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2024-06-02 astro-ph.CO #99

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A consistency test of the cosmological model at the epoch of recombination using DESI BAO and Planck measurements **Authors**: Levon Pogosian, Gong-Bo Zhao, Karsten Jedamzik **TL;DR**: Researchers reanalyze CMB and BAO data without assuming a standard recombination model, allowing the sound horizon to vary freely. They find a higher value of H0 (69.88 ± 0.93 km/s/Mpc) than in the standard ΛCDM model, which could hint at new physics during recombination. **Link**: [arXiv](
Gravitational Lensing in More Realistic Dark Matter Halo Models **Authors**: Ali Tizfahm, Saeed Fakhry, Javad T. Firouzjaee **TL;DR**: "Moving beyond simplistic spherical-collapse models, this study incorporates more realistic dark matter halo models (Navarro-Frenk-White and Einasto profiles) to investigate gravitational lensing. Results show that these models produce stronger lensing effects and reveal distinct differences between point mass and SIS lens models, highlighting the importance of realistic halo descriptions in modeling gravitational lensing and understanding dark matter structures." **Link**: [arXiv](
Proper time path integrals for gravitational waves: an improved wave optics framework **Authors**: Ginevra Braga, Alice Garoffolo, Angelo Ricciardone, Nicola Bartolo, Sabino Matarrese **TL;DR**: "New framework for gravitational lensing of gravitational waves, going beyond traditional approximations and incorporating polarization effects, improving our understanding of wave propagation and enabling more accurate inference of lens properties from waveforms." **Link**: [arXiv](
The energy shear of protohaloes **Authors**: Marcello Musso, Giulia Despali, Ravi K. Sheth **TL;DR**: Researchers propose a new way to model how protohalos collapse and deform, replacing the traditional "deformation" tensor with the "energy shear" tensor, which is always positive definite and leads to simpler models of halo formation and the cosmic web. **Link**: [arXiv](
Role of Spatial Curvature in a Dark Energy Interacting Model **Authors**: Trupti Patil, Sukanta Panda **TL;DR**: "Interacting dark matter and dark energy in a non-flat universe: introducing spatial curvature can reconcile Hubble constant and structure growth tensions, and hints at a closed universe." **Link**: [arXiv](
The key science drivers for the Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) **Authors**: Mark Booth, Pamela Klaassen, Claudia Cicone, Tony Mroczkowski, Sven Wedemeyer, Kazunori Akiyama, Geoffrey Bower, Martin A. Cordiner, Luca Di Mascolo, Doug Johnstone, Eelco van Kampen, Minju M. Lee, Daizhong Liu, John Orlowski-Scherer, Amélie Saintonge, Matthew Smith, Alexander E. Thelen **TL;DR**: The Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) aims to answer outstanding cosmic questions like "where are all the baryons?" by building a 50m single-dish telescope with a 1-2° field of view, enabling rapid, sensitive mapping of the (sub-)mm sky to study galaxy evolution, interactions, and large-scale structure. **Link**: [arXiv](
Haloes, other dark matter candidates and astrophysical implications **Authors**: Philippa S. Cole **TL;DR**: "Primordial black holes might only make up part of dark matter; combining them with another dark matter component could produce unique signals, making them easier to detect or constrain, and shedding light on the remaining dark matter parameter space." **Link**: [arXiv](
Do high redshift QSOs and GRBs corroborate JWST? **Authors**: Eoin Ó Colgáin, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari, Lu Yin **TL;DR**: Here's a possible TL;DR for the paper: "Massive galaxies seen by JWST challenge the standard model of cosmology ($\Lambda$CDM). We analyzed quasar and gamma-ray burst data and found that the matter density parameter ($\Omega_m$) increases with redshift, contradicting $\Lambda$CDM predictions. Our results suggest a 4σ and 8σ deviation from Planck data, respectively, and highlight issues with current analysis methods." **Link**: [arXiv](
