guard / listen

The Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes.
MIT License
1.92k stars 246 forks source link

gem 'wdm' not necessary on Windows anymore.. #421

Closed ashmaroli closed 6 years ago

ashmaroli commented 7 years ago

Relevant Environment Details


listener ='test') do |modified, added, removed| puts Listen::VERSION puts "modified absolute path: #{modified}" puts "added absolute path: #{added}" puts "removed absolute path: #{removed}" end listener.start # not blocking sleep

- `test_dir/test/`

### Test Run
- run `listener`

$ cd test_dir $ bundle exec ruby listener.rb

- change `test_dir/test/`
- add `test_dir/test/`, `test_dir/test/`
- delete `test_dir/test/`

### Outputs

Please add the following to your Gemfile to avoid polling for changes: gem 'wdm', '>= 0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform? 3.1.5 modified absolute path: ["~test/"] added absolute path: [] removed absolute path: []

3.1.5 modified absolute path: [] added absolute path: ["~test/", "~test/"] removed absolute path: []

3.1.5 modified absolute path: [] added absolute path: [] removed absolute path: ["~test/"]

- `Gemfile.lock` : 

GEM specs: ffi (1.9.14-x86-mingw32) listen (3.1.5) rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4) rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7) ruby_dep (~> 1.2) rb-fsevent (0.9.8) rb-inotify (0.9.7) ffi (>= 0.5.0) ruby_dep (1.5.0)

PLATFORMS x86-mingw32



ashmaroli commented 7 years ago

I do not know about the gem's need on a Windows Subsystem on Linux or with Virtual Machines on Windows ...