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Course Outline - Python #1

Open gtrufitt opened 8 years ago

gtrufitt commented 8 years ago

As a conversation starter around the course outline, here is a brief look at the outlines of a few online Python courses.

Google Python Course


Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see our Site Policies.


  • Set up - Really useful for getting set up on different envs and editors
  • Intro - Discuss things like imports, user-defined functions, indentation, runtime, var names
  • Strings - Methods, interpolation, if statement (not sure why this appears here on first glance...)
  • Lists - For, range, while, list methods, adding and slicing
  • Sorting - Sort methods, custom sorting, tuples (this talks about immutability which I'm unsure whether we go down a rabbit hole of concepts if we introduce...)
  • Dicts and Files - Dict hash table, formatting, Del, files (opening, iterating over lines in the file, printing, closing the file), unicode
  • Regular expressions - Basic patterns and examples, repetition, group extraction, findall, debug, options, greedy vs non-greedy
  • Utilities - interacting with the file system (os, os.path, shutil), external process, exceptions, http (urllib and urlparse)


Interesting to look at what this course teaches and whether this as a pre-requisite for our course is the right thing (or whether running a similar course format makes more sense). The estimated course time is 13 hours. The codecademy licence means we can't use anything specific from this course.


Each of the following units contain concept introduction, practice in the concepts, a quiz and then a project.

This course will provide a gentle introduction to programming using Python™ for highly motivated students with little or no prior experience in programming computers. The course will focus on planning and organizing programs, as well as the grammar of the Python programming language. Lectures will be interactive featuring in-class exercises with lots of support from the course staff.

Attribution, Non-commercial, Share Alike 4.0 International licence.


There are some useful lecture notes and handouts.

Course Era - Interactive Python

This is not an OS course but the basic outline is below and the recommended background is interesting.

Recommended background

A knowledge of high school mathematics is required. While the class is designed for students with no prior programming experience, some beginning programmers have viewed the class as being fast-paced. For students interested in some light preparation prior to the start of class, we recommend a self-paced Python learning site such as


  • Statements, expressions, varaibles
  • Functions, logic, conditionals
  • Event-driven programming, local and global variables, buttons and input fields

The outline then goes into things out of scope for our course like keyboard input, classes, animation, spriting.

Udemy - The ultimate Python programming course

The outline of this is massssive, so not going to put it here but worth taking a look at it as it has all kinds of videos (with copyright so can't use them but good for ideas). It's a paid course.


Of course

OliverJAsh commented 8 years ago

Hour of Code:

OliverJAsh commented 8 years ago
