guard / guard-jasmine

The Swiss Army knife for automated Jasmine specs in your console.
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Guard::Jasmine hangs on server startup #79

Closed lazywithclass closed 12 years ago

lazywithclass commented 12 years ago

Hi, I've found a few of issues about this topic, but none was my case. Or so I think, I have almost no experience in Rails yet I want to configure our app so I can write tests for the frontend. The odd thing is that the configuration I have worked fine on my old pc (I've spent a few hours on it :P), now I've moved on to a newer one and got this problem, so I don't think I should change the configurations. When I start guard with bundle exec guard this is what I get:

Guard uses NotifySend to send notifications.
Guard is now watching at '/home/lazywithclass/workspace/faceit-frontend'
Guard::Jasmine starts webrick test server on port 8888 in development environment.

And nothing more.

My configuration is this:

In my Gemfile I have jasmine, jasminerice, guard and guard-jasmine (along with others) for :test and for :development. This is my Guardfile

group :frontend do
  guard 'jasmine', :specdoc => :always, :console => :always do
    # wathing my dirs for change

I have tried to use thin as a server but that doesn't change it, I've tried to wait but I don't get the hint message. Sorry if this is trivial but I didn't find any answer suitable to my case. Thanks in advance for any hint on this.

netzpirat commented 12 years ago

When I run bundle show in my current project where I'm using guard-jasmine, it shows me the correct path:

$ bundle show guard-jasmine

Run bundle update in your project root to get the latest guard-jasmine version.

Next make sure the Rails app with the Jasmine specs is running fine by simply start your Rails app with rails s and open your browser at http://localhost:3000/jasmine (it's port 3000 and not 8888 where the guard-jasmine server would start). You should see the normal Jasmine runner output.

The server starts in its own thread, swallowing any exception that may occur. You can let the threads raise an exception by running Ruby in debug mode like bundle exec ruby -d /Users/michi/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/guard.

lazywithclass commented 12 years ago

Thanks for your answer, bundle update updated guard-jasmine to its last version, yesterday night I did it and did not work, but maybe I did something wrong, my error was just that. Now I have the correct version and everything works fine, thanks for the prompt answer and for your time developing this!
