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2024-05-21 astro-ph.CO #88

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CMB-HD as a Probe of Dark Matter on Sub-Galactic Scales **Authors**: Amanda MacInnis, Neelima Sehgal **TL;DR**: Here is a possible TL;DR for the paper: "Upcoming high-resolution CMB lensing experiments like CMB-HD can probe tiny galaxy scales (~10^8 M) and distinguish between cold dark matter and alternative models, as well as separate baryonic feedback effects from non-CDM physics, thanks to a total lensing signal-to-noise ratio >1900." **Link**: [arXiv](
Radiative transfer of 21-cm line through ionised cavities in an expanding universe **Authors**: Kinwah Wu, Qin Han, Jennifer Y. H. Chan **TL;DR**: "New study uses radiative transfer calculations to show that the optical depth parameterization oversimplifies the 21-cm signal from the Epoch of Reionisation, missing key spectral features tied to ionisation structures. Accurate modelling requires accounting for line-continuum interaction, line broadening, and cosmological expansion." **Link**: [arXiv](
Generating large primordial fluctuations in single-field inflation for PBH formation **Authors**: Jason Kristiano, Jun'ichi Yokoyama **TL;DR**: "Researchers model single-field inflation with ultraslow-roll phases to produce primordial black holes, but find that quantum corrections severely constrain these models, making it challenging to realize PBH formation." **Link**: [arXiv](
Comparing sharp and smooth transition of the second slow-roll parameter in single-field inflation **Authors**: Jason Kristiano, Jun'ichi Yokoyama **TL;DR**: This paper explores the effects of violating the slow-roll approximation during inflation, particularly during an "ultraslow-roll" phase, on the curvature perturbation and resulting bispectrum and power spectrum. They find that a "sharp" transition between phases can lead to large one-loop corrections, while a "smooth" transition avoids this issue, highlighting the importance of considering the transition dynamics in inflationary models. **Link**: [arXiv](
2D vs. 3D BAO: quantification of their tension and test of the Etherington relation **Authors**: Arianna Favale, Adrià Gómez-Valent, Marina Migliaccio **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "New analysis confirms a 2-2.5σ tension between 2D and 3D BAO measurements, which could impact the Hubble tension debate. Despite this, the study finds no evidence for a violation of the distance duality relation, a fundamental assumption in cosmology." **Link**: [arXiv](
Naming the SMD Bridge Program--A White Paper **Authors**: Carl A. Moore Jr, Jesús Pando **TL;DR**: "NASA's outreach program aimed at increasing diversity in STEM gets a rebranding due to concerns that the original name might be stigmatizing or misleading." **Link**: [arXiv](
Absolute reference for microwave polarization experiments -- The COSMOCal project and its proof of concept **Authors**: A. Ritacco, L. Bizzarri, S. Savorgnano, F. Boulanger, M. Pérault, J. Treuttel, P. Morfin, A. Catalano, D. Darson, N. Ponthieu, A. Feret, B. Maffei, A. Chahadih, G. Pisano, M. Zannoni, F. Nati, J. F. Macías-Pérez, A. Monfardini, M. Calvo, M. Murgia, P. Ortu, T. Pisanu, J. Aumont, J. Errard, S. Leclercq, M. Migliaccio **TL;DR**: "New project aims to improve calibration of CMB polarization data by deploying a polarized source in space, enabling more precise measurements of primordial gravitational waves and cosmic birefringence. A prototype instrument has been developed and tested, paving the way for a full-scale observing campaign." **Link**: [arXiv](
Weak lensing of strong lensing: beyond the tidal regime **Authors**: Théo Duboscq, Natalie B. Hogg, Pierre Fleury, Julien Larena **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "When analyzing strong lensing images, we often account for external perturbations along the line of sight using convergence and shear. However, this neglects a more subtle effect called flexion, which can significantly bias our measurements. We develop a new model to include flexion, finding that it can affect recovery of other parameters, like line-of-sight shear, by up to 2σ. While flexion can't be directly measured with current imaging, accounting for it is crucial for accurate lens modeling, even if it comes at the cost of reduced precision." **Link**: [arXiv](
Cosmological inhomogeneities, primordial black holes, and a hypothesis on the death of the universe **Authors**: Damiano Anselmi **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "This paper explores how the expansion of the universe affects various objects, including black holes and neutron stars. It also explores the idea that the universe might eventually reach a state of "total dilution" where particles are so far apart that they can no longer interact, and whether quantum mechanics could lead to this cosmic endpoint." **Link**: [arXiv](
Constraints and Time Evolution in Generic $f$(Riemann) Gravity **Authors**: Emel Altas, Bayram Tekin **TL;DR**: "Finessing earlier mistakes, we redo the math for f(Riemann) gravity in n dimensions and make it easier to calculate energy on spacelike surfaces, with an R^2 theory example." **Link**: [arXiv](
