guard / guard-compass

Guard::Compass automatically rebuilds scss|sass files when a modification occurs taking in account your compass configuration.
MIT License
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adds watch directory to output #9

Closed glortho closed 10 years ago

glortho commented 12 years ago


guard 'compass', :configuration_file => 'sass/config.rb' do |config|
  watch '^sass/(.*)\.s[ac]ss'


css_dir = "../css"

Run guard and guard-compass tries to compile screen.scss to:


compass compile/watch does not do this, and compiles it predictably to:


Shouldn't it be honoring the config directive?

LimeBlast commented 11 years ago

I'm very new to Guard (having only just started using it today) and am using the following code (which is mostly the same as yours, just without the |config|) and it works just fine:

guard 'compass', :configuration_file => 'config.rb' do
rymai commented 10 years ago


Given your setup, I think css_dir should be simply set to "css".

rymai commented 10 years ago

Closing this due to lack of activity, feel free to re-open if you have new infos.