guard / listen

The Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes.
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Issue #572: make kernel warn configurable #579

Closed ColinDKelley closed 7 months ago

ColinDKelley commented 7 months ago
AlexB52 commented 7 months ago

Question: Indirect use of Listen

Having access to Listen gem directly allows configuration but what about people using Listen indirectly through guard for example. I'm not super familiar with guard, would people need to be able to silence these or would it be the gem using Listen to make a port for Listen configuration.

ColinDKelley commented 7 months ago

@AlexB52, you asked over in the issue:

It seems that will be able to configure listen in a rails initializer too right?

Yes, exactly. I've read through a couple of those issues and they were able to be closed without needing this... so I get a little worried that the feature here that would allow them to be silenced might simply mask a more general issue that still wasn't fixed. But I think that's an ok risk to take.

ColinDKelley commented 7 months ago

Having access to Listen gem directly allows configuration but what about people using Listen indirectly through guard for example. I'm not super familiar with guard, would people need to be able to silence these or would it be the gem using Listen to make a port for Listen configuration.

I'm not super-familiar with guard either. If you're using Listen in the same process, then you can simply configure it there, through the Listen.adapter_warn_behavior = interface.

But if it's a command-line interface, that interface would need to expose this Listen configuration as an option somewhere. One hacky way to do that would be as an environment variable, I suppose. Listen already has a few of those already.

AlexB52 commented 7 months ago

But if it's a command-line interface, that interface would need to expose this Listen configuration as an option somewhere. One hacky way to do that would be as an environment variable, I suppose. Listen already has a few of those already.

Makes sense, thanks.

Yes, exactly. I've read through a couple of those issues and they were able to be closed without needing this... so I get a little worried that the feature here that would allow them to be silenced might simply mask a more general issue that still wasn't fixed. But I think that's an ok risk to take.

This is how I currently silence these warnings in retest by monkey patching the SymlinkDetector#_fail which seems not ideal. _Looking at it I can't remember why I used silence_warnings method with a block AND override #_fail._

I'll definitely try to migrate over the :log or :slient adapter. I was concerned about ruby support. Retest currently supports Ruby 2.5, and uses Listen 3.2. I see that Listen supports Ruby 2.4 which is nice and should be straight forward.

ColinDKelley commented 7 months ago

@AlexB52 For separate processes like guard, what do you think of this to support an environment variable LISTEN_GEM_ADAPTER_WARN_BEHAVIOR =? That doesn't have the power of a callable object that can look at the message, but it covers the static cases of warn, log and silent.

Do you think that's sufficient for now?

AlexB52 commented 7 months ago


The environment variable is a nice addition and the change provides plenty of options for people to silence logger warnings.

That said I see a few issues unless I'm misunderstanding something.


  1. The Kernel warnings are still not silenced or piped to the logs.
  2. ~Logger warnings can now be piped to STDERR with the :warn adapter which wasn't possible before~

1. What about Kernel.warn and Kernel#warn?

Unless mistaken, the change still uses Kernel.warn and Kernel#warn on these files which are the ones I'd like to mute when I raised #572. Looking at my previous PR #574, I would expect more spec and lib files to change. Example: symlink_detector is the warning I would love to get rid of nicely. There are so many of them.

It looks like the change still needs to replace Kernel.warn and warn by Logger.adapter_warn across these 5 files.

2. More warnings piped to STDERR

~In case we set the adapter to :warn, error messages from Logger.warn will now be printed to STDERR (which weren't before). Is that a regression issue?~

If we're using Logger.adapter_warn(message) instead of Kernel.warn then there are no regression issues with existing Logger.warn messages.

ColinDKelley commented 7 months ago

@AlexB52 I just pushed the 5 changes to call adapter_warn with specs here.

Notice that I left a SymlinkDetector#warn method--with a deprecation comment--since you mentioned having monkey patched that as a work-around. By stopping off there, I think we can avoid breaking any code like that.

AlexB52 commented 7 months ago


Sounds good. It's a good point that people could have monkey-patched the #warn method. I tested locally with your branch on a local repository that I know shows the symlink warnings

configuration expectation result
Listen.adapter_warn_behavior = ->(message) { :warn } shows ok
Listen.adapter_warn_behavior = ->(message) { :silent } muted ok
Listen.adapter_warn_behavior = ->(message) { :log } muted ok
Listen.adapter_warn_behavior = :warn shows ok
Listen.adapter_warn_behavior = :silent muted ok
Listen.adapter_warn_behavior = :log muted ok

Note: I did not try to test whether the warnings were pushed to a log file but only that logs were muted with :log configuration.

ColinDKelley commented 7 months ago

That looks great, @AlexB52. Thanks for the thorough testing.

I'm good with merging it now. Sound good?

AlexB52 commented 7 months ago

@ColinDKelley yup sounds good