Formation of the first halos, galaxies and magnetic fields **Authors**: M. Demiański, A. Doroshkevich, T. Larchenkova **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary: "Galaxies formed as early as z~15-20, sparking the creation of magnetic fields through a combination of radiative cooling, Compton scattering, and turbulent motions, which can be tested through simulations and observations of the CMB." **Link**: [arXiv](
Constraining small-scale primordial magnetic fields from the abundance of primordial black holes **Authors**: Ashu Kushwaha, Teruaki Suyama **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Magnetic fields in the early universe can affect the formation of primordial black holes (PBHs). Previous studies constrained magnetic field amplitudes by assuming they create density perturbations that lead to PBH formation. However, this study reveals that magnetic fields also increase the threshold for PBH formation, potentially preventing it on small scales. Accounting for these effects, the authors set an upper limit on comoving magnetic fields, finding them to be around 0.12-0.14 μG at a scale of 10^17 Mpc^-1." **Link**: [arXiv](
A Sixteen Multiple-Amplifier-Sensing CCD and Characterization Techniques Targeting The Next Generation of Astronomical Instruments **Authors**: Agustin J. Lapi, Blas J. Irigoyen Gimenez, Miqueas E. Gamero, Claudio R. Chavez Blanco, Fernando Chierchie, Guillermo Fernandez Moroni, Stephen E. Holland, Juan Estrada, Javier Tiffenberg **TL;DR**: "New 16-amplifier CCD sensor achieves ultra-low noise (~1 electron rms) with potential for sub-electron noise, ideal for future spectroscopic surveys and exoplanet hunting missions." **Link**: [arXiv](
Constraining Inflation with the BICEP/Keck CMB Polarization Experiments **Authors**: The BICEP/Keck Collaboration, :, P. A. R. Ade, Z. Ahmed, M. Amiri, D. Barkats, R. Basu Thakur, C. A. Bischoff, D. Beck, J. J. Bock, H. Boenish, V. Buza, J. R. Cheshire IV, J. Connors, J. Cornelison, M. Crumrine, A. Cukierman, E. V. Denison, M. Dierickx, L. Duband, M. Eiben, B. Elwood, S. Fatigoni, J. P. Filippini, M. Gao, C. Giannakopoulos, N. Goeckner-Wald, D. C. Goldfinger, J. Grayson, P. Grimes, G. Hall, G. Halal, M. Halpern, E. Hand, S. Harrison, S. Henderson, J. Hubmayr, H. Hui, K. D. Irwin, J. Kang, K. S. Karkare, S. Kefeli, J. M. Kovac, C L. Kuo, K. Lau, A. Lennox, T. Liu, K. G. Megerian, L. Minutolo, L. Moncelsi, Y. Nakato, T. Namikawa, H. T. Nguyen, R. O'Brient, S. Palladino, M. Petroff, A. Polish, N. Precup, T. Prouve, C. Pryke, B. Racine, C. D. Reintsema, T. Romand, M. Salatino, A. Schillaci, B. L. Schmitt, B. Singari, A. Soliman, T. St. Germaine, A. Steiger, B. Steinbach, R. V. Sudiwala, K. L. Thompson, C. Tucker, A. D. Turner, C. Vergès, A. G. Vieregg, A. Wandui, A. C. Weber, J. Willmert, W. L. K. Wu, H. Yang, K. W. Yoon, E. Young, C. Yu, L. Zeng, C. Zhang, S. Zhang **TL;DR**: The BICEP/Keck series of cosmic microwave background experiments has made significant progress in constraining cosmic inflation, setting the most sensitive limits on the tensor-to-scalar ratio (r) to date. The next generation of experiments, including BICEP Array, will further improve data processing, internal consistency testing, and delensing techniques, aiming to achieve an unprecedented precision of σ(r) < 0.003 by 2027. **Link**: [arXiv](
Development of the Low Frequency Telescope focal plane detector arrays for LiteBIRD **Authors**: Tommaso Ghigna, Aritoki Suzuki, Benjamin Westbrook, Christopher Raum, Hiroki Akamatsu, Shawn Beckman, Nicole Farias, Tijmen de Haan, Nils Halverson, Masashi Hazumi, Johannes Hubmayr, Greg Jaehnig, Adrian T. Lee, Samantha L. Stever, Yu Zhou **TL;DR**: "LiteBIRD mission updates: Designing detectors for the Low Frequency Telescope to measure CMB B-modes with unprecedented precision." **Link**: [arXiv](
