guard / guard-spork

Guard::Spork automatically manage Spork DRb servers
MIT License
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Unable to terminate with Ctrl-C #3

Closed mfilej closed 13 years ago

mfilej commented 13 years ago

I'm unable to terminate guard when running guard with guard-spork and guard-rspec. This doesn't happen when I'm only using guard-rspec.

I'm using ruby 1.9.2, guard 0.2.2, guard-rspec 0.1.7 and guard-spork 0.0.4.

Can anyone reproduce this?

thibaudgg commented 13 years ago

Can you please try with version 0.1.0:

mfilej commented 13 years ago

I didn't notice newer versions were out, thanks. Unfortunately it still doesn't respond to Ctrl-C. It works as expected if I comment out the guard 'spork' block in the Guardfile.

I forgot to mention that I'm on OS X 10.6.5.

thibaudgg commented 13 years ago

Ok it's weird, because I've the same environment and it's working well. Have you specify guard 'spork' before guard 'rspec' in your Guardfile? Can you show me your Guardfile please?

PS: guard-rspec 0.1.8 is out too.

mfilej commented 13 years ago

Sorry for the confusion, but now that I disabled spork in the Guardfile, after some time the same problem appeared (only using guard-rspec). So this doesn't seem to be related to guard-spork.

I'll investigate further and report the issue to the appropriate issue tracker.

Anyway, here's my Guardfile:

guard 'spork' do

guard 'rspec', version: 2 do
  watch('^lib/(.*)\.rb')                              { |m| "spec/lib/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }
  watch('^spec/spec_helper.rb')                       { "spec" }

  # Rails
  watch('^app/(.*)\.rb')                              { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }
  watch('^lib/(.*)\.rb')                              { |m| "spec/lib/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }
  watch('^config/routes.rb')                          { "spec/routing" }
  watch('^app/controllers/application_controller.rb') { "spec/controllers" }
  watch('^spec/support/(.*)\.rb')                     { "spec" }
  watch('^spec/fixtures/(.*)')                        { "spec" }