guard / guard-spork

Guard::Spork automatically manage Spork DRb servers
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how to watch submodels? #17

Closed zoras closed 13 years ago

zoras commented 13 years ago

I have 2 to 3 level inheritance and have arranged them inside subfolders under models.

When I run guard rspec or cucumber, I get following error:

Exception encountered: #<LoadError: Expected /Users/zoras/Dev/automobile/app/models/vehicles/car.rb to define Car>

So how do I tell guard that they are subclasses?

I tried adding these to guardfile but didn't work:

watch(p %r{^app/models/*/$}) watch('app/models/**/*.rb') { "spec/models" }

rymai commented 13 years ago


I think it's not a problem in your Guardfile, we have many models in subfolders, never had this issue. Is your model well named? (i.e. it should be class Vehicles::Car < Vehicle I guess)

Anyway, the simplest watch definition you can add is the following (it will catch all subfolders if any):


Edit: And it's definitely not related to Guard::Spork at all! ;)

thibaudgg commented 13 years ago

I don't think it's a issue with guard-spork (maybe more guard-rspec or guard directly), but

 watch(%r{^app/(.+)\.rb}) { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }

will automatically handles any numbers of sub paths.

zoras commented 13 years ago

hmm.. i already have that watch, but somethings not working. My specs and features are working fine with spork though.

I'm using mongoid and i've inherited models as class Car < Vehicle as suggested in mongoid documentation. Thanx for quick reply. PS: guard is loading fine but i can't run tests due to the error

rymai commented 13 years ago


I'll try to reproduce your issue, when I got some time, let us know if you fix it in the meantime! ;)

nickhoffman commented 13 years ago

@zoras If you have

class Car < Vehicle

then car.rb should be in app/models/ not app/models/vehicle/ .

zoras commented 13 years ago

@nickhoffman rails allows STI models to be organized in separate folder, which is what I want to implement

also there's no need to namespace class Vehicles::Car < Vehicle as shown in mongoid documentation

As I mentioned earlier, now only guard is not working while spork is fine. But if I do that then my app doesn't work & gives me the same error even in development mode.

zoras commented 13 years ago

Finally, found & solved the problem I removed the following line from spechelper.rb ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear and voila guard is working fine now. :)