NLO friction in symmetry restoring phase transitions **Authors**: Aleksandr Azatov, Giulio Barni, Rudin Petrossian-Byrne **TL;DR**: "Friction on relativistic domain walls during phase transitions can be positive due to soft emission of vectors, even if gauge symmetry is restored, and doesn't lead to negative pressure at next-to-leading order." **Link**: [arXiv](
Dark Matter distinguished by skewed microlensing in the "Dragon Arc" **Authors**: Tom Broadhurst, Sung Kei Li, Amruth Alfred, Jose M. Diego, Paloma Morilla, Patrick L. Kelly, Fengwu Sun, Masamune Oguri, Hayley Williams, Rogier Windhorst, Adi Zitrin, Katsuya T. Abe, Wenlei Chen, Yoshinobu Fudamoto, Hiroki Kawai, Jeremy Lim, Tao Liu, Ashish K. Meena, Jose M. Palencia, George F. Smoot, Liliya L. R. Williams **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: New observations of microlensed stars in the galaxy cluster A370 reveal an asymmetric distribution of microlensing events, contradicting predictions from Cold Dark Matter (CDM) models. However, aWave Dark Matter (ψDM) model, where dark matter is composed of a Bose-Einstein condensate, can explain the observed skewness and width of the microlensing band. The model implies a boson mass of ∼10^(-22) eV, consistent with estimates from dwarf galaxy cores. **Link**: [arXiv](
Stellar Streams in the Gaia Era **Authors**: Ana Bonaca, Adrian M. Price-Whelan **TL;DR**: "New Gaia data reveals over 100 stellar streams in the Milky Way, showing density variations along and across streams, and enabling orbit reconstruction. This 'dense web' of streams will soon be fully mapped, allowing for a stringent test of cold dark matter on small scales and potentially detecting dark matter subhalos." **Link**: [arXiv](
Gravitational Production of Completely Dark Photons with Nonminimal Couplings to Gravity **Authors**: Christian Capanelli, Leah Jenks, Edward W. Kolb, Evan McDonough **TL;DR**: "Dark photons, potential dark matter candidates, can be produced in the early universe through gravitational particle production. We show that including non-minimal gravitational couplings can boost their production, potentially making them a more viable dark matter option, while avoiding instabilities in the theory." **Link**: [arXiv](
Dynamical friction from self-interacting dark matter **Authors**: Moritz S. Fischer, Laura Sagunski **TL;DR**: "DM self-interactions boost dynamical friction on inspiraling black holes, enhancing gravitational wave signal alterations, but reduce friction at low velocities." **Link**: [arXiv](
Archetype-Based Redshift Estimation for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Survey **Authors**: Abhijeet Anand, Julien Guy, Stephen Bailey, John Moustakas, J. Aguilar, S. Ahlen, A. Bolton, A. Brodzeller, D. Brooks, T. Claybaugh, S. Cole, B. Dey, K. Fanning, J. Forero-Romero, E. Gaztañaga, S. Gontcho A Gontcho, L. Le Guillou, G. Gutierrez, K. Honscheid, C. Howlett, S. Juneau, D. Kirkby, T. Kisner, A. Kremin, A. Lambert, M. Landriau, A. de la Macorra, M. Manera, A. Meisner, R. Miquel, E. Mueller, G. Niz, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, W. Percival, C. Poppett, F. Prada, A. Raichoor, M. Rezaie, G. Rossi, E. Sanchez, E. Schlafly, D. Schlegel, M. Schubnell, D. Sprayberry, G. Tarlé, C. Warner, B. A. Weaver, R. Zhou, H. Zou **TL;DR**: "New galaxy archetype-based method for redshift estimation and spectral classification in DESI survey improves redshift accuracy, reduces catastrophic failures by 10-30%, and increases purity rates by 0.5-0.8% for galaxies, outperforming existing methods while showcasing its potential for application in other large spectroscopic surveys." **Link**: [arXiv](
Detecting the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from Primordial Black Holes in Slow-reheating Scenarios **Authors**: Luis E. Padilla, Juan Carlos Hidalgo, Karim A. Malik, David Mulryne **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR summary: "A prolonged reheating epoch after inflation could lead to the formation of primordial black holes (PBHs) that make up all of dark matter. This process would also produce a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) potentially detectable by current and future detectors. We explore this SGWB signal, which is sourced by the formation and interaction of PBH-forming structures, and find it could be a detectable signature of PBH dark matter." **Link**: [arXiv](
