guard / guard-spork

Guard::Spork automatically manage Spork DRb servers
MIT License
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Upgrade to guard 2.0 #124

Closed killphi closed 9 years ago

rymai commented 10 years ago

I approve this pull-request! :+1:

killphi commented 10 years ago

My bad about the whitespace.

I think I will review necessary changes about guard 2.0 and fix whitespace in a commit this evening (utc+0100)

Thanks for your feedback! :)

xrkhill commented 10 years ago

Hey @killphi, mention me when you make those fixes. I'll work on making a branch for the 1.5.x series for backward compatibility and then start making the changes for a 2.0 release with support for guard 2.0.

killphi commented 10 years ago

Hello @xrkhill :)

While hunting through the code for possible guard 2.0 gotchas I (probably) have missed, I also found some whitespace errors (tabs insteaed of spaces in a few lines in one file, EOL whitespace) and a possible refactoring for the main plugin file. I commited these fixes as well.

If you want this in a separate branch, just ping me and I'll open another PR.

killphi commented 10 years ago

@xrkhill ping. Any comments on how to proceed? :)

xrkhill commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I've been busy with personal business and haven't given this my attention. I have a full scheduled the rest of this week, but will have some time to take a look over the weekend. I apologize for the delay.

killphi commented 10 years ago

Oh, no worries. My schedule was pretty cramped as well. But now I have a bit of free time on my hands and thought I'd ask :)

xrkhill commented 10 years ago

Thanks for reminding me that I need to make some time. And thanks for contributing!

robert2d commented 9 years ago

Any chance this will be going in?

xrkhill commented 9 years ago

@rymai @killphi @robert2d This has been merged. Sorry for the unacceptably long delay. I took a job doing C# last year and was disconnected from the Ruby community for a while. I apologize for the radio silence and for keeping you all waiting.

robert2d commented 9 years ago

no problems @xrkhill just glad you're still about!

e2 commented 9 years ago

:+1: - thank you so much for helping to wipe out the Guard::Guard class from this universe!