guard / guard-minitest

Guard::Minitest automatically run your tests (much like autotest)
MIT License
248 stars 88 forks source link

guard-minitest falsely claims there are 0 tests to run #136

Closed jottr closed 8 years ago

jottr commented 8 years ago
$ ruby hamming_test.rb
# ...
15 runs, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 2 errors, 13 skips


$ guard
# ...
0 runs, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
$ guard -d
# ...
23:33:20 - DEBUG - Running: ruby -I"test" -I"spec" -r minitest/autorun -e "" --
# ...
# ./Guardfile
guard :minitest do
  # with Minitest::Unit
  watch('hamming.rb') {'hamming_test.rb'}
# ...
guard (2.13.0)
guard-minitest (2.4.4)
# ...
$ ruby --version
ruby 2.3.0p0 (2015-12-25 revision 53290) [x86_64-darwin15]

$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.11.3
BuildVersion:   15D21
e2 commented 8 years ago

ruby -I"test" -I"spec" -r minitest/autorun -e ""

What if you run just that command instead of guard?

jottr commented 8 years ago
$ ruby -I"test" -I"spec" -r minitest/autorun -e ""
0 runs, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

When I edit it as follows, the tests are run:

$ ruby -I"-r minitest/autorun -e " hamming_test.rb
# ...
15 runs, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 2 errors, 13 skips
$ tree
├── Guardfile
├── hamming.rb
└── hamming_test.rb

0 directories, 4 files
e2 commented 8 years ago

The files have to be within directories specified with the test_folders option.

Your file hamming_test.rb is neither in spec nor test, so it's ignored.


I'd suggest just moving hamming_test.rb to a test subdirectory.

And change the watches to handle this.

jottr commented 8 years ago

Thx for the info. Instead of moving the files, I did:

guard :minitest, test_folders: './', test_file_patterns: '*_test.rb' do which made more sense in my particular case.