Model-independent cosmological inference post DESI DR1 BAO measurements **Authors**: Purba Mukherjee, Anjan Ananda Sen **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "Using Gaussian process regression, this study reconstructs the universe's expansion history in a model-independent way, incorporating supernovae and BAO data from various sources. The results suggest a quintessence-like dark energy scenario with a slowly varying equation of state, and hint at a discrepancy between different data sets, which warrants further investigation." **Link**: [arXiv](
Search and analysis of giant radio galaxies with associated nuclei (SAGAN) IV. Interplay with the Supercluster environment **Authors**: Shishir Sankhyayan, Pratik Dabhade **TL;DR**: Giant Radio Galaxies, massive structures powered by supermassive black holes, prefer to grow in sparse regions of the cosmic web, outside of dense galaxy clusters and superclusters, where they can reach enormous sizes (>3 Mpc). **Link**: [arXiv](
String Theory and the Early Universe: Constraints and Opportunities **Authors**: Joseph P. Conlon **TL;DR**: "String theory isn't just a theoretical playground - it has practical implications for understanding the early universe, particularly in regards to inflation, CMB tensor modes, and reheating. This paper makes the case for why string theory matters in cosmology, even if you're skeptical." **Link**: [arXiv](
The discovery and significance of fast radio bursts **Authors**: Duncan R. Lorimer, Maura A. McLaughlin, M. Bailes **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Review of the discovery and current state of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), including their enigmatic origins, cosmological origin, and the many open questions remaining in the field after 15 years of research." **Link**: [arXiv](
A short review on joint weak and strong cluster lens-mass reconstruction **Authors**: Ben David Normann, Kenny Solevåg-Hoti, Hans Georg Schaathun **TL;DR**: This review highlights the importance of combining weak and strong lensing data to improve lens-mass reconstruction, particularly for galaxy clusters. While "inverse methods" have successfully merged the two regimes, future improvements are needed, including exploiting higher-order lensing effects (e.g., flexion) and leveraging machine learning algorithms to automate the analysis process. **Link**: [arXiv](
DESI Constraints on Exponential Quintessence **Authors**: Omar F. Ramadan, Jeremy Sakstein, David Rubin **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: DESI data favors thawing dark energy, but a specific model (exponential quintessence) doesn't outperform the standard ΛCDM model, and both are outperformed by a simple parameterization. The issue is that the model's potential lacks sharp features, making its equation of state evolve too slowly to fit all the data. **Link**: [arXiv](
Low-Mass Galaxy Interactions Trigger Black Hole Activity **Authors**: Marko Mićić, Jimmy A. Irwin, Preethi Nair, Brenna N. Wells, Olivia J. Holmes, Jackson T. Eames **TL;DR**: Researchers used Hubble and Chandra space telescopes to study 82 dwarf-dwarf galaxy pairs and found that galaxy interactions in the early universe triggered black hole growth, potentially explaining how supermassive black holes formed so quickly. **Link**: [arXiv](
