guard / guard-rspec

Guard::RSpec automatically run your specs (much like autotest)
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cli options specified in :run_all should merge #47

Closed derekprior closed 13 years ago

derekprior commented 13 years ago

I have guard configured with the option: :cli => "--drb --format d". When running all my specs, I want to exclude those that use selenium with :run_all => { :cli => "--tag ~js" }. This works, but requires I re-specify my original :cli options as well.

It'd be nice if the cli options were merged.

thibaudgg commented 13 years ago

Yes, good idea. Feel free to make a pull request. Thanks.

jfelchner commented 13 years ago

When I run all, I specifically do not want --drb to be specified as I do when I run my spec files individually. I need this for various reasons, not the least of which is that Factory Girl and Spork don't work well when run in a drb situation.

If the 'each run' options were concatenated onto the run_all options, there'd be no way to disable drb in the context.

So I'm pretty sure this is not a good idea.

The Guardfile is just Ruby, there's no reason you can't do:

common_run_options = '--drb --format d'

guard 'rspec', :cli => common_run_options, :run_all => { :cli => "--tag ~js #{common_run_options}" }
rymai commented 13 years ago

Fair enough, but could you explain why you don't want --drb on run_all but want it on run_on_change (since I guess you're using FactoryGirl in both contexts)?

derekprior commented 13 years ago

I've come to agree with @jfelchner. I think merging the options would validate the principle of least surprise. I'm going to close this.

That said, FactorGirl and Spork work just fine for me. Add gem 'factory_girl_rails', :require => false to your gem file. Then add require 'factory_girl_rails' to your spork each_run block. This reloads the factories every run. I don't have a huge library of factories, but I havent noticed any slowdown from this.

rymai commented 13 years ago

Yep, same for us, we require 'factory_girl' though (but I think it does the same under the hood...).

jfelchner commented 13 years ago

Trust me guys, I've looked up every Spork/RSpec/FactoryGirl combo online. :) Literally 3 dozen at least. Nothing works properly for me. I always get the dreaded expected Object (#somenumber) but got Object (#someothernumber)

Using the require => false trick, I can get it to work just fine for everything except my acceptance tests. So when I have a passing unit test and I want it to run all specs (which includes my acceptance tests as well), it can't use the drb server or they'll fail.

thibaudgg commented 13 years ago

Are you using mongoid or devise too? You can trap class method with Jujutsu Spork technique :)

Spork.prefork do

  require "rails/mongoid"
  Spork.trap_class_method(Rails::Mongoid, :load_models)
  require "rails/application"
  Spork.trap_method(Rails::Application, :reload_routes!)
  Spork.trap_method(Rails::Application::RoutesReloader, :reload!)

  # ....