DESI constraints on varying electron mass model and axion-like early dark energy **Authors**: Osamu Seto, Yo Toda **TL;DR**: Here's a concise summary of the paper: "New DESI BAO data resolves the Hubble tension in favor of a higher H0 value (69.44±0.84 km/s/Mpc) when considering models with varying electron mass or early dark energy." **Link**: [arXiv](
Growth of cosmic perturbations in the modified $f(R,T)$ gravity **Authors**: Mahnaz Asghari, Ahmad Sheykhi **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: The authors study the effects of modified gravity in the context of $f(R,T)$ theory, which includes a non-standard coupling between matter and geometry. They find that this model suppresses structure growth and predicts distinctive "matter acoustic oscillations" in the matter power spectrum. By fitting the model to various observational datasets, they conclude that $f(R,T)$ gravity can reconcile CMB data with local measurements of large-scale structure, and report lower values for the structure growth parameter $\sigma_8$ compared to the standard model of cosmology. **Link**: [arXiv](
Testing Gravity with Frequency-Dependent Overlap Reduction Function in Pulsar Timing Array **Authors**: Qiuyue Liang, Ippei Obata, Misao Sasaki **TL;DR**: "Researchers use pulsar timing array data to constrain modified gravity theories by analyzing the phase velocity of gravitational waves, finding promising results in the nanohertz frequency band for theories with subluminal phase velocity." **Link**: [arXiv](
Generalised conditions for rapid-turn inflation **Authors**: Raul Wolters, Oksana Iarygina, Ana Achucarro **TL;DR**: Here is a TL;DR for the paper: "New tool to identify inflationary trajectories with rapid turns in multi-field models, without needing to solve equations of motion. Allows for arbitrary turn rates and field-space metrics, making it easier to find models that fit CMB data." **Link**: [arXiv](
On the Consistency of Rapid-Turn Inflation **Authors**: Lilia Anguelova **TL;DR**: "Rapid-turn inflation can last longer than a few e-folds: we show that consistency conditions in two-field models ensure a sustained rapid-turn regime, even for moderate turning rates." **Link**: [arXiv](
Probing Massive Fields with Multi-Band Gravitational-Wave Observations **Authors**: Mu-Chun Chen, Hao-Tian Liu, Qi-Yan Zhang, Jun Zhang **TL;DR**: "New paper shows how multi-band gravitational wave observations can probe massive fields (10^-16 to 10^-15 eV) and test gravity theories, improving constraints by up to 3 orders of magnitude and allowing spin determination, beyond what's possible with single-band observations!" **Link**: [arXiv](
Testing spatial curvature in an anisotropic extension of $w$CDM model with low redshift data **Authors**: Vikrant Yadav, Rajpal, Pardeep, Manish Yadav, Santosh Kumar Yadav **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary: This paper explores an anisotropic extension of the standard cosmological model, incorporating spatial curvature, and finds that it can reduce the Hubble constant (H0) tension by ~1σ. The anisotropy is very small (~10^-13) and has a significant impact on curvature, favoring a closed universe in some data combinations. The study also hints at a quintessence-like dark energy form in both analyses. **Link**: [arXiv](
How do Primordial Black Holes change the Halo Mass Function and Structure? **Authors**: Saiyang Zhang, Volker Bromm, Boyuan Liu **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Mamu massive primordial black holes (PBHs) can alter cosmic structure formation by speeding up the formation of massive halos and dominating their centers. If PBHs make up more than 0.1% of dark matter, they'll absorb most newly-formed halos, creating a bimodal halo mass function with massive PBH-hosting halos and smaller non-PBH halos." **Link**: [arXiv](
Fox's H-Functions: A Gentle Introduction Through Astrophysical Thermonuclear Functions **Authors**: Hans J. Haubold, Dilip Kumar, Ashik A. Kabeer **TL;DR**: "Researchers develop a new analytical approach to calculating thermonuclear reaction rates, crucial for understanding cosmology and stellar nucleosynthesis, by exploring three velocity distributions and leveraging special mathematical functions like Meijer G-function and Fox H-function." **Link**: [arXiv](
Bulk Flow Motion Detection in the Local Universe with Pantheon$+$ Type Ia Supernovae **Authors**: Maria Lopes, Armando Bernui, Camila Franco, Felipe Avila **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Researchers analyzed the Hubble constant across the Local Universe and found a statistically significant dipole pattern, indicating a bulk flow of matter towards the Shapley supercluster and away from the Dipole Repeller structure, confirming a gravitational dipole system that drives the observed velocity field." **Link**: [arXiv](
Fingerprints of a Non-Inflationary Universe from Massive Fields **Authors**: Jerome Quintin, Xingang Chen, Reza Ebadi **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Ekpyrotic models, an alternative to inflation, can produce distinct oscillatory features in the primordial power spectrum, differing from inflationary predictions, via the addition of heavy spectator fields, which can be used to discriminate between early universe scenarios." **Link**: [arXiv](