Candidate strongly-lensed Type Ia supernovae in the Zwicky Transient Facility archive **Authors**: A. Townsend, J. Nordin, A. Sagués Carracedo, M. Kowalski, N. Arendse, S. Dhawan, A. Goobar, J. Johansson, E. Mörtsell, S. Schulze, I. Andreoni, E. Fernández, A. G. Kim, P. E. Nugent, F. Prada, M. Rigault, N. Sarin, D. Sharma, E. C. Bellm, M. W. Coughlin, R. Dekany, S. L. Groom, L. Lacroix, R. R. Laher, R. Riddle, J. Aguilar, S. Ahlen, S. Bailey, D. Brooks, T. Claybaugh, A. de la Macorra, A. Dey, B. Dey, P. Doel, K. Fanning, J. E. Forero-Romero, E. Gaztañaga, S. Gontcho A Gontcho, K. Honscheid, C. Howlett, T. Kisner, A. Kremin, A. Lambert, M. Landriau, L. Le Guillou, M. E. Levi, M. Manera, A. Meisner, R. Miquel, J. Moustakas, E. Mueller, A. D. Myers, J. Nie, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, C. Poppett, M. Rezaie, G. Rossi, E. Sanchez, D. Schlegel, M. Schubnell, H. Seo, D. Sprayberry, G. Tarlé, H. Zou **TL;DR**: Researchers developed a pipeline to search for gravitationally lensed Type Ia supernovae (glSNe Ia) in the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) archive and found two promising candidates with longer time delays (22 and 34 days), potentially uncovering a new population of glSNe Ia with longer time delays, and paving the way for future surveys to identify and follow-up on these rare and valuable cosmic events. **Link**: [arXiv](
Improving cosmological analyses of HI clustering by reducing stochastic noise **Authors**: Simon Foreman, Andrej Obuljen, Marko Simonović **TL;DR**: "Using optimal analysis techniques, like field-level analysis, can improve cosmological constraints from 21cm surveys by up to 50%, as sampling noise is no longer the limiting factor, and nonlinear bias becomes more important at large scales." **Link**: [arXiv](
Constraining the primordial black hole abundance through Big-Bang nucleosynthesis **Authors**: Andrea Boccia, Fabio Iocco, Luca Visinelli **TL;DR**: "Primordial black holes with masses < 10^9 g can alter Big Bang nucleosynthesis by modifying the universe's expansion rate and baryon-to-photon ratio, affecting light nuclei abundances. We constrain PBH abundances in this mass range using BBN simulations, providing the strongest limits to date." **Link**: [arXiv](
Dark Matter Catalyzed Baryon Destruction **Authors**: Yohei Ema, Robert McGehee, Maxim Pospelov, Anupam Ray **TL;DR**: Dark matter particles that break baryon number could lead to proton decay, but existing limits are weak. We constrain these models using old neutron stars, where accumulated dark matter would heat them up excessively, and find strong limits on such dark matter interactions. **Link**: [arXiv](
Dust dynamics in RAMSES -- II. Equilibrium drift velocity distributions of charged dust grains **Authors**: Eric R. Moseley, Romain Teyssier **TL;DR**: Here is a TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) summary of the paper: "Researchers simulated the behavior of charged dust grains in magnetized turbulent gas and found that the grain size, not charge, determines their drift velocity, with smaller grains moving faster. This has implications for grain-grain collisions, metal accretion, and grain transport in galaxies." **Link**: [arXiv](
Dynamical friction and measurements of the splashback radius in galaxy clusters **Authors**: Talia M. O'Shea, Josh Borrow, Stephanie O'Neil, Mark Vogelsberger **TL;DR**: Here's a concise summary of the paper: "Dynamical friction reduces splashback radius measurements, but not enough to explain the discrepancy between galaxy-based and dark matter-based measurements in large galaxy clusters (M > 10^14 M)." **Link**: [arXiv](
Pixel domain implementation of the Minimally Informed CMB MAp foreground Cleaning (MICMAC) method **Authors**: Magdy Morshed, Arianna Rizzieri, Clément Leloup, Josquin Errard, Radek Stompor **TL;DR**: A new method for separating cosmic microwave background (CMB) signals from foreground noise is presented, extending a previously proposed non-parametric approach to account for spatial variability in foreground properties, offering a robust alternative to traditional techniques for next-gen CMB polarization experiments. **Link**: [arXiv](
Cosmological phase transitions at three loops: the final verdict on perturbation theory **Authors**: Andreas Ekstedt, Philipp Schicho, Tuomas V. I. Tenkanen **TL;DR**: "Scientists push the limits of perturbative calculations to improve predictions of gravitational waves from cosmological phase transitions, agreeing surprisingly well with non-perturbative lattice results." **Link**: [arXiv](
