guardian / bucket-blocker

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Point to correct assets #15

Closed marsavar closed 1 week ago

marsavar commented 1 week ago

Hopefully the last PR here!

The action was not uploading any assets to the release, so I checked the logs, and lo and behold:

[2:27:12 PM] [semantic-release] [@semantic-release/github] › ✘  The asset bin/bucketblocker-darwin-arm64 cannot be read, and will be ignored.
[2:27:12 PM] [semantic-release] [@semantic-release/github] › ✘  The asset bin/bucketblocker-darwin-amd64 cannot be read, and will be ignored.

Turns out I'd forgotten to update the asset configuration file. For now, I have manually added the tarballs to the latest release, but this fix should do this automatically going foward.