guanyingc / DeepHDRVideo

HDR Video Reconstruction: A Coarse-to-fine Network and A Real-world Benchmark Dataset (ICCV 2021)
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Problem in reproducing kalantari13`s method on the proposed real world dataset. #29

Open Guanys-dar opened 10 months ago

Guanys-dar commented 10 months ago

Hello there,

I'm currently facing challenges while attempting to replicate the Kalantari13 method, "Patch-based High Dynamic Range Video," using your provided dataset. While successfully reconstructing sequences labeled "Fire" and "Throwing Towels" from TOG13 dataset, I've encountered issues when working with the dynamic real benchmark dataset.

The error log from matlab console is like:

Working on the "reorg_dynamic_RGB_data_2exp_release\scene_017_ref_high_step3" dataset

Generating input pyramids Done
Generating the initial flows and search maps ...
Working on frame 1/3
Initial motion estimation (global)错误使用 get_q_RANSAC (line 24)
k should be less or equal than N_I

出错 RANSAC (line 399)
        q = get_q_RANSAC(N, N_I_star, k);

出错 FitModel (line 38)
ransac_results = RANSAC(X(:,ind_valid), ransac_options);

出错 ComputeSimilarity (line 64)
[H, ~] = FitModel(flowBeginX(inds), flowBeginY(inds), flowEndX(inds), flowEndY(inds), sigmaSimilarity, 'similarity');

出错 ComputeGlobalMotionFlow (line 11)
simFlow.right = ComputeSimilarity(expAdj{1}, expAdj{2});

出错 InitialMotionEstimation (line 5)
[warped, simFlow] = ComputeGlobalMotionFlow(imgs, expoTimes);

出错 GenerateHDRVideo (line 86)
    [nnf, flow] = InitialMotionEstimation(imgs, curExpoTimes);

出错 main_loop (line 121)
    GenerateHDRVideo(vidObj, exposureTimes, sceneName);

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!

Guanys-dar commented 7 months ago

I'm still encountering an issue as I've come across the same Matlab error. Although adjusting the hyperparameters seemed to resolve the issue, the final results turned out to be quite unsatisfactory. I truly appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter!

1jason2 commented 4 months ago

I've encountered the same issue too. Have you managed to solve it successfully? Thank you!

guanyingc commented 4 months ago

Hi, the problem might be the matlab version. Previously I used an old version of Matlab 2016.

1jason2 commented 4 months ago

Hi, the problem might be the matlab version. Previously I used an old version of Matlab 2016.

Thank you for your response. I tried it, but the error still exists.