Status of the LambdaCDM theory: supporting evidence and anomalies **Authors**: P. J. E. Peebles **TL;DR**: "LambdaCDM is a good but incomplete theory; let's use its anomalies to build an even better one, just like we've done before!" **Link**: [arXiv](
Population III star formation in the presence of turbulence, magnetic fields and ionizing radiation feedback **Authors**: Piyush Sharda, Shyam H. Menon **TL;DR**: Researchers use advanced simulations to study the formation of the first stars (Population III) in the universe, including the effects of magnetism, turbulence, and radiation. They find that magnetic fields play a crucial role in regulating star growth, limiting their masses to around 60 solar masses, while radiation feedback has a lesser impact. **Link**: [arXiv](
SubDLe: identification of substructures in cosmological simulations with deep learning **Authors**: Michela Esposito, Stefano Borgani, Giuseppe Murante **TL;DR**: Here is a TL;DR for the paper: "Researchers develop a fast and accurate algorithm, SubDLe, using deep learning (U-Net architecture) to identify substructures (galaxies) within cosmological simulations, reducing computation time and enabling real-time analysis during simulations." **Link**: [arXiv](
Theoretical bounds on dark Higgs mass in a self-interacting dark matter model with $U(1)'$ **Authors**: Song Li, Jin Min Yang, Mengchao Zhang, Rui Zhu **TL;DR**: Researchers explore a dark matter model with a spontaneously broken U(1)' gauge symmetry, constraining parameters by considering small-scale data and theoretical bounds (perturbative unitarity and Linde-Weinberg). The allowed ranges for the dark matter, mediator, and dark Higgs masses are 10-500 GeV, 0.5-5 MeV, and 0.05-50 MeV, respectively, highlighting the importance of including the dark Higgs in phenomenological studies. **Link**: [arXiv](
A path towards constraining the evolution of the interstellar medium and outflows in the Milky Way using APOGEE **Authors**: Piyush Sharda, Yuan-Sen Ting, Neige Frankel **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: "New Milky Way model combines stellar data with ISM physics to study galaxy evolution over the last 6 billion years, revealing modest oxygen enrichment in outflows and higher-than-expected ISM turbulence, possibly driven by gas accretion, supernovae, or efficient star formation." **Link**: [arXiv](
SMART: spectral energy distributions Markov chain analysis with radiative transfer models **Authors**: Charalambia Varnava, Andreas Efstathiou **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary: "SMART is a new open-source code that quickly fits galaxy spectral energy distributions (SEDs) using radiative transfer models, achieving similar speeds to popular energy balance methods. It can handle UV to mm wavelengths and includes modules for starbursts, AGN, host galaxies, and polar dust. Tested on 42 local ultraluminous infrared galaxies, SMART shows promise for studying galaxy evolution in the JWST era." **Link**: [arXiv](
The Separate Universe approach for multifield inflation models **Authors**: Hugo Holland **TL;DR**: "Validity of the separate universe approach in multifield models is tested for stochastic inflation, crucial for predicting primordial black hole abundance and dark matter. We compare it to a complete cosmological perturbation theory approach to determine its range of validity." **Link**: [arXiv](
Acoustic wake in an isothermal profile: dynamical friction and gravitational wave emission **Authors**: Gali Eytan, Vincent Desjacques, Robin Buehler **TL;DR**: " Researchers investigate the motion of a perturber in a self-gravitating system with a singular isothermal density profile, finding that dynamical friction is suppressed for subsonic velocities and maximized for certain Mach numbers, leading to enhanced gravitational wave emission." **Link**: [arXiv](
