper: Using tomographic weak lensing, the authors show that analyzing the probability distribution of convergence (a measure of galaxy clustering) on 10-20 arcmin scales can tighten constraints on cosmological parameters by 1.3-3.8x compared to traditional two-point correlation methods, especially when combining with shear correlation functions. This is because the convergence PDF encodes non-Gaussian information, helping to disentangle Omega_m and w_0. **Link**: [arXiv](
Open Effective Field Theories for cosmology **Authors**: Thomas Colas **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: New physics beyond standard inflation models can be studied using "open effective field theories", which account for energy non-conservation and environmental interactions. This approach recovers standard inflation results in a certain limit, but also allows for local dissipation and noise effects, generating distinct non-Gaussian signatures in the primordial density fluctuations. **Link**: [arXiv](
Cross-correlating IceCube neutrinos with a large set of galaxy samples around redshift z ~ 1 **Authors**: Aaron Ouellette, Gilbert Holder **TL;DR**: "Scientists searched for links between high-energy neutrinos detected by IceCube and galaxy distributions, but didn't find a conclusive connection. Still, they saw hints of a potential correlation and developed a model to understand galaxy-neutrino connections. Future neutrino detectors could use these insights to reveal more about mysterious neutrino sources." **Link**: [arXiv](
Investigation of the Radial Profile of Galactic Magnetic Fields using Rotation Measure of Background Quasars **Authors**: Paras Sharma, Shivam Burman, Sunil Malik, Suprit Singh **TL;DR**: "Scientists measure the magnetic field of a high-redshift galaxy by observing how it affects the polarization of quasar light passing nearby, finding a decreasing magnetic field strength from the galaxy's disk to its outer regions." **Link**: [arXiv](
Probing Reheating with Gravitational Waves from Graviton Bremsstrahlung **Authors**: Basabendu Barman, Nicolás Bernal, Simon Cléry, Yann Mambrini, Yong Xu, Óscar Zapata **TL;DR**: Here's a possible TL;DR: "Gravitational waves produced during inflationary reheating could be detectable by future detectors, offering a new probe of the reheating process and underlying physics, such as inflaton potential and couplings to matter fields." **Link**: [arXiv](
Probing Dark Matter Isocurvature with Primordial Non-Gaussianity **Authors**: Michael Geller, Soubhik Kumar, Lian-Tao Wang **TL;DR**: "New way to detect isocurvature dark matter, via distinct non-Gaussianity signature from mixed adiabatic-isocurvature fluctuations, with potential to improve QCD axion searches." **Link**: [arXiv](
Open star clusters and their asymmetrical tidal tails **Authors**: Pavel Kroupa, Jan Pflamm-Altenburg, Sergij Mazurenko, Wenjie Wu, Ingo Thies, Vikrant Jadhav, Tereza Jerabkova **TL;DR**: "New study analyzes star clusters and finds that the stars that escape from them don't follow the expected symmetry predicted by Newtonian gravity, but are consistent with Milgromian dynamics (a theory that departs from Newtonian gravity). This result has significant implications for our understanding of gravity on large scales." **Link**: [arXiv](
Gravitational wave spectrum from expanding string loops on domain walls: Implication to nano-hertz pulsar timing array signal **Authors**: Yu Hamada, Wakutaka Nakano **TL;DR**: We calculate the gravitational wave spectrum from expanding string loops on domain walls, finding a unique linear high-frequency dependence. This signal differs from those produced by bubble collisions and could be detected by future gravitational wave observatories. **Link**: [arXiv](