guard / guard-compass

Guard::Compass automatically rebuilds scss|sass files when a modification occurs taking in account your compass configuration.
MIT License
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Errors while installing in fresh environment #28

Open humanaut opened 10 years ago

humanaut commented 10 years ago

Running gem install guard-compass, I get the following results.

 While executing gem ... (Gem::ImpossibleDependenciesError)
    guard-2.5.1 requires listen (~> 2.6) but it conflicted:
  Activated listen-2.7.1 instead of (~> 1.1.0) via:
    compass-1.0.0.alpha.19, guard-compass-1.1.0

I don't have Listen 2.6 as none of my other gems require it. I can install it though I think, so that's not an issue, but just wanted to mention this error none the less.

edit: I have 3-4 versions of listen installed, and I'm still getting the same error.

edit: running bundle install, I was able to get guard-compass installed.