A$^3$COSMOS: Measuring the cosmic dust-attenuated star formation rate density at $4 < z < 5$ **Authors**: Benjamin Magnelli, Sylvia Adscheid, Tsan-Ming Wang, Laure Ciesla, Emanuele Daddi, Ivan Delvecchio, David Elbaz, Yoshinobu Fudamoto, Shuma Fukushima, Maximilien Franco, Carlos Gómez-Guijarro, Carlotta Gruppioni, Eric F. Jiménez-Andrade, Daizhong Liu, Pascal Oesch, Eva Schinnerer, Alberto Traina **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "New analysis of distant galaxies (z>4) reveals their dust-attenuated properties, showing they follow similar dust attenuation relations as local starbursts. The cosmic star formation rate density (SFRD) is dominated by galaxies with Stellar Masses ~10^9.5-10.5 M, and surprisingly, 60-90% of the cosmic SFRD at this epoch is still attenuated by dust." **Link**: [arXiv](
Massive Black Hole Seeds **Authors**: John Regan, Marta Volonteri **TL;DR**: Here's a brief summary of the paper: The formation of massive black holes at galaxy centers is still not well understood. This paper suggests that the seeds of these black holes come in a continuum of masses, from "light" to "heavy", rather than a bimodal distribution. The authors argue that "light" seeds are much more common than "heavy" ones, and that the rare environmental conditions required to form "heavy" seeds make them unlikely to be the source of most massive black holes. **Link**: [arXiv](
The effect of interstellar medium on LVK's black holes **Authors**: Sohan Ghodla **TL;DR**: Gravitational waves alone can't fully explain the mergers of wide binary black holes. This paper shows that the surrounding interstellar medium can significantly harden the binary orbit over ~1 billion years, depending on the black hole mass and ISM density. This process also causes the black hole mass to grow quadratically. The findings suggest that the ISM could be an additional driver of mergers detected by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA. **Link**: [arXiv](
Strong-lensing cosmography using third-generation gravitational-wave detectors **Authors**: Souvik Jana, Shasvath J Kapadia, Tejaswi Venumadhav, Surhud More, Parameswaran Ajith **TL;DR**: "Using strongly lensed gravitational wave events from binary black hole mergers, this method estimates cosmological parameters by comparing observed event rates and time delays to models, and shows that accurate inference depends on correct modeling of lens properties and redshifts, but Bayesian model selection can help select the best model and mitigate contamination bias." **Link**: [arXiv](
Manifestation of antiquark nuggets in collisions with the Earth **Authors**: V. V. Flambaum, I. B. Samsonov, G. K. Vong **TL;DR**: Researchers explore the possibility of "antiquark nuggets" - compact objects made of antimatter - as a dark matter candidate. They find that these nuggets could make up a significant fraction of dark matter if they're small enough and don't interact much with normal matter. The allowed range for the antibaryon charge is narrowed down, and very large values are ruled out due to the lack of rare explosive events on Earth. **Link**: [arXiv](
Calibration Error in 21-centimeter Global Spectrum Experiments **Authors**: Shijie Sun, Eloy de Lera Acedo, Fengquan Wu, Bin Yue, Jiacong Zhu, Xuelei Chen **TL;DR**: "Small measurement errors in antenna calibration can lead to significant errors (up to 200mK) in detecting the redshifted 21cm signal, making accurate calibration crucial for distinguishing the signal from foregrounds and instrumental variations." **Link**: [arXiv](
A model-independent treatment of cosmic ladder calibration and $Ω_k$ measurement through low-$z$ observations **Authors**: Arianna Favale, Adrià Gómez-Valent, Marina Migliaccio **TL;DR**: Here's a TL;DR for the paper: "Researchers use a novel, model-independent method to measure key cosmic distance markers (supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations, and cosmic chronometers) without relying on CMB data. They find consistent values for the curvature of space, absolute magnitude of supernovae, and sound horizon distance, but with uncertainties still too large to resolve the Hubble tension. However, with more data on the horizon, this approach could help settle the debate soon!" **Link**: [arXiv](